Australia's new tourism slogan

AUSTRALIA SUX - we all know it, none are serious about fixing it.

NO LAWFUL GROUNDS means NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY that sums up every order made against me & every adverse comment made about me & every medical diagnosis of me since 24 April 1988 when I witnessed NSW police shoot dead retired Cooma NSW police officer, Jack BASSET inside Camden NSW police station.


I’ve sent DOZENS of emails from one of my many different email addresses linked to my multiple mobile phone accounts in my LAWFUL name, to a huge variety of businesses attempting to secure PAID advertisement for my books & this website – I’ve had NO responses – what does that tell you about the two political parties who have a STRANGLEHOLD on the Australian Government?

Statute Barred Unconstitutional Tribunal enforcing terrorist cause orders in SACAT for Labor Party, Australia 2024 (1of4)
Statute Barred Unconstitutional Tribunal enforcing terrorist cause orders in SACAT for Labor Party, Australia 2024 (2of4)
Statute Barred Unconstitutional Tribunal enforcing terrorist cause orders in SACAT for Labor Party, Australia 2024 (3of4)
Statute Barred Unconstitutional Tribunal enforcing terrorist cause orders in SACAT for Labor Party, Australia 2024 (4of4)

This isn't merely misfeasance in public office, its an act of civil war secretly declared against all law-abiding Australians enforced by the people & the political parties you vote into your parliaments in Australia since Labor & Liberal parliaments enacted the Australia Act 1986 the Act that indirectly alters the Australian Constitutions without any referendum, removing every citizens Constitutional right to appeal to our King in England for justice against this very manner of tyranny in public office. Specifically I'd wager to cover up the FREEMASON assassination of adult persons - having been child witnesses to FREEMASON child rape - on Fathers' Day 1984 in the Viking Tavern car park in Paul KEATING'a electorate when he was Australia's treasurer before he was voted by his party as Prime Minister - as I have also been witness. 

I'd welcome prosecution on defamation only none of us have any guarantee any Government process won't be a Star Chamber, same as (from my experience) almost all of Australia Tribunals & ancient Witch Trials Chamber - as proved 100% below.

Its noteworthy to point out that despite having income and budget for their housing portfolio under the control of the housing Minister, the department as landlord gets all their applications to SACAT Tribunals FREE of any cost ensuring the 100% lack of legal accountability to Attorney-General or A-G’s Crown Solicitor, in concert with the alleged INDEPENDENT (of Government control) South Australia Civil & Administration tribunal where State law is overseen in manner as if they’re outlaw cowboys old USA Wild West.

  • My presence makes lawyers run from a room crying or erupt into fits of fear driven anger.
  • I make police officers act irrationally; recklessly INDIFFERENT to requirements of State & Federal statute (parliament made laws).
  • I make Judges, tribunals & other decision makers accept bribes to make statute barred order- last S.A.C.A.T. 2024 (above).
  • I make Ministers in parliaments publicly perform acts of terrorism.
  • I’m Janette Gail FRANCIS & I'm an evidence machine proving Australia is terrorist-democracy - by just being me.
  • Below list are the court cases I was a party to from 1987 to 2013, (my de-facto family name) Ms HALL or by birth family name Ms FRANCIS.

  • 1987 (aged 31) was first time my name was spoken in any Australia court. Every matter is result of Australia's Freemason ritualistic & incest child-rape cover up. These are my failed attempts to be recognized as a person with legal rights in Australia as a self-represented litigant against the will of the terrorist political corporations who control Australia. 

  • Your Attorney-Generals, your Prime Ministers, State  Premiers & your King's representative the Governors have all failed to implement appropriate steps to prevent this lawlessness this terrorist ideology - terrorist mindset of the lawful operation of Government according to the Australian Constitution. 

  • 2006 as self representing litigant & after I had Medicare evidence I'd been surgically raped for the Fathers' Day 1984 Milperra NSW murders Freemason political cause - in Magistrates Court Adelaide I sued (as Janette Gail HALL) Australian Labor Party & Liberal Party of Australia. All I asked for was the “rehabilitation of my legal rights” they both Political corporations hired lawyers & stocked courtroom with followers, largest public gallery I’ve seen in Adelaide. They all laughed at me; from the public gallery; from lawyer’s bench; and the female sitting on the bench who dismissed my application without hearing any of my evidence. This is the mindset of the people you vote into your parliament in Australia.

  • Australia’s tripartite political party have expended billions of dollars over 60 years to discredit me as witness to their crimes, expertly failing in their unconstitutional exploits because I’m incorruptible. They keep trying as they believe all others are as vulnerable as themselves - driven by greed, their lust for power & delusions of  political invincibility due to personal belief in the perfection in their multifaceted & failed plans. They're a collective insanity. I'm not the only person on this planet like me there are millions more, they're the usually silent majority.    Every year after since 2001 when I asked State of New South Wales police commissioner to investigate my identity theft by his police department, the State or Federal Government in 2 states have targeted me with unconstitutional & vindictive orders specifically intended to physically harm me or harm my reputation, every year from 2001 to 2024 inclusive the very first was to make an illegal eviction order - they all have illegally refused me my natural justice right to correct in any way whatsoever their their hundreds of wrongs against me. That’s 23 years of psychopathically fixated terrorism on top of the then 11 years after my identity stolen & my real estate illegally taken from me by Freemasons in private business & Government officials. They justify their vendetta against me as being their way to stop me taking revenge against them by suing them - they see seeking damages for their wrongs as revenge. Its not just me saying itsomeone was paid to do the research,yet they can't pay me damages. None in control of parliaments will address these underlying crimes in government evidently as before they assumed elected office in Labor & Liberal parliaments they'd made covenant with the psychopath inside themselves, to be willfully blind to their own Party Faithful terrorists, making them a danger to everyone in Australia.

Australia's new tourism slogan

AUSTRALIA SUX - we all know it, none are serious about fixing it.


ABOVE:  I proceeded as self represented applicant (plaintiff) to prove or disprove my theory that all Australians (regardless of race, religion, gender or political beliefs) are powerless against the "terrorist will" of the two major political parties - Labor & Liberal. The THEORY WAS CONFIRMED AS FACT, many times over. Every application I made failed under claim from respondent that my application was an abuse of process, despite my evidence that proved respondent had acted criminally against me.

My theory was confirmed as fact many times over - all Australians are powerless against the "terrorist will" of the two major political parties - Labor & Liberal.  See for yourself:  If the falsely named "justice system" complied with the Rule of Law then every case that has a publicly available document should have all the documents linked to the case number and case name on google searches, electronically - without fees for searches & document copy. (Electronic links cost nothing. Only cost for this my website are registration fee for domain names which have inexplicably increased in past 20 years from $1 annually to almost $30.) They don't as every department is used exclusively and  unconstitutionally as revenue raiser to strengthen the political party in control of parliament.

  1. To apply for a sealed or unsealed copy of record in a jurisdiction other than probate please email or attend a Court Services location and make the application over the counter. Please note you will need to pay a fee for lodging an application for a certificate of record. See,for%20a%20certificate%20of%20record (  )

  2. Form 76A Application to Registrar for Reduction/Remission of Court Fees.  (  )


  4. When I asked to appeal from this illegal statute barred decision I was told it would cost me almost $100 as they had no fee waiver. They refused to look at my request for internal review on the matter of unconstitutionality. Its not that I don't know the law, its that they intentionally ignore Australian law. So I went to Supreme Court registry which is also District Court registry, asked to speak to Registrar to lodge a claim against the SACAT ruling, they sent out a female to talk to me who had an expression on her face as if she'd just shit in her pants - the Registrar refused to allow me to file anything. I sent emails to governor & Attorney-General who both have powers within the Act. My emails remain unanswered, sent to the two officials who oversee lawful operation of SACAT & South Australian Civil And Administrative Tribunal Act 2013.

  5. Governor -

  6. Attorney-General



These cowards are obviously more afraid of me than I am of them for simple fact they're extensively infiltrated my personal life but I'm not interested in theirs.

We can address the issue of Ministers evoking dictator-democracy power mandated to them by their political party-corporation, by encouraging our elected members to submit & pass a members Bill to remove dictator power from Ministers which presently allows a Minister to ambiguously over-rule Australian law; this Bill should also make Ministers 100% personally legally responsible for lawful enforcement of Australian law within their Ministerial portfolio, in same manner as Directors of corporations are under Australian Consumer Law. Therefore this must be a Federal Parliament enactment enforceable under Federal law in all States & Territories. Next Australian Federal election is in 2025 - start letter writing now - post on all social media, I can't they infiltrate mine to segregate me from everyone else. Which in proved by the fact no news industry corporation executive or journalist anywhere in Australia has covered any of these election-relevant news items accusing our parliaments of terrorism, based on government documents herein and in my other published works. Which proves Australia's news industry executives are paid to unconstitutionally sanitize (censor) all news to conceal the fact our government have been a terrorist organization for more years than most voters have had birthdays. Labor & Liberal politicians corporate plan is to make me invisible on the Internet because I have the irrefutable evidence to make their political world crumble into dust & laugh about it - No Bull.

Taurus Rising


Democracy The Great Deception

Despite the millions or billions of taxpayer  FEDERAL & STATE funds pumped into Australia's Legal Aid services; despite the many Government funded  FREE legal ADVICE centers - NONE will give qualifying Australian resident FREE ADVICE on how to sue Government on any unconstitutional matter, or grant Legal Aid to sue Government for damages after any unconstitutional breach of statute which has caused the Australian citizen in residence "physical harm that is serious". None.    If you or your family have serious issues with Government or a political party or someone  you used to trust or suspect is doing 'something' to you; and you have body weight you can't shift; and where that weight is you're really floppy like jelly; and the skin in cold to touch when it should be warm - then there's every probability you've been secretly injected with illegal silicone fillers. My long-term partner & father of my two youngets children did it to me for financial reward, when we were still living together and had no issues as far as I knew. He cured me of ever wanting to be close to anyone ever again. You can find the silicone fillers in MRI scans (magnetic resonance imagery)  where it looks a bit like a snow storm. Your biggest challenge is finding a general physician who'll refer you to a specialist who will refer you for the MRI to look for illegal silicone fillers. Send me details of these two physicians "if" you find them jgf156 @ because plenty advertise that they do but none I've contacted will.

 ... none unless perhaps its for a political cause championed by Labor or Liberal  Government against each other - like this one:  Bruce Lehrmann: Judge finds Brittany Higgins was raped inside parliament. Interestingly Federal Family Court judge & self professed FREEMASON, and evident drunk alcoholic at the bench, Lloyd Dengate Stacy WADDY "found" in his year 2000 imagination, in HALL v HALL PA3302 of 1999 (Parramatta NSW) that my FREEMASON male parent Aubrey Bernard FRANCIS had not raped me on 3 March 1959 - despite that my male parent had admitted to it in Cooma NSW local court in 1959 and was sentenced to a term on incarceration, perhaps not quite appropriately, in the New South Wales State justice system. That's Australian due process hard at work under Labor & Liberal parliaments. They change history when they believe you don't know or have forgotten the facts of it. (I haven't read it all, because emotionally I can't bring myself to read it) WADDY also imagined I'd had sex (congress) with a fellow female elected town Councillor at Port Macquarie NSW 1997 Local Government Conference where Wollondilly Shire NSW Councillor Michael BANASIK indecently assaulted me, to cover up that, because BANASIK was Labor Party endorsed (Macarthur) federal candidate for Federal election against John Fahey MP. That's something else Labor Party cemented over, illegally quashing my valid application to NSW Anti Discrimination board - Labor Party quashed it falsely claiming to staff I'd made a deal for my silence on the matter - another Labor lie. The NSW Labor Government unconstitutionally refused to reinstate my application for hearing. Despite my attempts to make it public the Sydney press remained stoically silent. In 1999 Labor Party had me unconstitutionally evicted from my election position as Wollondilly Shire Councillor Janette Gail Hall, without notice & without the right of appeal. When I stood for another council election almost 20 years later, Labor Party in Adelaide, South Australia extensively criminally defamed me over the illegal 1999 matter, claiming it lawful, one of them even filed an electoral commission complaint alleging I had made "false campaign statement" (2018 Onkaparinga City Council election) which was lost - or I should say, which I won. Still noting in the Adelaide news.

If you need to sue government to stop their unconstitutional vendettas against you, you need to defeat their illegal tapping of your telephone and email services.

  • Source of quote: "Under section 236 of the ACL a plaintiff can recover damages from both the company and its directors.  A director will be liable for their own conduct as an individual person pursuant to section 18 (misleading or deceptive conduct).  However, if their company’s conduct is in question, directors may be liable as a person involved in this contravention.  The key here is if they are ‘involved in’ the contravention."

  • Quick example: when I wrote to police asking them to investigate Lable Party on medical crimes,  the Labor Government responded by making a criminally false document which was directly related to the Labor Government refusing to investigate said medical crimes - instead they falsely & maliciously cancelled my drivers licence. In this instance Australian Labor Party was obviously involved in police department unlawful refusal to investigate & transport department unconscionable licence cancellation. (Details on this other page)

  • See also section 21 Australian Consumer Law -  Unconscionable conduct in connection with goods or services. There

  • There is no statutory (legal) right to have a drivers licence , but there is right under statute to have the registrar issue you the drivers you have already lawfully qualified for. See section 75—Issue and renewal of licences, of the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 (SA)

  • Competition & Consumer Law Act 2010, Schedule 2, Australian Consumer Law, s236 "...the claimant may recover the amount of the loss or damage by action against that other person, or against any person involved in the contravention."the "any person" can also mean a corporation which has same rights & responsibilities of a natural person under Australian law. Can  also mean the Police Minister who was them my present State member of parliament and the present Health Minister. Also the Transport Minister in this example.

  • Perhaps South Australia Health & Police & Transport Ministers might like to explain on what basis their medical "team" diagnosed me as schizophrenic delusional and therefore a dangerous driver?  Where "Delusions involve firm beliefs about things that are not true. People with schizophrenia can seem to lose touch with reality, which can make daily living very hard."Effing cocksuking-arsehole trilogy. Or was it a State Parliament Labor Party caucus in criminal conspiracy with officials from New South wales? Suspect so you bunch of spineless wankers. See I can name-call too, only mine are proved by Labor Party Government actions.

  • These relevant dot points above prove 100% the full admission, by lawful inference, from our Australian Labor Party, that they are responsible for my very extensive surgical rape during the 1990s to cover up the September 1984 Fathers Day crimes of New South Wales, State Labor Party Government public officers in the Federal electorate of the then Treasurer, Paul KEATING MP, which benefited the election campaign of the Australian Labor Party, not limited to 1984 Federal election. Every harm that’s come to me from this 1984 has been acts of a secret political civil war declared on Australian residents by Australian Labor Party in Government. These actions prove 100% that as a citizen by birth of Australia, I have - you have - only revocable privileges under Australian Labor Party Government.  Precisely as our original Australian cousins have been telling us for 300 years we Australians have no legal rights whatsoever. Australian parliaments treat our laws same as King John treated the Magna Charter. Likewise - same as the post Mangna Charter King's power, power to our parliament's Ministers must also be strictly limited. Right now our parliamentary Ministers have the same sort of power as the many minor Kings of Briton before the Viking invasions. If we're unable to learn by reflection on our own history our lives have been of no value because we exist not for ourselves today but for the many generations who will follow.

  • Like all living animals and plants, we exist to safely perpetuate our species not to enrich ourselves at any personal cost to others. Any persons whose actions prove they believe differently have no human right to occupy and seat of power.; which includes every elected or appointed, person inany position across Australia under banner of Australian Labor Party. Don't misunderstand me, I don't like the methods of any registered or unregistered political party in Australia however, I don't have this humongously significant amount and level of evidence against any other group to prove them as terrorist enemies of Australia, as the Australian Labor Party clearly are. Its time to stop moving forward without looking back.


  • Don't lets superstitions cloud facts:, Zager & Eans Year 2525 link below highlights what may happen if terrorist governments are left unchecked. My opinion of religion is that you believe whatever you like so long as its not forced on others, as terrorism is. In my view religion was created as a tool for leaders to control the ever increasing populations. Nothing more. The long established Rule of Law protects everyone equally. Labor Party ideology is an extensively proven system where only the Labor cult supporters receive fair treatment, that's a dictator-democracy and not what is demanded by Australia's Constitution or the Rule of Law in Australia. Under the Rule of law State & Federal Tribunals are unconstitutional as they are ordained by Parliaments so they don't have strictly comply with Australian law.  In the expected system of Australian law "If a person breaks one of these laws they can be taken to court, or a person can go to court to enforce rights given to them by Parliament." That's not happening in Government when Labor supporters hold positions in the court systems & never happens in tribunals when any lawful outcome would hinder or threaten existing unlawful (terrorist) control of Government by Labor supporters. I have many examples in my life (since & because of the 24 April 1988 FREEMASON police assassination of police officer Jack BASSET) of unconstitutional (illegal terrorism) outcomes in court ordered mediation sessions as well as both Tribunals and Court decisions - only two lawful outcomes in this time and dozens of appearances in NSW & SA before State & Federal, Civil & Criminal legal system in my failed attempts to receive due process of law. It was a tribunal in South Australia that illegally imprisoned me under State Mental Health Act at State election time in 2014 Labor Government (unenforceable)  Mental Health Act complaints against me was that I was'defaming others' and  'litigious, threatening to sue the State & politicians' and 'publishing on'- They, Labor Party Faithful, thegot to criminally assault me with amnesia drugs for several months before my appeal was listed before another tribunal in District Court. Travesty of justice. Next State election time in 2018 they illegally cancelled my drivers licence. Labor parliaments have enforced tribunals so they don't have to comply with Australia law which means they don't use reference to actual evidence. Tribunals are Star Chambers, or Kangaroo Courts same as the days of the witch trials.  Next state election time 2022 - I had my licence reinstated but the State illegally cancelled it again. I've had direct Medicare Australia evidence of Labor Government medical crimes since 11 July 2012.  That's basically what everything else in this website is about.

  • 1970s was the awaking of the social consciousness in my mind, for the first time in written history the the minds of the majority of the then new adult generation, evident in their folk music if you're human, folk music often makes you melancholy but if you're a psychopath-mutant human then folk music probably just annoys you. If your brain is yet to mature (under 30) then there's still hope for you as all children or young adults are psychopathic for some period of time. Brain maturation is probably why theancient Sparta gerousia was a council of elders; and why our parliaments and councils should also be restricted to elders who can prove by examination of actions in their past that they're not psychopathic.  The evidence in this website extensively & significantly establishes why Parliament & any supervisory or executive positions in Government shouldneverbeen deemed appropriate step in the careerof the young. Take a look in history you'll see most of the famous warriors died before (or just after) they reached 30 - their brain (psychopathic status) immaturity as leaders was probably what led to the warring in the first instance. Psychopathy is at the root of all the problems in any Government or corporation. Yes Ministers - I'm calling you out as being criminal psychopaths as I have been since 2007 only now I have the evidence to prove that, in your own words or in the records of your departments you have illegally backed as lawful documents. Your co-operation to that end is greatly appreciated.  Quite obviously, any abuse of public office, and bullying or pack rape is no different to an act of  misfeasance in public office  all such acts and most other intentional crimes can only be committed by someone who hasa psychopathic mind ergo: not suitable for a position in Australia's governments. Our parliaments won't or can't recognize psychopathy being responsible for any problems in government because they have a psychopathic mind . Therefore eradicating & excluding psychopathic minds from parliament must become an election issue in 2025.

  • Those tempted away from that 1960s folk music revival movement of positive public consciousness awaking chose to shroud the awakening with false claims that everyone in the 1960s was on drugs - it was no different from today, most are stone cold sober and aware of what's happening its just that their social consciousness has gone back into hibernation. I blame in on inbreeding.

Why I suspect FREEMASON POLICE used 15 not official age of 14. Because I was raped by the child of a FREEMASON police officer when I was 15 - more probably than not, that's why. Despite being told by teacher at my Campbelltown NSW State Government high school I was statutorily raped in 1971, Campbelltown NSW police took no action. There were plenty of witnesses, the rapists were bragging at school claiming I was "stealing the boyfriend" of anther girl  by "coming on to him and having sex" with him. That's how teachers found out. There was admission of the 'act' criminal law says its automatic rape when the female is under 16 years old. I was 15y 4m. I was raped at an all girls gathering with a handful of my alleged closest friends, some of whom arranged my rape out of jealously, false rumours, and lesbian infatuation with me. Was supposed to be "pack" rape but others changed their minds when they realized I was the target. I was and am a nice person, despite the many long-term FREEMASONS plans to ruin my life. I'd said nothing to anyone before 1989 about that 1971 rape. Only someone involved would know because I suffered voluntary amnesia so I could make it through school without a breakdown. This caused me to completely forget it for another 30 years. Rhonda WARK arranged my rape. Her brother Neil followed their male parent into NSW police service, he became police officer in Newcastle NSW I suspect. Neil WARK had been best friend to my brother. No I have never told my brother, or my parents. I'd not said anything to anyone apart from me websites since about 2014 and my 2024 paperbacks I think. I've not let it ruin me. This 1971 rape is more likely than not what generated my blind rage I experienced for fist time when I was 16; and why I was raped a further three times in April 1973. My blind rage glitch is why I never get angry, get drunk or even take recreational drugs. I'm not the one whose afraid of the whole truth. I'm not the one who've "pretended" to be me to make pornography passed around the NSW police department, or did Camden police render me unconscious to video me as they pack raped me to claim I was a voluntary prostitute because I was raped by children of police when I was 15? But they're not 'just' your garden variety assholes, they're criminally-fixated incurably clinically insane assholes who have criminally stalked me for the past 40 something years using their police and FREEMASON contacts in government public officeto cause me serious harm that physical. That's ideology terrorism - its crime in AUSTRALIA & 'best practice' in Government public office proved by fact you'll be hard pressed to find any reference in any Australian Government website.

Below: its not that I was posing my lips, its that I was telling the two boys, Stephen KEARNS & (Steven?) SHARP (directly behind me & white jumper behind left of me) to "Stop" because they were pulling up the back of my skirt which os the sort of treatment pretty girls got in 1970 high schools. Not than much has changed in past 50 years. I didn't see myself as pretty. Everyone else saw me as someone they wanted to own. Being the child of a Master Mason who'd witnessed Campbelltown's Allman Street Freemason cult's ritualistic rape & murder c1967, I'd been extensively brainwashed not to be able to defend myself. Being a lifelong introvert, I do now & did then, prefer to be alone & left alone.

Brainwash, defame, or kill, that's the reality of Australian government

Above: click on image to see my 1970 2D photo. Was about 10, 2nd form classes @Campbelltown NSW State high school co-ed, with about 35-40 per class, named alphabetically. Principal  Mr GORMAN told school at my first 1969 assembly that new 1st form (mine) was largest intake of students in school's history which opened year before my 1956 birth.  Its obvious that many West Europe ancestry females could look like me, assisted by entertainment industry make up artists, and copy-cat posing against my school class photos.

They were aiming to depict me when I was 14 & 15 - before & after my teenage rape. Its me not Rex WALTERS' "cherished Leanne" Rex and his (alleged identical twin) Roger the dodger SIMPSON with his Government's fake BIKIE WARS 14 & 15yo when dead, "slut" LEANNE actor (colour pic).The clueless imported actor (obviously they had trouble getting one in Australia) is seen here posing her lips in her attempt to look sexually alluring @ 14 to the pedophile community, I guess. (Hope you've ditched that agent dear.) Same as I look but not what I was going for in my 1970 school class photo. I was trying to talk without opening my mouth. They gave her long dark hair mimicking my curly-fuzzy hair depicting it as messy un-brushed. Bleached her dark hair as I did after I was raped in 1971 and plated in small strands like I wore it in 1970 only neat & tied back like the peace loving flower-child I am at heart in this excessively violent world created by men. I suspect his psychopathic mind chose the pale colour of actor's top to reflect the pale colour of Mr SHARP's jumper - the psychopath male class-mate who had been fixated on me at high school. Who is Roger SIMPSON? The last husband of Rhonda WARK? Friend or relative of Mr SHARP? Or garden-variety psychopathic FREEMASON.

My curly fuzzy hair is as expected a result of DNA. My African ancestry is identified by MyHeritage and GEDmatch, therefore its most probably why my hair turns to ringlets when shorter (before the illegal implants) and is fuzzy more often than not. I got it from my male parent. My mum on the other hand is related to ancestors in the Chinese Han Dynasty her hair is thick and perfectly straight. These matters indicate that the hate by straight haired people (seen in Australian TV networks who make their news readers hair perfectly straight and starched so it doesn't move) of curly fuzzy haired people, pictorially depicting their fuzzy hair as "messy" is 100% racial hatred.  South Australia State Health department documents that contain extensive evidence that public officers were criminally stalking me at my residence, to invade my privacy and criminally defame me (willfully with intent to cause harm) recorded my neat brushed hair as 'disheveled' and the English music on my house radio as "foreign" she had family name "Chin Cheng". That's racial and encouraged in Australia's Government and News Indistry as seen here from an ex-TV executive in New South Wales, Roger the dodger SIMPSON.

They added the sex-license to my stolen photo, making that published action, photographic works, Copyright Act theft & derogatory treatment on my moral rights - they claim in the book I affixed my photo to their sex licence card & wrote on the card, even extensively claiming to know what I "thought" as I was writing on it. They used the style of my caps letter "L" to make it appear I wrote like that when 15 when in reality I did none of what they claimed, including not writing like that chicken scratch. This secondary action made the sex license, false attribution infringement another Copyright Act infringement. Aided by Australia's police departments.

They repeated many other Copyright Act infringements, also aided by police departments, when they stalked me online using what I write out of context to criminally defame me in another criminally defamatory, illegal paperback authored by the natural mother of BROTHERS IN ARMS author Sandra HARVEY & DONE LIKE A DINNER author Jennifer COOKE.

They used the same manner of Copyright Act "false attribution" infringements aided by police departments when State Health Department illegally imprisoned me at State election time in 2014 by criminal abuse of section 102 of Mental Health Act Adelaide, South Australia.

Still illegally & forcibly aided by police departments, they repeated Copyright Act "false attribution" infringements in 2018 when State Transport Department illegally & permanently cancelled my drivers licence, to this day in 2024 illegally and openly aided by State & Federal parliaments in Australia.

  • Despite that in real life (dishevelled HOMELESS PERSON, above) USA born actor Philippa Coulthard  looks nothing like me in real life, outside the mandatory "female" element. Publicly she insisted there was "no surprise" in the story. I disagree Texas, I was quite surprised to see myself and my 1989 partner depicted as the physical image of these persons, whose relationship in the story id he hung himself in prison because I sent him a Valentines Day card (keeping the 'special' day these). Both of us were  published falsely by inference since the 1989 paperback, many clueless strangers believing we are the real life bikie groupies. Depicting us again in a different in 2012 TV the way they did proves they were intentionally aiming to falsely accuse us (since 1989) of faking our own 1984 deaths. Confirmed when three police threatened to arrest me at gunpoint in public in 1994 Campbelltown NSW.  Circa 2011, I'd emailed the SCREENTIME, Screen Australia, Screen NSW corporations & this actor about my false ID in the 1989 paperback, warning of lawsuit if they used my likeness - so yes the result was 100% intentional look-a-likes (see below) so yes I have a right to swipe back at her.

  • I think I was better looking anyway.

  • Hot tip to actors if you don't want to look like a complete fool research your person if they're real life one. Anyone with properly functioning eyes & brain can see many persons in BROTHERS IN ARMS (bikie) book are not the same as all persons in the 1984 newspaper photos of this sad matter - not just me. Taking these roles added to the heartache for many of the real life victims of this 1984-ongoing FREEMASON crime. The act of the two Governments who funded this TV-DVD production, was serious criminal abuse of public office & misappropriation of public resources. All it achieved was further burying the real truth of this Government crime under multi-billion dollar multifaceted AUKUS international political cover-up crime concealing history of FREEMASON child-rape & murder in allied countries (Australia, UK & USA) 

  • Every person has the basic human right not to be identified by their entire Government as a dead whore in response to asking police to investigate police crimes. Not in Australia - we have FREEMASON revocable privileges, no legal rights.

So why have I found it impossible to convince a lawyer to represent me in court in Australia - that's be the Westminster ghost-army, hard at work. Tracking me illegally, both physically & electronically by criminal abuse of Government resources. Tracking me inside my residence. Tracking when I leave & return to my property. Tracking me at the local shops or visiting family waiting for an opportunistic moment to criminally- falsely abuse me of "pedophilia" when I'm on public transport intending to cause me serious harm - as they have done in the Adelaide Metro railway service recently. Early evening of Sunday 24 October 2024, Adelaide to Seaford train-line. Despite that State spent thousands of taxpayer resources to unsuccessfully prosecute criminal defamation charges persons accusing Adelaide FREEMASONS of pedophilia but refuse to pursue this criminal defamation campaign targeting me since at least 1989 when their BROTHERS IN ARMS "bikie" book was first published. That's 35 years of psychopathic police family vendettas with no end in sight. Its obvious FREEMASON's pro-child-rape cult has oodles of devotees in Adelaide's Government Public Office inner sanctum. According to court testimony one rape happened inside one of Adelaide's Court Rooms.


  1. Adelaide:  "Court hears pedophiles cop had parties in courtroomsQuote: "21 Nov 2008 — Standfield, 67, and fellow abuse campaigner Wendy Utting, 39, are on trial for allegedly criminally defaming two senior policemen and two high- ..."

  2. Adelaide: "serving Labor minister has been accused under parliamentary privilege of having sex with under-age boys at a gay pick-up haunt, and been subject to claims he was linked to the deaths of two anti-child-abuse campaigners"

  3. Adelaide:  " Two prominent police officers have been identified as pedophiles."

  4. Adelaide:  "former Liberal MP, who was not named but whose identity is common knowledge in political and media circles, has been accused of having sex with teenage boys in the mid-1980s."

  5. Adelaide:  April 16, 2005 — 10.00am

  • Its technically same as what South Australia's Northern Territory Government did to baby Azaria Chamberlain's family- support misfeasance in public office actions of Government public officers to protect their Tourism Industry despite the human cost to innocent families. With that sort of history (Adelaide) South Australia police department and parliament are not likely to want my accusations of Sydney NSW pedophilia involving FREEMASON police & parliamentarians come to the attention of our national news industry - aided in their quest by Roger SIMPSON & his Sydney Freemason BROTHERS IN ARMS.

The stripes in my hair are strands glinting in the sun like the Bible described Moses. Why did daughter of NSW police officer Rhonda WARK have me raped when I was 15, in 1971? Because she had a crush on my brother. She had a reputation I’d seen of being violent & kept begging me to be her friend with the glint in her eye only psychopaths have. I refused repeatedly. So in retaliation she punched me in the belly (intestine) every time she walked past me at school making the punch worse because we were both moving towards each other. She did this for what felt like months. I never retaliated anticipating she’s lose interest. Last time she thumped me it caused me quite a lot of pain, so I punched her back. Self-defence 100%. I thumped her twice in rapid succession, one after the other in her left upper arm because I thought she was right handed & I expected it would cause her a lot of pain. I was 15 and so was she, we were same height & weight there was no mismatch. After she had me raped spread rumours at school that I’d bullied & beater her up at school. Claims the fools at Wollondilly Shire Council repeated to me when I was there 1995-1999 already 25-years after we’d left school. She married clueless Mr BROOKS & convinced him to follow my brother & his wife when they travelled in a caravan with their pre-school boys. Crying to my clueless brother & his clueless wife who believed her heart-wrenching fantasy story about me. She got her second husband Mr HALLS, a coal miner at Appin Colliery, to rape me in my own house in mid circa 1995, convincing my clueless partner to assist him achieve that goal for Rhonda’s revenge. Probably married him only because my partner’s name was Mr HALL with no “S” - I bet she’s still following me across Australia 50 years later having been contacted by the WALTERS-SIMPSON_BRADBURY clans who shot & killed police officer Jack BASSET in front of me because he was giving evidence about police officer crimes. They (NSW POLICE DETECTIVES) drugged me to look for people in my past who’d agree to help them assault me because that dear reader, is how FREEMASONS function – using the hate of other to get their crimes accomplished. Government crime. That is why South Australia & New South Wales & Federal police departments all refuse to investigate these many crimes - because they're illegal police department crimes. That is also why my State & Federal Labor & Liberal 'voice in parliament' refuse to mention this organized crime in parliament - they use terrorist police to keep them in power.

Its devastating for me to know on the evidence that the 1988 murder of Jack BASSET the only reason the 1989 published BROTHERS IN ARMS story was written to criminally defame me as a "slut" because I witnessed Jack's brutal murder inside Camden NSW police station on Sunday 24 April 1988, day before Anzac Day. They couldn't kill me directly because Jack bound their hands by the FREEMASON distress oath - they failed in first instance attempt to frame me for Jack's shooting murder, so they deemed it suicide & meticulously planned to kill me indirectly or destroy what I have of my life, which they did thanks to insane gullibility of most people.

This is not a matter you should ignore, this is a secret civil war against humanity declared by psychopaths, same as its always been since recorded history - is no reason not to demand change in this 21st century. You can't voluntarily live under the oppressive violence of secret & suited barbarians & justly claim yourself to be civilized.


  • Below centre, ex 1980s TV Network executive at channel 10 & channel 7: 21st century psychopath author, film writer & FILM director of BROTHERS IN ARMS: BIKIE WARS  Roger (the doger) SIMPSON. Striking how much he looks like the 1984 Sydney newspaper photo of fake male parent of fake Leanne Walters - Rex John Walters (insert left) so much so I'd wager they're the same person or identical twins.  Yes Roger youare a monster psychopath -   What does it take Australia to show you that you've been expertly conned for past 40 bloody years? Fools. We mentally healthy people hear & see what we need to hear & see to psychologically feel safe. Its the psychopaths amongst us who take advantage of our intrinsic primal instict to feel safe in our environment. This is why, even though you see no wrong, you should always seriously "Question Everythingto make sure you're not being conned. I wrote that to some TV industry personalities who went on to make TV program to mock what I wrote. That's their super-power to mock reality so that you & others believe it fake. Yes SBS-ABC TV personality Jan Fran changed her name from Jeanette Francis to distinguish herself from me after I wrote to her and others in Australia's TV industry. Its like the idiom "matrix of lies" Westminster ghost-army made 1999 film The Matrix  (in Sydney Australia) to remove the idiom from popular use & mindset. Brainwashed

  • "Sick" is now a positive thing. "Wicked" is now sexy. "Despicable" is now a children's film. Roger the doger & his fellow Westminster ghost-army are waging their secret word-war against you to brainwash you to believe 14-year-old children are "cheap little sluts" and sadistic murdering "psychopaths" are  loveable - to cover up me being one of many eye-witnesses to Australia's very long history of FREEMASON child rape & murder which includes my Ecchinswell, Hampshire, England 1875 born maternal great-grandfather & Australia Freemason Oliver George HUSSEY, murdering his wife to leave him free with his female siblings to rape & sell his children into prostitution in the dying years of Queensland's Charters Towers goldrush. I would not be shocked to learn Roger the doger is related to me from this arm of my family. There's still a street named after Oliver's wife's French family - GAUVIN - one of my extended family owned the local pub & is believed to have (murdered) poisoned her husband when they called Charters Towers "The World" because it had its own Stock Exchange. Yes, what Oliver's oldest daughter told me (Nana) is hearsay, but genitics of her 1st born when 15-years-old (Aunt Agnes) paternally matching Oliver is not; and that 45yo Oliver's 30yo wife Jane died suddenly & unexpectedly before his incest child was born is not - nor is fact Australia's Governments refuse to address these issues, including the repeted 1980s rape by male NSW Government Public Officers, of mentally retarded, deaf and mute Aunt Agnes in State of New South Wales owned nursing home - it is all proof 100% to existence of Australia's  Westminster terrorist's ghost-army.  Yes indeed Roger, its a very long history of female hate in Australia & you're one of that tribe's Kings (Rex). 

  • One of Oliver HUSSEY's girls (Annie Jacobina HUSSEY 1915–1980) married William Henry SIMPSON c1931Could these be ancestors of Rex John WALTERS - Roger SIMPSON? Willie is presently recorded in my family tree along with his birth family. Willie's dad is Walter Henry SIMPSON 1851–1929 and Willie's  mum is Margaret Ann GADD 1854-1948. Willie's (non baby death) siblings included:

  1. Sidney Sinclair SIMPSON 1877-1926; 

  2. Henry Walter SIMPSON 1879-?; 

  3. James Alfred SIMPSON 1881-1965; 

  4. Mary Ellen SIMPSON 1882–1973;

  5. Walter John SIMPSON 1886-1950 (name like Rex John Walters); 

  6. George SIMPSON 1887-1959;  

  7. John Dew SIMPSON 1891–1972; 

  8. Louis SIMPSON 1892-1996; 

  9. Willie 1894–1956; 

  10. Roderick SIMPSON 1898-1961 (close name to Roger Simpson). 

Could these be an ancestor family of Rex John WALTERS - Roger SIMPSON?

Tripartite Terrorist Lover BIA Bikie Wars Director Writer Roger SIMPSON - NZ & Australia
Oliver George Hussey, Freemason pedophile, and other Australian terrorists, Rex John WALTERS & BIA Bikie Wars Director Writer Roger SIMPSON - NZ & Australia

I've just found the ROGER SIMPSON photo (1st December 2024) to be able to make this obvious extended maternal family association. You'll note both this Roger & my Nana (Olive 33yo) have same proportion forehead and cluster of eyes, nose & mouth - as well as same shape face. There can be no doubt these two are DNA related. I don't know either WALTERS or SIMPSON as being part of my family, yet they obviously are. They may even descended from one of Olive's brothers Charles James HUSSEY 1908–1971 (1930 Qld marriage to Ellen Thelma Thomasson 1908–1991) or Henry George HUSSEY 1909–1967 (1931 Qld marriage to Emily Jane Humphries 1913-?). Whatever. Repeating, "I want them in jail, bankrupt and hated by everyone because that's exactly what they deserve." Problem is they're unconstitutionally protected by Australia's sadistic army of terrorists in Australia's police department, in our parliaments, and in Australia's national news industry. I suspect Rex/Roger don't like it I've outed their Freemason pedophile GreatGrandfather Oliver George HUSSEY. I also suspect they're family line are responsible for falsely altering my family tree on & received a "how do you like it" on response to a false paternal line alteration, soon after I'd recorded paternity of Aunt Agnes. I suspect others would prefer Australian history erases the incest-baby of Queenslander, Oliver George HUSSEY, my Aunt Agnes - Oliver George HUSSEY is one of my maternal 1st great-grandparents - If I have evidence to prove he's misogynistic criminal I have every right to publish it, and I like it just fine.When we lived near Cooma we had several sheep mum named. Mum was 36yo & I was 6yo when we moved to Campbelltown NSW I gave my GreatUncles-Aunt sheep face to match sheep names I remember. Begun my family research online in 2017 then 3 yrs later my first DNA text after two had been illegally intercepted by Freemasons during carriage with Australia Post. Yes I can prove that. Like others before me "I don't forgive" I don't get my revenge, I get evidence.


*Westminster ghost-army are the epitome of evil. Sadistic psychopaths and their sycophantic psychopathic allies masquerading as decent people, they become parasitic in any constitutional democracy under the Westminster system. When their numbers are large enough they secretly manipulate the system until it functions as a dictator democracy - where only the members of this ghost-army receive benefits and protections of the laws of the constitutional democracy excluding their targets by destabilizing their domestic environment, blocking access to employment, blocking access to government services, blocking access to services of private corporations owned by their members. Their targets include those who speak out against them however, this ghost-army move through communities like locusts taking whatever and whomever strike their fancy.   The army that will defeat any Westminster ghost-army will use only words as their weapons. This deceitful parasitic enemy of the people are eradicated by undermining their power source. They will crumble when their many hidden member corporations are forced into bankruptcy by civil litigation.

Evidently I need to keep repeating myself until the psychopaths in Australia’s governments understand; introverted doesn’t mean a person is insecure, timid or lacking in social skills or confidence. It means people like me find extroverts far too violent to associate with. Robert Bernard Bryden CAMPBELL, Desmond James MONOGHAN, Roger SIMPSON and their thousands of TV & Government associates ‘got involved’ with this BROTHERS IN ARMS-bikie wars FATHERS DAY 1984 scam because they wanted to get a share of the profits damn the physical consequences to me, and my family. That’s effing psychopathic & extensively planned terrorism.

SCOTLAND & AUSTRALIA publishing SCUM Unwin Hyman Allen human traffickers RAPED ME

Perhaps I also need to highlight the obvious for the many psychopaths in the police department & parliament evidently groomed in their childhood to have a pack-rape mentality - secretly drugging a person to secretly rape them surgically or otherwise - is no different to hitting the person over the head with a wood club to drag them off to your cave to have your way with them.  That all of Australia's police departments and parliaments have demonstrated for the past 40 years their inability to intellectually grasp the concept that both of the above scenarios are serious crimes against the person in Australia, well its more than a 'little' troubling for the future of our species... then there are their head to toe ACTIVE illegal implants extensively entwined inside me specifically to torture me with microwave burns when communicate to & from our wireless telephone network & their illegal transceivers in my head neck, mid spine & tailbone since 1991. Australia's parliament & police departments illegally claim I'm "schizophrenic delusional" to allow themselves to psychopathically ignore me.

*Westminster fun fact: Gilbert CRISPIN Abbott of Westminster Abbey (1055 – 1117) Norman Englandis in my family tree as one of my 28th great grandparents; he comes with 22 lines, A4 pages of relatives dating back to Ramesses X, 9th Pharoah 20th Dynasty Egypt as my 72nd cousin, 24 times removed. Don't blame me if its incorrect I didn't do any of the research. When I say its a "fun" fact it is indeed because at the 28th great grandy generation we all have over 4 billionof them many probably repeated a couple of times because there was not than many people alive in that era. Which is which is why I keep saying we're all cousins. Scientific true fact: I've 13 ancient DNA matches specifically titled "London" from 200 BCE & 1450 CE. As I have bragging rights in this website, I'm DNA matched to male & female remains listed as "Norman Invasion Medieval Lincolnshire Lincoln Castle 1100 AD"  built 1068 by William the Conqueror.  No information on whether it was this person, however he has been given very similar features to mine (as per my photo at 14) along with thousands of others. Sure we're all related but its fun to be able to say,  Charlie Mangle 748-814 is my 32nd Great-Grandfather & I've got the DNA to prove I'm family related to Franks & Lombards & Carolingian leaders - la de dah. "Charlemagne was King of the Franks from 768, King of the Lombards from 774, and Emperor of what is now known as the Carolingian Empire from 800, holding these titles until his death in 814." (Wiki)


  • if you believe you can trust the public officers of any government of Australia, you're seriously deluded. Our political parties are terrorist cults who run government same as the Casinos. You may sometimes win, but they're rigged so you lose more. They stole everything I owned, trashed me physically, and my reputation. Stole my entire life. When I asked them nicely to fix it they responded with blanket refusals, accusing me of being at fault.  The Fathers Day 1984 NSW police FAKE life & death of FAKE Rebels biker chick Leanne Walters proves all of them - Australia wide - elected into our parliaments in Australia’s Hawke-Keating Labor government were criminal psychopaths - I'll admit some were probbaly brainwashed & clueless - in same percentage all of them elected since 1984 are just as provably psychopathic terrorists. From my personal experience, proved by simple fact that those in South Australia refused enforce my legal right to be issued a drivers licence because I reasonably asked police to investigate Government public office medical crimes harming me physically occuring in 3 legal jurisdictions, New South Wales Health Department - South Australia Health Department - Commonwealth Federal Health systems, which was direcftly precipitated by the FAKE death of FAKE LEANNE WALTERS. Our own parliaments are stocked 100% with Labor & Liberal terrorist enemies of you and me and everyone in Australia, they are the sadistic Vikings of today, they are the Westminster ghost-army the mortal enemy of due process and the Rule of Law. Our very wealthy News Industry executives are key officers in Australia's GHOST ARMY OF WESTMINSTER TERRORISTS.

  • I'm recorded on my birth certificate as Janette Gail FRANCIS and born in the only public hospital in Cooma NSW during gale-force winds at 10:40pm Tuesday 1st May 1956. (I love the entry drama) This website is my latest (draft) book in "true government crime" genre, 7th this year 2024, the 101st anniversary of the birth of my male parent, his parents and my mother's father were born two centuries ago Ma 1882-1972 born Rollands Plains NSW murdered in Sydney by her daughter, Grandfather 1883-1925 born in Carcoar NSW died in Sydney, Pop 1898-1965 born Sydney died of cancer in Camden NSW, my other nana 1907-1989 born in Charters Towers Qld her own mother was murdered by her sexaddict Freemason husband in 1922 Charters Towers QLD, my Nana was murdered in 1989 Sydney by a physician because she recognised my face in the news industry when claimed to be the FAKE LEANNE WALTERS. Government stole that photo, I've always owned 100% copyright, Government refuse me my legal right to correct this false history directly involving myself because AUSTRALIA's GHOST-ARMY STOLE MY IDENTITY SINCE 1989.


Secret Freemason Government Fathers Day 1984 Murders Sydney AUSTRALIA child rape target Young Ivan Romcek.

It’s true, I was an underage drinker. I drank Jim Beam & coke at Leumeah Inn (Campbelltown NSW) in 1973 when  I was 17 not 14 - legal age was 18 in 1973. with some older (just as) respectful friends after we'd all left high school successfully passing all the appropriate exams. One of whom became a court judge, another Commonwealth Games competitor. Patrolling uniformed Campbelltown NSW police saw me with my friends in Leumean Inn, saw as all as reasonable persons, knew who I was because my male parent was a Master Mason, but left me alone because I was (still am) never loud, never aggressive, never drunk, and never put "myself" in danger. I have a sensitive palate, bourbon is one of few alcohols I can drink without automatically vomiting or wanting to. Beer makes me vomit automatically. Vodka smells like I'd imagine Camel pee smells. Would you drink Camel pee? Its certainly no grounds to surgically rape me to steal my identity of a FAKE motorcycle club 14 yo CHILD SLUT FAKE person Leanne Walters - as described by FAKE authors SIMPSON & HARVEY who called their FAKE Rebels, a Motor Cycle Club. I'm reasonably certain they did that intentionally knowing they're Motorcycle Clubs, can't be sure why though, its a "mystery, girl" ! However, I do know there were FREE Microsoft Windows shareware morphing programs available in late 1980s, there fore that may explain the poorly morphed "mug shot" photo of SPENCER in front of their, BROTHERS IN ARMS INSIDE STORY OF TWO ... GANGS, paperback. Its not outlaw bikers who are illegally blocking my access to Australia's court system to sue Roger SIMPSON and the others for Copyright infringement & maliciously targeted defamation, its State and Federal Government controlled Labor Party and Liberal Party and their FREEMASONS, not limited to employment in Government police departments. Its not outlaw bikers who illegally drugged me to surgically rape me with illegal silicone injections and illegal implants connected to the wireless communication system, it was (Sydney NSW) 1990s Wollondilly Shire Council officials and their Labor Party supporters. Its not outlaw bikers who still in 2024 are illegally block my access to medical devices to have the illegal implants removed, its employed, elected, contracted public officers as agents for the State of New South Wales, the State of South Australia, and the Commonwealth of Australia.


Who do 'you' think they're attempting to portray as SPENCER in  TV series, the book SPENCER or my 1980s partner Owen Hall ?


Below: extract from


Then 2018 ex Onkaparinga Councillor Yvonne WENHAM & her couple of thousand other Liberal & Labor Party faithful in Southern Adelaide's ONKAPARINGA WATCH Fascebook page claimed that it was "only" political sledging its criminal defamation outside of parliament to criminally defame me and sadistically mock me when I was standing for Onkaparinga City Council election in 2018, because I'd published material on my websites & in a paperback that supported there claims herein that I'd been surgically raped & illegally expelled 1999 from my elected position on Wollondilly Shire (New South Wales) based 100% on political grounds (directly related to my surgical rape) and criminal defamations in the BROTHERS IN ARMS book since 1989. Because they're part of the WESTMINISTER GHOST-ARMY I was and am powerless to stop them & sue them in court. That was when I passed my defamation law assignment with a perfect score, as part of my Bachelor of Laws degree (unfinished) . Still been refused my legal right to sue the bastards due to illegal ELECTRONIC blocking of my applications to the court.

Secret Freemason Government Fathers Day 1984 Murders Sydney AUSTRALIA child rape target Young Ivan Romcek.


More than stolen identity  they all faked their own death funded by NSW Australia police as a terrorist crime

Psychology or psychiatry journals insist only 20% population are psychopathic.Therefore, they must all work in government as elected or employed or contracted public officers, else this shit would have been resolved soon after two Campbelltown NSW male uniformed police held me at gunpoint in Campbelltown in winter of 1994, as police detective Paul SHIELS waved his copy of BROTHERS IN ARMS at me screaming "You faked your own death. You're Leanne Walters". 

I grew up in Campbelltown NSW from age 6 in 1962 to age 18 in 1974. Attended only public schools in Campbelltown NSW as Janette Gail FRANCIS. Lived same East Campbelltown NSW house owned by my FRANCIS family parents. Passed my School Certificate in November 1972 as Janette Gail FRANCIS. Started my first full-time job also in November 1972 as Janette Gail FRANCIS at Government Insurance Office of New South Wales, Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW which means I passed the NSW State Government entry test earlier in 1972 as Janette Gail FRANCIS.  Got my same tax file number still have, at my same Campbelltown address in 1972 as Janette Gail FRANCIS Passed my drivers licence test in 1973 Campbelltown NSW as Janette Gail FRANCIS. Got my full licence in 1974 when I lived in same Campbelltown NSW house as Janette Gail FRANCIS and still have the same NSW Birth Extract I used in 1972 to get my learners permit clerly showing my birth name as Janette Gail FRANCIS. Same NSW SOUTH WALES birth record SOUTH AUSTRALIA officials still  refuse to acknowledge as my own in 2024.

Campbelltown NSW uniformed police and police cunt detective Paul SHIELS reasonably knew exactly who I was and that my name had always beenJanette Gail FRANCIS.  Makes me wonder how many police officers these SLOWMAN UNWIN WALTERS STYLES HARVEY SIMPSON COOKE girls had to spread their legs for to avoid arrest for these many seriously sadistic crimes against my person.

This SYDNEY Australian resident family committed seriously violent crimes against me as a stranger, to cover up crimes they committed as police officers. That's psychopathy,which was repeated in another State police department 100 miles away in ADELAIDE the main city of South Australia.

They did the same to my in South Australia as they did in New South Wales. Government officials physically assaulted me based on false rumours from criminals employed in State police department. When more senior officials realized they'd made the error instead of helping me recover from their crimes they buried me under more of their own crimes. In NSW they illegally & secretly expelled my from my elected position on Wollondilly Shire Council. In SA they illegally & secretly diagnosed me as schizophrenic delusional and paranoid accusing me of never being Janette Gail FRANCIS; like the woman who said she was Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia - she probably was. But its not merely my identity they stole - they extensively surgically raped me to cause me constant pain with illegal implants - and these illegal implants do cause me pain that increases constantly because of the associated ever-increasing scar tissue around the illegal implants & the burn scars from the cunts accessing the illegal implants via the wireless communication system (for legal implants evidently.)

This happens when police officers are terrorist families who, Federal parliament allow to unconstitutionally ignore evidence of Government funded political crime causing physical harm that is serious, in particular serious physical disfigurement & disability to myself since 1991. 

  Most of us under the Westminster system of government know its not a democratic system of government based on a Constitution - but that its essentially same dictatorial oppression our ancestors experienced before 1215 Magna Charter was signed, which led to the Westminster system of government and the present cycle of Australia's persistent abuse of power. 

Every lawyer I've approached in person in Adelaide, or electronically in Adelaide or elsewhere refuse to represent in in court against the Government, claiming they don't have congflict of interest between my legal rights not to be assaulted by Government public officers and the Political Party Faithful's apparent legal right to illegally and physically assault me when employed by the Government. Police officers lean back in thei office chair insisting "its a civil matter" because "there's been no crime". Its therefore apparent that Australia's officials in Government has removed my status as an Australian citizen and human protected under international laws. What do the Attorney-Generals say about that? They refuse to answer my email pleas for assistance in the form of Attorney-Geleral's Fiat. Commissioners of police are on permanent holidays. My inability to contact any other human in Australia with a finctioning brain, has been esacerbated by FREEMASON retards employed in Christies Beach to Adelaide, illegally intercepting my emails and phone calls, and mail in the carriage of Australia Post. I even ad staff in Centrelink's Noarlunga office attempt to refuse me access to Centrelink payments because someone telephoned her to claim I "owned real estate, interstate". That's be the same Freemason police cunts who stole my real estate in Wollondilly Shire, before the State refused to honour my right to compensation for Torrens Title theft. Still do. My children and myself were chronically homeless at the time because of the FREEMASONS rumours and stalkers. This was soon after we'd been bullied out of NSW by the entire staff at the Goulburn police station and the local magistrate whoi criminally forcified orders against me without any lawful evidence against me. That was 2004, one year after I'd recieved an unlawful letter on NSW police commissioners letterhead informing me I was outlawed because I asked them to investigate the theft of my visual identitu in 2001.

All this evidence has been published mid 2024 in my paperbacks, minium purchase AUD $4.00

Australian Labor Party supporters, illegally persist in illegally blocking my lawful application to sue Australian Labor Party in Federal Court of Australia. South Australia police department agents claim blocking my right to sue in civil court is not any crime in Australia. South Australia and Federal parliament support that police opinion as Constitutional. My electronic application to High Court for Writ of Mandamus to force civil registry staff to accept my application to sue was denied. Therefore, the High Court of Australia have deemed its constitutional to commit politically motivated terrorism in Federal Court of Australia civil registry. This is why the tripartite government have illegally supported the unconstitutional enactment of the Australia Act 1986 illegally blocking Australians from our Constitutional right to appeal to our King of United Kingdom, from illegal court decisions in Australia. You voted for Labor & Liberal in parliament - now we’re convicts again with no legal rights, only revocable privileges. This time insane inbreds are in control of all electronic communication systems. Evidently most long-term Adelaide residents are inbred and most government public officers in Adelaide are long-term residents. Discussed later, medical facts prove inbreeding leads to mental defects, which include psychopathy. 

Brainwash Defame or Kill

Time will come when all  that's left to fight are your own flesh and blood. Silly me, that time is now. This evidence establishes that only reason anyone in Australia has stable employment and voluntary accommodation and unhindered access to government provided public services is because they have never complained to State or Federal police about their evidence of serious organized criminal activities of Australia's Government public officers. Only reason I have a criminal record is because I complained to State police about serious organized crime of State police in 2004. They arrested me for "offensive conduct" because and only because I offended them by talking publicly about their inaction over serious organized police crime. Their fellow criminal magistrate imposed a 5 year apprehended violence gag-order on me not to talk about the serious organized police crime and two 12 month Good Behaviour Bonds threatening to arrest me if I spoke about serious organized police crime in public. Nothing in Australian law supports the arrest or court convictions but no lawyer I've approached in Australia will challenge the illegal New South Wales court orders; or other equally illegal police arrests and court orders in South Australia. Perhaps even worse, our news industry refuse to publish my evidence of illegal arrests and illegal court orders or my inability to access legal services in Australia - ensuring the general-public are clueless on the extent of Government organized crime in Australia. That's how and why your Labor Party and Liberal Party elected parliament continue to be unconstitutionally re-elected despite being a terrorist organization of sycophants and psychopaths whose illegal police bullying pale into insignificance against their extensive history of illegal abuse of amnesia drugs and criminally falsified medical diagnosis to conceal from healthy targets Australia's long history of seriously illegal medical research, human rights crimes secretly ratified by Australia's Ministerial parliament duopoly - since at least 1991. Undeniable the most horrendous element of this situation is that Australian parliamentarians believe their best course of action is to completely ignore me despite that they know I'm being illegally physically tortured with illegal implants, because I'll die soon enough. Evidently Australian human rights laws are intended to enticegullibletravellers to our shores. - I've been so extensively criminally defamed to render me a false witness on paper by The Party Faithful, that there are actually still many Government public officers in Adelaide region of South Australia who are seriously mentally deluded in their belief my NSW Australia birth name is not Janette Gail FRANCIS by referencing in Government record that my birth name (FRANCIS) is an "alias"; and refuse to believe I've committed no crime whatsoever, to be under suspicion or surviellance  by police officials. This is a terrorist nation I've proved that. I say to NSW Chief Justice Andrew BELL,  make court order to exhume the content under NSW Lepping Lawn Cemetary marker "Leanne Gaye Walters" I'd wager you'll find no human remains. You're welcome to DNA match me with any person "I say" are my siblings or exhume my male parent's NSW grave to DNA match me as his FRANCIS daughter. I've been physically assaulted every day since I was 33 years old because the NSW police - WALTERS lie begun with my adult face in that paperback, that was 35 years ago. Take responsibility for these theirown modern-day political crimes. All of the Scotland, Australia, NZ and USA, Allen, Hyman, Unwin Brothers in Arms  family belong in terrorist prison. Its time for change:




Many faces of terrorist family of fake Leanne WALTERS
Photo Far left: (With first photo of murdered 14-year-old fake Leanne WALTERS) PINK SHIRT is person I knew as Elaine SLOWMAN when I worked at Visyboard Warwick Farm NSW 1981 to 1985, she became person I new as Lynette STYLES when I was elected as Councillor in Wollondilly Shire NSW 1995-1999 but as she dressed and looked different I didn't connect the two until I saw the PINK shirt photo many years later when she stood for election in the seat of HUME NSW.  They own photo copyright.
Many faces of terrorist family of fake Leanne WALTERS
BLACK SHIRT is person I knew as Jennifer SLOWMAN when I worked at Visyboard Warwick Farm NSW 1981 to 1985  WHITE SPOT SHIRT informed me in 1985 her name was Leanne SLOWMAN. They're promoting their new book "Done Like A Dinner" their pen names are Jennifer COOKE and Sandra HARVEY. They are sisters and the daughters of Elaine SLOWMAN (1. far left) They look like identical twins and I suspect are the two 1984 faces of the 1984 fake murdered Leanne WALTERS.They own photo copyright
Many faces of terrorist family of fake Leanne WALTERS

Medical evidence indicates high occurrence of inbreeding causes variety of physical & mental defects which more likely than not, also includes psychopathy.This is a text. To edit this text, click here and replace it with youWEDDING Jennifer SLOWMAN married Peter CURTIS in December 1985 @ St Peters Anglican Church in Campbelltown NSW. the bridesmaids are Leanne SLOWMAN and Lorraine SLOWMAN according to the taller bridesmaid. Black hair male (top) Darren NELLIES Visy. his mum was Visy assistant personnel manager Zeilla NELLIES Visy personnel manager Joe ZARB? and Zeilla were in a relationship. Brown hair male also from Visy, Dave LOW, he married Michelle NOLAN daughter of Nolan Quarries Owner, lived in same street as BROTHERS IN ARMS fake Leanne WALTERS. I own photo copyright, I was footpath photographer., not guest.

Many faces of terrorist family of fake Leanne WALTERS
It appears their both heads have been artificially elongated for photo album image. BROTHERS IN ARMS PROMO: the same Sandra HARVEY & author Lindsay SIMPSON who I suspect the other is the other sister, the other "shorty" bridesmaid. Photo from Network Nine (again) "A Current Affair" TV they might like to explain why they support this crime and why they criminally defamed me as Councillor HALL, falsely alleging "I had a vendetta" against "Lynette STYLES" when in reality its the reverse.
I suspect these three SLOWMAN sisters are the girls in the glass "DAD" as produced in 2014 by Sydney Network 9 TV as I was suing the same persons for theft of my biometric identity as the same fake murdered Leanne WALTERS in the glass DAD frame. I also have two full DNA sisters, but my sisters & myself don't look like sisters because we're not as inbred as these SLOWMAN sisters, and evidently - all of Australia's Party Faithful.


Terrorist Treasurer Paul Keating MP's Convenient  1984 Pre-Election Fraud

No child had been shot dead in Milperra carpark in KEATING's electorate on Fathers Day 1984. It was a tripartite scam authored by Freemasons from Labor & Liberal Party Faithful. Whose better placed to finance the bribes than the Federal treasurer self-professed "desperate to be Prime Minister" ?  Same Prime Minister who created the illegal caucus between States he called COAG. Same Tripartite who caucused to ratify and passed the bill to unconstitutionally indirectly alter Australia’s Constitution without any referendum creating the Australia Act 1986, passed through United Kingdom parliament because of the Freemasons. Paul John KEATING was Labor federal treasurer 1983 to 1991 prime minister from 1991 to 1996 when I was being extensively surgically raped with illegal implants. Yes I know I'm wordy comes from demanding the whole truth for myself. Because I know 90% of the population only see less than 5% of reality, I've made it easy for you by linking the below image to a file you can open in new tab. Expand on the top right side above the words "Original Truth Fairy" compare each of the two females on the outside of the glass photo container held in the fat hands. I'm noteither one. I've drawn thin black lines from the elbow of each female and another parallel black line across the boob peak of each girl. I did this to prove to you idiots that these are two separate females, probably the daughters of Elaine SLOWMAN (alias Lynette STYLES) because Elaine has an arm defect. The tops of her arms are different length to the lower section. Its very obvious the female on the left has longer arms than the one on right. Their faces have different features. Their neck lengths different despite their weight difference. Their torso are different lengths. Despite that their head of the girl on left looks smaller than the one of right her torso is longer if the shorter torso girl was further away from the camera then her head wouldn't be larger. Looking at the WEDDING photos I realized the difference I was seeing in the length of the torso as compared to where the female had her and on her waist/hip. 
You've been expertly conned by Labor & Liberal Party Faithful obviously as a result of mental defects and their natural progression from convict island status to terrorist island: Australia. 
Australia's Terrorism, more than just Misfeasance in public office

Australia State & Federal Police are terrorists who insist (by their inaction) that these female above & below are all same person when aged 14.

Images below show 2 females with their eyes about the same size. I'm one below right when I was about 28 years old and mother of 3 school aged children. I'm Australian born but South Australia, State Transport Department refuse to recognize my NSW birth certificate as my own. They illegally cancelled my drivers licence 6 years ago.

1 November 2024 Sturt Road BEDFORD PARK, South Australia police station, public officers as uniformed police insist, its been perfectly legal to criminally assault & harm me since 1989.

Photo left was poorly edited by NSW POLICE  to pervert the course of justice before being published on front page of Sydney The Sun newspaper 3 Sep 1984. Hair & ear lobe & eyebrow all altered as an official police released photo. Its my belief from all the evidence available to me that the female left is the daughter or wife of a 1984 senior NSW police officer, in which case she 'was' an "innocent bystander" until she agreed to remain silent then she became an accomplice.

This terrorist crime which has stolen more than half of my life with no end in sight.

Australia's Terrorism, more than just Misfeasance in public office

They've been illegally funded (indirectly & directly) by Australia's Federal and NSW State Governments since 1989 to write a fake story about their own 1984 faked death - 1984 fake victim Leanne WALTERS - still pretending not to be themselves. Only in Australia. When they're fatter they become the Scotland UK daughters of publisher Raynor UNWIN. They also participated in my criminal assaults (1991-2002) by face mutilations to inject my face with silicone after I was illegally drugged, to make my chin ALWAYS pointed like theirs, to make my nose fat like theirs, to fill in my naturally sunken cheeks, so I have a fat face when thin like them when they're fatter, fat as they looked in their 1984 Sydney newspaper photos of themselves as fake Leanne WALTERS shot dead in Federal treasurer Paul KEATING MP's electorate, Milperra NSW pub car park by Bandidos & Comancheros on Fathers Day 1984, when 14-years-old. Which os quite obviously a terrorist plan and series of terrorist acts causing me serious harm that is physicial for the KEATING political cause, before he became Prime Minister of Australia.

BELOW L-R: Scotland born Leanne SLOWMAN & Lorraine SLOWMAN daughters of Elaine SLOWMAN alias author Lynette Mary STYLES. Leanne & Lorraine best known as Australia's Westminster terrorist authors Sandra HARVEY & Lindsay SIMPSON. My research says their male parent was a director of the Unwin Hyman Ltd Scotland company published the book in their hands in many countries across our planet.

They're holding 1989 copy of paperback they allegedly authored which was published by Raynor UNWIN's Unwin Hyman Pty Ltd. Australia's terrorist Party Faithful refuse me my legal rights as Australia citizen by birthright to criminally protect these Australia immigrant terrorists who subsequently were handed a career in journalism as Government public officers - as I've been perpetually blocked in my human right for employment, access to health care and education, legal representation and access to the civil court system to sue these disgusting lowlife mongrels & the others they secured to have me surgically raped with (illegal) wireless vibrating implants so they can and have physically tortured me every day since at least May 1991 and more silicone injections in my throughout my entire structure. Australia is a terrorist nation.

Australia's Terrorism, more than just Misfeasance in public office
Australia's Terrorism, more than just Misfeasance in public office

Terrorist Treasurer Paul Keating MP's  1990 Pre-Election Surgical Rape

I'm Janette Gail FRANCIS here to inform you'all you picked on the best person to expose your crimes, my childhood here was Mighty Mouse :D  Being 12 years older than me and missing out on a childhood of wholesome children's TV, KEATING grew up a needy post war era child. If he was born a decade later then he'd have been taught this important childhood message ... Because of 1960s sentimental tear-jerking TV children born in 1950s were remarkably more psychologically healthy, than children born during and immediately after World War II. We're all mistakenly dumped in same psychological basket as Babyboomers to spread the greed-mentality across three decades. The truth is plain to see. Intoxicated by his own pheromones, KEATING stole my life to unjustly enrich his own. We're nothing alike. I'd never do that to anyone. I say its because of the moral messages of 1960 moral TV. KEATING's criminal surgical rape of me since 1991 started with a hole made in my chest skin over my heart with pulse generator inserted through a long incision over my tailbone - followed by 3rd incision in my spine behind my heart - all when I was notably pregnant in 1991, the 'pulse generator vibrations'depends on my blood pressure to electrical power the illegal implants inside my torso, I say I was surgically raped because of Paul John KEATING's insatiable political greed and obsession with power proved on balance of probability because there's no way KEATING had no Idea the images of Leanne Walters "ear" had been criminally altered for the Sydney newspapers "first photo" in September 1984. Labor Party, the children who want to be King, they're ALL GUILTY.  I won't rest until I've ushered them all through proverbial gates of eternal hell. So mote it be, a-s-s-h-o-l-e-s !
Australia's Terrorism, more than just a fake ear its fake democracy.



All criminals have no loyalties for the right price.,shots%20from%20a%20Makarov%20pistol.

  • These AUSTRALIA GOVERNMENT CRIME proves what's happened to Russian democracy could just as easily happen in Australia because of entrenched dominance of Australian Labor Party. On this evidence following, its already started with the Bob Hawke tripartite-terrorist GovernmentLabor & Liberal Freemasons. Its Freemasons with a foot in each political camp. Creating the unconstitutional demand for the Australia Card that became the unconstitutional Medicare Card and the unconstitutional Australia Act that indirectly altered Australia's Constitution without referendumYou Freemasons need to clean up your act, expose and eject your filthy terrorists and take accountability for your own 'family' crimes. Like other grown ups do. Else all political parties should join forces to outlaw Freemason styled Brotherhoods in Australia, not just point the finger at motorcycle clubs, as they had previously done to Catholic religion to cover up their other, own same-crimes. Its obvious motorcycle clubs formed to mimic the global Freemason styled outlaw Brotherhood. Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses looks like a children's book next to this, Australia's Freemason-tripartitexposé. As an opposite to the character of Mogana in Merlin, I knew I'd be strong enough to lift this Freemason oppression off my family because I saw it in my re-occurring nightmares as a child. Only we lived in a rock structure and it was the roof only I as the youngest had been strong enough to lift off my family much to my distress. I've never wanted to be and never seen myself as a hero because I'm painfully introverted, I see myself more like same as everyone else. Introverted doesn't mean I'm fearful or lacking in confidence, means I don't like most people because they're too aggressive.

  • Like I've written in my books and my websites, the gift to see future memories of others is not in my DNA. Genocide on my children that prevented them from having their own children will make no difference to the perpetuity of this gift because as I've written it comes from without me - not within. Its comes from the esoteric 'non-government' persons inside my HR on 3 January 1977 who bent the front bench seat back to protect me from a broken neck. They give me their gift of vision as they know I will tell the truth of it without personal embellishment and without seeking personal reward. When they give me their gift its essentially too fast for my to understand all of it but as I developed speed reading as a child I do understand a lot of it but need to reflect on it to take in what I can. The illegal implants in my head were intended to mask anything Australia's Tripartite Government informed me spitefully they thought I was getting "voices" from the esoteric others because after Government officials illegally abducted me and illegally dosed me with the USA well known 'truth drug' they decided the others spoke to me. Even thought I can'tprove Australia's Tripartite Terrorist Government drugged me to steal my Copyright protected memories, then surgically raped me with illegal implants et cetera - I can prove 100% they are criminally protecting those surgeons who did surgically rape me during the 1990s. Which, on the Medicare Australia records of my Individual Healthcare Identifier in 2013 and 2014 - proves 100% New South Wales and South Australia State Health Department officials had perverted the course of justice to illegally imprison me in South Australia at South Australia State election time in 2014; which is Federal crime pursuant to Australia's Criminal Code Act 1995, Schedule, The Criminal Code.Because only a Medicare service provider is permitted under Privacy Act to access the Individual Healthcare Identifier of a person they are providing a Medicare service to; and Government is only allowed to collect and store information on a person relevant to the specific service provision. I didn’t get or see any MEDICARE service in December 2013 or January 2014 or February 2014 and certainly had no contact with Picton New South Wales resident surgeon and certified hypnotist – and terrorist surgical rapist Mohamed R AHMED. Notably as I’m not a God, typically I wasn't inCampbelltown inNew South Wales andBedford Park inSouth Australia at the same time nor was there any telephone medical services in 2013 or 2014. Assholes.

Misfeasance in public office


Right click to open these images in another tab for clarity


COSCIA's 11 July 2012 MRI of my head: his report illegally omits any reference to non-biological items & evidence of their presence from the seen artefacts caused by vibration. When I was asked by them why I was having this MRI, I stated very clearly "Vibrations in my head."

COSCIA's 11 July 2012 MRI of my head: this sheet clearly proving the vibrations from the illegal implants in my head. He chose silence for this Medicare Australia terrorism evidence.

There's been no follup MRI to ensure I won't die on an infection of this illegal implant, tAUSTRALIA's parliament have left me to die in agony.

Above: I merged 2006 MRI images of the unreported illegal implant screw infection and 2012 MRI images around the illegal implant screwed into my skull through the opening of my left ear canal.

2006 MRI on left - 2012 on right

COSCIA's 11 July 2012 MRI of my head: this sheet clearly proving the presence & location of an illegal cochlear implant & radiology personnel's intent to conceal its importance by omitting the side of my head to my outer ear.


Is the main issue in Australia, really about not having a voice in parliament?

or is it 100% Lack of Law Enforcement eQuality in front of Australia'sterrorist Government controlled courts?

# The ultimate test to prove your psychopathy:

(1. ) Would you perv on, or steal from, or rape, anyone at all, any age, any gender - if there was no way they'd find out the crime had happened at all?

Still unsure? (2.) Would you consider a "yes" to the answer for "1." a pass or a fail?

Still unsure? the answer "no" is a pass.

Still unsure why "no" is a pass? because the optimal state of mind for a human is to be humane, psychopaths are incapable of being humane.

Still unsure why? the line starting with "#" was not part of the question. Its same as when you take an exam to determine your expertise in a topic. The examiner who is most inventive with the preliminary environment wants to see if distraction will alter your answer to actual question. If you're easily distracted by irrelevant material then you're not an expert. If you believe "yes" is a pass then you've most probably convinced your psychopathic self that you're not psychopathic.

Lack of eQuality in the Australia environment
  1. "The task of the judge or jury in the adversarial system is not the pursuit of truth, but the arbitration of a contest between parties who assert different versions of the truth. The facts need to be proved to the requisite standard, for example, “on the balance of probabilities” in a civil trial."  


  3. I can summarize the answer to alleged rhetorical question put by Pontious Pilate to Jesus “What is truth?” - Truth is defined by what you can prove, not what truly is.

see Micro Focus (US) Inc v State of New South Wales (New South Wales Police Force) [2011] FCA 787 and PDF : Janette Gail Francis v Australian Labor Party , State of New South Wales (health department), State of South Australia (health department), Commonwealth of Australia (health department), various physicians  and ORS 

Australia is where when self representing applicants file indefensible claim against the Government, they're criminally subjected to New South Wales police department's email hacking. This dear voter, is what South Australia's Labor Party controlled police department are co-conspirators with NSW & federal government  officials when they refuse to investigate the many South Australia government in Adelaide region associated crimes against my person & refuse to issue my drivers licence so I can't easily escape from South Australia to seek lawyers out of this terrorist grasp. Think "1998 USA film,  The Truman Show" in real life Australia because despite content of above associated PDF (Francis v Labor Party & 59 ORS) & despite content of my prior victory in Sydney NSW Federal Court decision in Francis v Allen and Unwin Pty Ltd & terrorist WALTERS family Australia's Sydney & national news industry remained stony silent on all of these very high profile and globally historical public interest & human interest matters.

This is a matter entails quite elaborate infringements on statutory rights enshrined in COPYRIGHT ACT 1968 (Cth): Which include my photographic works since 1989, perpetrated by The State of New South Wales & Commonwealth of Australia in the publication 'Brothers In Arms the inside story ...' authored by Lindsay Simpson & Sandra Harvey, one being public relations staff for (longest serving) NSW Police Minister; subsequently covered up by infringements on my literary works since 2001 in my letters to Government officials and my (other) 'material time' websites, as perpetrated by police department officials within The State of New South Wales & The State of South Australia & Commonwealth of Australia, since at least 2003 (Police Commissioner's outlawry letter to me); and proved on the balance of probability not limited to the monetary grants decisions from The State of New South Wales & Commonwealth of Australia, to create and publish the television miniseries also named  'Brothers In Arms Bikie Wars' & and two other paperbacks, 'Kangaroo Court'  authored by Sandra Harvey's natural mother Elaine Slowman as Lynette Styles who also infringed my (website) literary words and identifies me as Wollondilly Shire Councillor HALL when I legally was known as Clr Hall from 1995 to 1999 inclusive; and 'The Brotherhoods' authored by Arthur Veno, published in by Allen and Unwin P/lL 2001 to supplement their 2001 new release of Brothers In Arms the inside story ...' authored by Lindsay Simpson & Sandra Harvey (likened to the many registered small political parties engineered to help Labor Party win at election by preference voting which in essence is remarkably undemocratic) Which were precipitated by my unlawful abductions to facilitate my unlawful imprisonment, my other assault & battery by surgical rape, trespass on my land to facilitate invasion of my privacy to facilitate my defamation and trespass on my property for conversion of it, extensive personal injury and intentional infliction of emotional distress facilitated with illegally acquired amnesia drugs; not to forget MISFEASANCE IN PUBLIC OFFICE to illegally block my access to the court system’s constitutional provision of due process and blocking my access to my valid drivers licence, essential medical services and essential anti-terrorism law enforcement by State and Federal police. The aforementioned infringements include (but not limited to) Part IX Moral rights of authors of literary works, Division 4, section 195AI Author’s right to integrity of authorship; and section 195AJ Derogatory treatment of literary work; and Division 6, Infringement of moral rights, section 196AQ of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).   I have never at any time been 'simple' or 'intellectually retarded'. Assholes  !

Below LINKED image is extract of first and last two pages of the 2019 decision of State Supreme civil court (master) Katrina BOCHNER. Who decided the master and not a judge took the matter may lead to be the same answer to who bribed her to act with malicious direct bias.  As you see under "3" (left side) she refers to my letter and the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) malicious derogatory treatment of my moral rights on my literary works, which entails an elaborate false attribution of authorship to me in the highlighted paragraph. Page on right side is her reference to my pleading that physician COLE was employed as a public officer as a direct result of the secret communication with transport department, and her employment contract was evidenced to the extent of the baseless medical certificate cigned by COLE that she unlawfully faxed directly to transport department, unlawfully because it was a false document pursuant to the State Criminal Law Consilidation Act 1935, section 140 dishonest dealings with documents. There was no medical evidence to prove I had a mental illness. Cole and the transport department agreed to use the false document (highlighted paragraph) as the only evidence I had mental illness. I proved COLE was acting as a public officer which is what this conspiracy to do an act for the sole benefit of the Government became the second COLE accepted the State contract of employment by faxing back her false medical certificate. The truth and "justice" in the courst are the same thing - they both rely on what can be proved. As a self-representing and 'legally unqualified' in the intricacies of Australian law and the court system I had won my case on the documents. BOCHNET joined this terrorist plan to criminally defame me and cause me continuing torture and  death from illegal implants. Her own documents prove her crimes and her infringement on my moral right to integrity of authorship of the facts in my affidavits - my statutory right under federal law not to be defamed as a result of false attribution of authorship to me by malicious derogatory treatment of my moral rights on my literary works. Its not rocket science. Its merely adult logic.

When is Forcing an Appeal Action Criminal?

Refusing to acknowledge respondents had not filed any affidavit evidence and not filed any defence documents is intent to pervert the course of justice by Judge BOCHNER. That she did it to protect the State of South Australia from incrimination in the "false police document" matter in transport department records according to the illegal hearsay affidavit evidence, from one lawyer (ROSTRON of Finlaysons) is evidence of a terrorist planning for a political cause - by all parties concerned, including the legal firms for GPAXIS (IlesSelley) and for COLE (Finlaysons) where the lawyers may be deemed terrorists if they were not afraid for their life if they refused to comply to instruction from their employer/contractor. A judge has no such protection they're supposed to deem their decision based on facts in evidence and by their own research, on provable facts only (not hearsay) without fear or favour (blind justice rule). If the judiciary are afraid, they call State police, if they're afraid of State police they call Federal policeif they're afraid of Federal police they call the Prime Minister, if they're afraid of the Prime Minister, they call representative of the King, the Federal Governor-General to evoke enforced martial law on South Australia, on the grounds of being controlled by terrorists harming the National Interest, via our federal Defence department, which is why our defence services existIts no point calling the State Premier they've already admitted they can't control their own State police. If she's afraid of the King of United Kingdom, then she calls the United States of America, evidently they live to sort that shit out.

BOCHNOR's decision to order for the no-evidence party means she called none, which means the bitch is a terrorist enemy of Australia.

The serious harm that is physical, is the obvious harm to me from the perpetual physical pain I am needlessly enduring and have endured for 20 year in South Australia and many more in New South Wales since 1991, attempting to get access to recognition as a person with legal rights in my own birth country - Australia, the terrorist parliaments' nation.

The 2019 Supreme Court matter in Francis v Cole and Gpaxis Pty Ltd is not something that should have needed to be appealed, wasting public resources and everyone else's. The willful malice of BOCHNER is established by her failing to note that the affidavit containing the highlighted text was only hearsay - it was not supported by witness statement from the alleged police officer author, or the alleged person who sent it in the fax to COLE, or even COLE herself, a matter that is required under the Evidence Act 1929 (SA) by inference in its section 9(6) reference to "the rule against hearsay at common law or under this Act." Pursuant to Australia's federal Constitution a State law is not able to nullify a federal law. South Australia's State Evidence Act only makes single section 9(6) casual reference to the Common Law hearsay rule.  Federal Evidence Act 1995, specifically mentions the hearsay rule at least 20 times. On that evidence alone the Evidence Act omission of reference to Common Law rule on hearsay is proof State parliament and Judiciary, have premeditated intent to hoodwink self-represented non legally trained persons by referring in the Court Rules only to the State Evidence Act. The 

The only affidavits from COLE and GPAXIS came from their Adelaide lawyers, Finlaysons andIles Selley - which contained 100% hearsay evidence, which means there was no witness evidence at all, in person or affidavit from COLE or  GPAXIS yet they won the day in court.  In my evidence I proved there was no lawful grounds for State transport to demand I provide any medial certificate for any reason. I should have won on my Affidavit evidence. The respondents had no evidence of their own means they had no evidence at all yet they won the day in court.  That's terrorism.

  • "A witness who asserts that he agrees with the evidence given (either orally or by affidavit) by another witness infringes the hearsay rule, and caution is required before that evidence is permitted where the evidence in question is in dispute; the Evidence Act requires a witness to give unambiguous evidence of what that witness saw or heard where the subject of that evidence is in dispute: Singh v Singh [2007] NSWSC 1357 at [8]–[14]."

  • Establishing to non-legal persons that the person must give first hand affidavit material, not affidavit from their lawyer, in my 2015 Federal Court Copyright hearing against tye publishers of the "Brothers In Arms..." paperback Judge KATZMANN wrote in her reasons thus:

  • "If she gives evidence to support her assertion, the Court will need to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of that evidence against all the other evidence. That will include an assessment of her honesty and reliability and, if Mr WaIters gives evidence, his honesty and reliability also."; and

  • "Against that, all the respondents offer is hearsay. and innuendo. While hearsay evidence is admissible on an interlocutory application (Evidence Act 1995 (Cth), s 75), it is generally entitled to less weight than direct evidence. It was open to the respondents to proffer sworn evidence from Mr WaIters but they elected, without explanation, not to do so."

  • See my searchable PDF:[JGFwin]_KATZMANN_14p.pdf

  • No affidavit and no appearance means, Alison Barbara Jane COLE had failed to give evidence before the 2019 State Supreme court, just as Rex WALTERS had in 2014 Federal court, along with all the other respondents in that, my Copyright Act claim on my photographic works.

  • The Role of the Court"Parties (natural persons) are entitled to appear unrepresented in proceedings before the court: see ... Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth) s 78. The court has a duty to give such persons a fair hearing, and it may bfae appropriate for the court to give some assistance to such persons in order to fulfill that duty."

  • Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth)

  • CIVIL LIABILITY ACT 1936 (SA) section 31—Standard of care.

  • "31(1)  For determining whether a person..."  magistrate, master, or Judge"...was negligent, the standard of care required of the defendant is that of a reasonable person in the defendant's position who was in possession of all information that the defendant either had, or ought reasonably to have had, at the time of the incident out of which the harm arose."

Australia State Court is Nationally Controlled by Terrorists.

Its not rocket science. Its merely adult logic.  Its pretty obvious I am very good at logically poking holes in popular "Government-controlled propaganda" like The Holy Bible as the true story of God & his Jesus. This, my true sequence of events is not too different from the tales of King Arthur. In this version I'm both Prince Arthur & Merlin (Merlin BBC series) escaping attempts to kill off Arthur who wants peace and justice to rule the lands when he's King - Australia's government are the evil dark magic psychopathic say I have lots of ancestors in every place King Arthur is said to vane lived where there are a lot of Camels (Camelot). Some say its pure fiction which is just as probable for the tales of that Jesus of Nazerath. Some insist Tinta-gel (Tintagel Cornwall) was his origin and appears to be most popular. say I have 14 ancient family members in Cornwall between 700 Current Era, and 1,200 Before Current Era:

  • 1 person @ 1,210 BCE Constantine Island Cornwall England - 18 hours walk, North to Tintagel Castle.

  • 3 persons @ 250 BCE Newquay Tregunnel Cornwall England - 11 hours walk, North to Tintagel Castle.

  • 3 persons @ 200 BCE Harlyn Bay Cornwall England (another 43 CE) - 6 and half hours walk, North to Tintagel Castle.

  • 4 person @ 100 BCE Trethellan Farm Cornwall England - 11 hours walk, North to Tintagel Castle.

  • 1 person @ 43 BCE Harlyn Bay Cornwall England, (3 more 200 BCE) - 6 and half hours walk, North to Tintagel Castle.

  • 1 person @ 650 CE Crantock Newquay Cornwall England - 11 and half hours walk, North to Tintagel Castle.

  • 1 person @ 700 CE Bude Widemouth Bay Cornwall England - 6 hours walk, South to Tintagel Castle.

Naturally I have no evidence King Arthur existed however, there are a few recorded names that may have been pronounced to sound like Arthur. There's Carthann Fionn Ó Thoirdelbaig, said to be a great King of Ireland during general King Arthur time-frame. Mother who lived in Garthamadrun in France (I think) is the mother of male said to be a great King of Briton in 4th century time of England's King Arthur. Its more probable than not that family MacArthur who appeared to have originated in County Donegal about 9th century Ireland descended from the King whose mum was from Garthamadrun. As we know Internet data is sketchy & gets worse mysteriously (not) when some people create an article on a subject, and others are long-term fixated on discrediting that author by any means.  Gartan (with Irish accent to some may may sound like Arthur) its in County Donegal, Ireland say in Ballyhanna County Donegal, where the Great Britton King from Garthamadrum had a maternal seat, I had another 30 family members. County Donegal, which is sort-of near Kilteasheen is where say I had about 40 family members, in the ground in Kilteasheen south of County Donegal, Ireland.  Then there's one of my 31st Great-Grandfathers, 9th century great King of Denmark, Sweden, Norway and England, King Harthacnut is usually referred to merely as Cnut or canute. Would it be that ancient Britons chose to nick the folk heroes of the day as their own? Na, they wouldn't do that if they t'ought they'd be caught. Which brings me to the fake DNA result from Sydney NSW police WALTERS & their fake Leanne authors, who lied to my 94 year male parent through the Camden Historical Society and terrorist Lynette STYLES (alias Elaine SLOWMAN) mother of author Sandra HARVEY - that my male parent's ancestors originated in County Cork (south east Ireland) when I have absolutly no DNA matches anywhere near that region. None. The psychopathic cruelty of it is that he died falsely believing his family name is "Coffey" not FRANCIS as I've proved it must be, claiming his grandfather was a 14-year-old run-away from his Sydney police officer male parent, using a library record to prove the news story. My research says that same run-away died still as Mr Coffey, in Victoria. That's the demented nature of modern FREEMASON POLICE. That's why I had my first DNA tests, 2020, 2 were stolen in Australia Post carriage. The Coffey lie is why I researched my family tree making all discoveries I hadn't previously known about my heritage, 2 years after my male parents death which I never received any notice - that was most probably also stolen in Australia Post carriage. How do I know I'm my male parent's daughter? I have his long neck, upturned chin, widows-peak, ringlet curly hair. Mum has short neck, regular chin, no widows-peak & dead straight hair.

In response to family snobbery, I say stiff cheese cousins. It's not who your are by title that identifies your honour, its how you react under duress or temptation.  

Australia's National Terrorist Controlled Governments

To quote my loving, much loved and respected, 1940s Forest Lodge suburb of Sydney resident, Pymble Methodist Ladies' College educated, mother Gladys May (Strachan) Francis, "only persons to be afraid of are the living".  In his 1984 publication 'The Brotherhood ... Freemasons'  one of the Freemason officials Stephen Knight interviewed referenced the 'new breed' of Freemasons in Australia and United Kingdom, being allowed to join without honourable invitation simply to increase the numbers of the global cult, joining for all the wrong reasons which enable illegal protection from the most diabolical crimes imaginable. That situation was only able to be repeated time and again because prior to 1984 that criminal element had already infiltrated the Freemason cults. This is what we have herewith. Unfortunately for my family, my mother's husband, my DNA male parent was one such criminal element. Which also serves to prove bad-blood (the psychopath gene)  is not always inherited from a sperm donor, which when all is said and done, a sperm donor was all my (non Catholic) father had been to all his children.  Despite being a non religious person (having no evidence to prove otherwise, including the matters of my 3 January 1977 motor vehicle incident) I'd have to be a fool to blindly believe there are no tangible entities in our vast cosmic existence that hadn't shaped me from childhood to resist and overcome the evil that persists in the DNA of our species. I'd have to be an even bigger fool to call them God or believe them to be dead-people spirits, as many otherwise intelligent persons do.   

My mother married a St Peters public school boy, Aubrey Bernard Francis, then unknown distant cousin to the Grosvenorand Francis family of London UK. Its believed from family tree breadcrumbs that my male parent's direct FRANCIS (and Grosvenor) ancestors immigrated from 1880s London to Australia then from 1880s Australia to San Fransico USA, surviving the great earthquake.  Due to Sydney & Canberra Freemason political interference, my male parent (1923-2018) never managed to learn who his FRANCIS ancestors were, despite his life-long search after his male parent died when the was about (3) three-years-old. Proving when it comes to politics, family bonds are  quite easily erased in Government documents.  An example of which is te fact our department of Social Security, Centerlink agency erased the  DNA fathers of my children, replacing their name with the name of my first born son to make me appear to be a pedophile in federal Government record.  I suspect the post 1926 UK family of Grosvenor & Francis and my male parent's Sir Francis Suttor (my 1st cousin three times removed) he or his cousins and uncles didn't wish to be linked to Australian riff-raff.  Sir Francis' mum, Charlottte (Francis) Suttor  is one of my second great grand-aunts we look similar from her photo in Wiki and my photo when married at 18 and his paternal grandmother is Ruth (Grosvenor) Francis 1778-1860. I inherited the Francis widows'-peak hairline as seen on UK Jean Francis & my male parent (above).  Like I say later - errors on this website are usually due to illegal hacking to change or block correct spelling & grammar.  Family records say Middlesex UK born Charlotte Francis aged 15, was married to William Suttor aged 28, in 1833 Sydney. Going by their 'secret genocide' past history, Australia's officials will have murdered all my descendants before another 100 years have expired. When parliament advertise their elected throng as honourable, its always a noun, not a verb. Sir Francis Suttor  married Adelaide Agnes Henrietta Bowler, daughter of a convict. ("The Bowler family : its descent from the Jolliffe, Raitt, Underwood and Cutler families, and its connection with the Suttor, Francis, Simpson, Farrand, Langtree, Edols and Kirkpatrick families" (source no prizes for guessing who the SIMPSON family are related to. My guess here. For those who don't know - my mother was Methodist because her male parent's grandfather was Scottish, born in Aberdeenshire.  My DNA matches in indicate that if you have a long family history in Scotland then we're most probably DNA cousins.  I have matches to persons archaeogenetics say lived in Scotland in the years 2230, 2145, 2300, 2100, 2080, 1900, 1750, 1450, 1350, all BCE or before current era where zero religious zealots insist was the birth of a Jesus as a son of an all-powerful God. I have 2,000 (total) matches in MTA of those about 35 ancients in Iceland, which appears to be most of them. See  Which may be why when I ate meat I preferred fish, and prefer the weather cold and raining to hot and dry, and from experience am more likely to be hot and sweaty in the snow with basic cold weather clothes, and have never been able to sweat away my excess internal heat. Which makes the targeted sadism that is my surgical rape with illegal implants that include connecting antenna cable in my arms & legs covered in a swathe of illegal silicone fillers, particularly psychopathic as my head and torso sweat profusely from the silicone and vibrations, yet I have to cover my knees because the abundance if silicone there to cover their crippling implant cables entwined around my knees, causes me ineradicable pain from the extreme cold as experienced by all legal silicone implant patients - and these my physical assaults, Australia's police and my voices in Parliament insist are not a crime in Australia. This sort of situation I'm would be why the Labor-Liberal parliament unconstitutionally ratified and passed Bill that made unconstitutional changes to our Australia Constitution without any referendum by the Australia Act 1986, just as unconstitutionally passed through the parliament of the United Kingdom, removing any chance of appeal to our (Queen) King. This parliamentary centric criminal-collusion needs to be revoked, rescinded and quashed because every legally trained professional across the entire Westminster legal system knows the legal maxim, what cannot be done directly cannot be done indirectly.  My outspoken strong objection at the material time to the Australia Act is, on the balance of probability, what brought me to the psychopathic attention of the Labor-Liberal Party Faithful so that I've ended up in this expertly target personal crime. Evidently I've proved that being an honourable member of parliament & and honest member of parliament are worlds apart under the Westminster's fake democracy. 

See ( above video phone call was Wednesday 20 November 2024. They falsely advertised free "legal advice" . They claim they are "Australia's largest specialist personal injury firm". The female taking the call offered me a contract, I provide her with "few details" in exchange she would "pop me through to one of the solicitors" indicating she is not a solicitor.  Despite not having the qualifications she gave me legal advice claiming"its not something we'd be able to assist you with". Which means they falsely advertised the promise of  "legal advice"  in exchange for "few details".

Recapping: LAW PARTNERS of Level 45, Citigroup Centre, 2 Park Street, Sydney NSW and (19) nineteen other locations as Australia's largest specialist personal injury legal firm hire call centre staff with no formal legal qualifications to give out expert legal advice.

Lack of equality has been perpetual since people formed groups. Despite our extensive legal systems this lack of equality still causes serious harm that is physical to huge sections of our community. Freemasons who 300 years ago started as a trickle with the aid of the lack of equality are the largest and most extensive and damaging terrorist organization in recorded history conservatively estimated at costing taxpayers trillions of dollars annually and untold amount of unrealized potential on their victims of these diabolical child rape crimes. This Freemason shit needs to stop.

TheAustralian Labor Party and the Liberal Party of Australia both separately & jointly insist they have the best interests of Australians at heart when they make decisions in Parliament or in their Ministerial portfolios. I prove HERE that's a politically caucused premeditated psychopathic bare-faced medical-terrorist's lies. Not limited to the fact "spineless Freemason families" have hacked into this website interfering with my text formatting & spelling. 

The above is all that's required for any reasonable person to formulate the justified opinion they should never again vote for Labor or Liberal or associated supporting running parties - which means almost all of the presently registered political parties in Australia (2024) I'll refer to collectively as The Party Faithful in any Australian parliament or local council or board of directors.


Above: still more "expert evidence" of my 1997 or 1998 surgical rape to my "nose-palate" region, when I was elected local council Councillor HALL; criminally ignored by New South Wales & South Australia police departments and other medical terrorist aligned Australian residents.

Above: another criminal defamation letter from VARLEY that GPAXIS used to perjure themselves in 2019 Supreme Court affidavit.

Above: another cause for defamation & ironically proves my "nose-palate" surgical rape on my nose occurred between date of single photo of me (top c1997) & date of the single photo of me labelled @Moss Vale 1998, showing my new nose-droop.

This is part of my 2022 Federal Court defamation originating claim that clerical staff illegally refused to file in, JG Francis v Australian Labor Party ORS.  I was the one who made harassment claim, about Labor Party endorsed candidate for federal election BANASIK indecently assaulting me by pulling up my blouse to see my chest & on earlier occasion demanding to seem my chest for evidence of the Leanne Walters tattoos as stated in STYLES' daughter's paperback Brothers in Arms. Both invasions & assault & battery occurred when I was participating in my elected Council duties. Like everything else police refused to investigate & I’m blocked in my civil right to damages in court. They (STYLES & her self-professed IRISH mob) also did that to my hair 1998 (dry as a crisp it was) so I'm guessing silicone went in the evening before with the hair disaster knowing they would snap this photo. I'm guessing I was secretly drugged in my coffee with amnesia date rape drugs"Thanks Lynnie-poo".

Above: this gross "invasion of privacy" (Tort Law) also proves criminal defamation, on baseless grounds for medical diagnosis because I was complaining about politically motivated medical crimes to court, otherwise known as "witness tampering".


This 100% lack of equality is best represented by taking two "white Australia" families and comparing them because there's this bizarre belief that "white" people have privileges that dark skinned persons don't.  In fact an Asian physician criminally defamed me in a government medical record by writing of me, "Very entitled insisting she's been misrepresented..."  I told him I'd been criminally defamed in the same medical record previously, he took the written baseless criminal defamation as fact & his boss banned me from the Government medical practice because I asked for copy of the records that proved they criminally defamed me. That was on 7 June 2012 in south Adelaide at the GP Plus Super Clinic in Noarlunga, the general physician criminally defaming me is male physician, Jee Ken MAH, medically trained in 2010 Australia which means he registered to practice doctors' in January 2011 - one year prior therefore, he was very versed in what's expected of him in Medical Practice. His other language is Malay. He relocated to Mannam in South Australia at some time before 2019. The GP Plus Super Clinics are jointly funded between the Commonwealth & the States.  



Entitled means: "believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment."

I highlight this sentence in the above PDF under heading"Which domestic laws relate to the right to health?"found on my website or at Tanya's Labor Party'sAttorney-General's website, and fully supported by the Liberal-coalition, thus:
"There is no Commonwealth legislation explicitly enshrining the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health."

I'll say it again for the slow ones - there are no laws that give us any paramount legal right over our health care. None. We're all ripe for the picking for their illegal & secret medical research projects as I have been. All we have is the common law right not to be physically assaulted but if you have been like me they won't let you file a claim in civil court. If, like me, you have been physically and seriously assaulted our Nazi-Styled police departments don't recognise that as a crime as their only duty (according to 2024 SAPOL in Adelaide & 2003 NSW police commissioner's office) is to protect the Australian-Communist-Regime in Australia.

However, we have a lot more personal rights indirectly than Australia's throng of recalcitrant and recidivist sycophantic legal firm's lawyers, solicitors, QCs will tell us.

  • Under the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act (1995) Schedule, The Criminal Code;  we have the inferred right not to be physically or psychologically assaulted by Government public officers for a political cause or by Freemasons with an ideology cause or other nutters with their religious causes as they're all defined as TERRORISTS - all of them including all of the Labor Party & Liberal Perty in Government & parliament as a Minister of Parliament when they do something to physically harm us for their "cause" or as they call it their election "mandate". Terrorism is clearly defined pursuant to The Criminal Code, meeting to limit who is classified as a terrorist from here would be an illegal terrorist "plan" as defined in The Criminal Code at:

  • Under the Commonwealth Defence Act 1903 section 38 Commonwealth interests orders or variations that were not requested by a State or Territory; we have the right not to be over-run by terrorists in State Governments (see also below)

  • In Commonwealth jurisdiction and every State criminal laws protect us from "forgery" and "false documents" and "abuse of public office" and "criminal defmation".

  • The only problem we face is that its the Federal Parliament who evoke these inferred rights that protect us so while we have the presentAustralian Labor Party and the Liberal Party of Australia medical-terrorists occupying parliament we have no legal rights at all under Australian statute and the Common law (tort) system enforced in the civil court system.To equally access these laws we must forst ditch the present Labor-Liberal duopoly.

  • Instead of bitching down at the Southern Freemason Christies Beach meeting blockcomplaining I'm 'full of shit' in a barage of childish emails to each other and others, state your case in writing so I can publish it herewith. Prove your case in the alternative as I have proved in the affirmative here; address every one of my pieces of documented evidence and prove where I'm wrong under Australian statute. But you won't  do that because youcan'tprove me wrong so you follow me around like dogs and conspire to harm me instead - same old same old psychopathic Freemason lies. I'll add that evidence establishes the Third Reich, and Adolph Hitler's Nazi Party were also deeply committed to medical research; and that South Australia's bird  'Coat of Arms' is unconfortably similar to the Nazi Reich's Wiemar bird  'Coat of Arms' with the black police uniform and the same German heritage and same "medical-terrorist political attitude from the heads of parliament.

Compare the Pair

The two "white" families are my own and that of a female who was also member of NSW Labor Party same time I was a member of NSW Labor Party; and that we both married men with a criminal record. She's 14 years younger than me, in fact she was born the year the fake Leanne WALTERS was born - the fake person the same Labor Party stole my adult face to identity when I was aged 28.

I refer to Tanya Joan Plibersek who Wikipedia says when living in Sydney, "Plibersek was elected to the House of Representatives at the 1998 federal election, aged 28". 

In 1998, I was being surgically raped by my fellow NSW members of the Australian Labor Party; I was already an elected member of Wollondilly Shire Council, only I was by then 42 years old. I had stood for preselection in State Parlaiment but my fellow Labor Party members rejected me because, allegedly,"You haven't been a Young Labor member."I was illegally expelled from Wollondilly Shire Council without prior notice and without the right of reply, and no legal right of appeal anywhere. Labor Party wanted me out of council, so I wouldn't have any chance of being re-elected, so that's what they got. Labor Party is a terrorist organisation.

So let's look at the career for her jail-bird husband Michael Coutts-Trotter, compared to my jail-bird husband.

They met when Tanya was 20s. My husband & I met when he was 21.

Her husband was convicted and served time in jail for conspiracy to import heroin.

My husband was convicted and served time in jail for petty theft.

Her husband served less than three years of a nine-year sentence.

Mine served all of his several months sentence.

Her husband was a drug addict.

My husband was an alcoholic.

Her husband had external support, allowing him to study at university soon after being released.

My husband had no emotional support, in fact he was stalked by Freemason police and assaulted several times, rendering him emotionally unable to hold down any job for longer than a few months. Additionally, after my husband attended a court ordered psychiatrist in Scott Street Liverpool NSW, he informed me the psychiatrist was angry because my husband refused to agree with the psychiatrist that I was to blame for all his psychological problems - clearly the Freemasons were attempting to brainwash my husband as they did my children, myself and anyone else I had contact with which is why I stopped keeping friendships.

Her husband is almost reached his 60th year and currently the Secretary of the New South Wales Treasury. He was previously the Secretaries of the New South Wales Department of Premier and Cabinet, Department of Communities and Justice, the director-generals of the Department of Education and Department of Finance and Services.

My husband didn't see out his 56th year, the only thing of value he's owned is his plot of land in NSW Cemetery.

Let's look at one of their children.

Normally I wouldn't do this, it's just that as parents, they chose to spin a tale around their daughter to gain political attention for the Labor Party. I would never do that - so I'll compare their 'abused'daughter to 'physically assaulted'me.

The 2024 media spin says, "...Anna Coutts-Trotter's first teenage relationship into an ugly thing of control, abuse and dependency." and this; "Anna's mother, federal Labor minister Tanya Plibersek, candidly admits that when she first learned of his abuse: 'Honestly, I wanted to kill him for hurting my child."

I was illegally imprisoned in 2007 when a public servant falsely accused me of threatening to kill someone for surgically raping me.

Tanya's daughter was able to take her alleged emotional abuser to civil court soon after the abusive incident.

I was physically and extensively assaulted with illegal implants and silicone injections during the 1990s, its 2024 and not only did Tanya refuse to respond to my letters to her when she was Minister for Women.

Tanya's Labor Party and Tanya's husband's correction services had/have/are actively blocked/blocking my progress into New South Wales civil courts and South Australia civil courts and the Federal civil Court of Australia- including being illegally blocked in my legal right to sue Christies Beach Medical Centre, Dr Celia Emmeline TILDESLEY & Dr Jee Ken MAH. The Government's AHPRA medical registrar illegally refused to accept my complaints against MAH, TILDESLEY and others equally unfit to practise medicine in Australia.

Like I inferred at the onset, the problem isn't having your voice heard in parliament, the problem in the 100% lack of equality in Australia between the Party Faithful and the rest of us - regardless of race, gender, religion or political interests


AUSTRALIA where no-one genuinely says "G'day" and only the butch girls & gay guys call you "mate" and where a broad selection of original Australians and multicultural immigrants as well as "whites" all illegally enforce the unconstitutional terrorist ideologies of the Labor-Liberal Freemason Tripartizan terrorists.

  • Now you can see how the combined majority population actually treat women & children & all genuineanti-crime campaigners - when no cameras watching & why cameras & other digital recorders are prohibited in courts & police stations & why greedy news industry bosses refuse to report medical crimes & truth of what's really going on in Australia.

  • Government cover up crime is a multi million industry - as the evidence strongly suggests is the largest employer vocation in Australia therefore logically Australia's largest export is"utter bullshit" or "propaganda" to non-Australians; and Australia's largest domestic product as a consumer service is human trafficking  for medical-terrorism for profit & medical implant device torture. and other matters never investigated by Australia's Federal police due to tied budget allocation by political "grant" on political grounds, which is obviously very controversial and potentially an act of domestic politically motivated terrorism when linked to denial of medical or court or unconstitutional denial of anti-terrorism policing services which self-generates fear in the community.  Not so ironically when its calculated to be openly ambigious. "The contra proferentem rule states that the ambiguity should be interpreted against: the party who prepared the contract; or the party who seeks to rely on the ambiguous provision" without fail, every agreement or inferred agreement is a contract. Australia's constitution and every item of Statute (laws) are contracts between the residents and the present and consecutive following parliaments - without exception whatsoever. The Australia Act is a breach of the inferred intent of Australia's Constitution and was intended to ambiguously undermine the Australian Constitution. Labor Party & Liberal Party in Australia knows it along  with UK Parliament and all associated lawyers/solicitors - which in reality, technically & automatically renders both country parliament's enemies of Australia.   Legal trap one might like to avoid if planning to sue is that the "parliament" is a construct of the Constitution only existing in theory on paper, therefore incapable of committing crime but the parliament members are a whole other thing as legal "individuals" they can and often do perpetrate crime. Point to note, a corporation is legally defined as a "person" in Australia capable of suing and being sued. The Government nestle corporations into departments same as any 'scam' artist does to avoid paying taxes. Understanding law is easy once you understant its been authored by expert scam artisans as far from having honourable intentions as a fox in a hen-house.

  • We may as well have been in middle of Communist China  since England took control Australia by brute force in or after 1770.


Little Tommy FukA Sang For His SuppA

My husband’s insane Freemason psychiatrist incident was about 1976. I know it was the Freemasons because of my life with my male parent. In 1974 I told him I remembered he’d assaulted me when I was 1959 toddler and tore my skin between my vagina and anus. His response was to threaten to kill the physician who stitched me up else I’d have bled to death. When I mocked him calling his bluff he quite clearly said his Freemason associates would do the killing. That physician died later in 1974 but I wasn’t to know that until 20 years later. In 1976 the Campbelltown NSW Freemason physician who came into Camden public hospital every day as the on-call physician attempted to murder me by toxic shock I was snatched from death minutes away. So when a random psychiatrist violently attempts to make my alcoholic husband hate me behind my back its not rocket science, its the Freemasons. There were many attempts on my life in 1970s and 1980s. I didn't have a large group of friends, barely none. All persons I associated with were respectable and law abiding. Only criminal I associated with was my male parent, through his Freemason cult he became a Master Mason early in 1970s.

Not Labor Party and not Liberal Party it was the Freemasons. The political parties became involved in their attacks on me 20 years later because they became extensively involved with the Freemasons. However, it was only 10 years after my male parent told me Freemasons would murder Cooma physician Dr Bulloch as my witness to being raped by my Freemason male parent, that 1984 Milperra shootings occurred; and only four years after that in 1988, that NSW police Freemason kill squad or Freemason assassination squad murdered Jack BASSET in cold blood before my eyes.

My male parent was convicted in Cooma local court for my 1959 rape, between then and Milperra modern day Freemasons is Government caused his criminal record to vanish despite me seeing him rape children, including his own son, my own brother, he was never charged with any of those crimes Jack BASSET was the only police officer who'd made the charge stick when he was best mates with my male parent in 1959. That's politics.

Looking back 300 years ago when present day Freemasons were formed by male groups in England Scotland Ireland, homosexuality or sodomy was a crime punishable by hanging. Using adult logic, Freemasons were homosexuals and the “apprentice” rituals were inducting young homeless children to be homosexuals. The used their combined wealth to attempt to bribe police and parliament to exempt Freemasons from the crime of sodomy. Fast forward 300 years its apparent that Freemasons financial influence on parliament has increased to the level that sees Freemason crimes acceptable to all police and all parliament members associated with the two main political parties in Government, Labor & Liberal. Its not rocket science, its rational adult logic.

Under the Westminster System of government and law any person who protects and prevents killers and rapists from facing accountabiity for their crimes qualifies to be sentenced as if they themselves had committed that crime. Which means it is in fact a imprisionable criminal offence to be apathetic in Government public office and that every parliamentarian, every Minister of parliament I have written to on these matters are liable to be imprisioned for the murder of the c1967 child, murder of Jack BASSET, murder of my granadmother and the many physical assaults on my family members and the rapes of hundreds of children by Freemasons. Oh and my 1990s surgical rape. That inclides the Labor Party "white" family parents as stated above.

Below: extract from my paperback, Taurus Rising. the use of "de" in ancient Briton was to define "of" as in Scotland King Robert of Bruce.  King Robert de BRUCE is listed as my 20th, 21st, 22nd & 23rd Great Grandfather, followed by a line of his male BRUCE ancestors apparently.  For those low-life Freemasons wishing to take on the task of erasing that bit of my family tree, also, then you'll have to take on the mighty CAMPBELL Clan, blue & green. Vibrant Blue and fluro green happen to be my favourite colour combinations despite that I'm also equally part of the MacGREGOR Clan who, as history claims, MacGREGOR lands were given to Clan CAMPBELL by Scorland's King Robert de Bruce. Modern Clan GREGOR "society" is obviously a Freemason income stream and not as falsely advertised a charity fund for Clan GREGOR families else they'd have stood by me against Australia's Freemason terrorists. You'll also note the McGREGOR red & green tartan is often used for Australian badpipe band's colours because Australia is Freemason centric not McGREGOR centric. Yes, I know its green & gold I was restricted on colour in webpage builder.  I don't like red because it represents the colour of blood and war. And the bloke who folowed me from residence to residence across Australia for past 40 years, calling himself "Bob BURNS" descendent of poet Robert BURNS and also falsely claiming he has a friendship with me, appears to be a DNA brother or cousin of the Rex John WALTERS from Ingleburn NSW the Freemason who stole my biometric identity since 1989, as yet another identity for his fake-dead fake-daughter Leanne - if not the very same Rex John Walters - if not a present or prior "congress" partner to fake-Leanne's alleged birth mother Pamela WALTERS; alias Elaine SLOWMAN; alias NSW Irish-terrorist author in hiding Lynette Mary STYLES. Boo-hiss.


The Green & gold Nazi flag is copied by Australians as their Olympic Games colours. Don't  kid yourself "colours" are just as important to political parties as they are to sporting teams or motorcycle clubs and Nazi Germany who also marked their criminalks with the green colour. Australia's Olympic teams should be red, white & blue to represent our national flag not the ancient Saxon-German heritage of elitist far-left who are so far left they're in reality far-right from cylinderical or global perspective.

"The then Governor-General ... proclaimed green and gold the national colours on 19 April 1984 ... There are no restrictions on the use of the national colours. Green and gold may be used in any design" 

I'd rather not be associated with Hitler's GREEN & GOLD Nazi Party, Germany.

Martial Law should be declared by the Commonwealth of Australia parliament pursuant to section 38 of the Defence Act 1903, in South Australia & in New South Wales. That is hasn't establishes the reality that a Communist consortium have illegal control of Australia's Federal Parliament. The below proves they have control of State parliaments in South Australia and New South Wales. We're the same as North Korea and China, police departments enforce Communism for the Communist regime in control -  you're either part of that or;  you're too stupid to see it

The four associated crimes, in docs below, are Australia's (Labor & Liberal & Freemason) political party crimes. Yes Freemasons globally are a legally definable as a "secret" political party they choose not to be registered as such to maintain their secret & illegal agendas, London UK documents prove that about 300 years ago the non-political and political Freemason fraternities amalgamated to form the terrorist cult we know so well today; reforming specifically to influence parliament. Freemasons today still emphasize they keep to the "old tradition" of Freemasonry - which in campaigning individual parliamentarians, something quite illegal today. The Freemason campaigning effect is formerly established by the fact my evidence of Freemason child-rape history, are concealed by the crimes that occurred in the relevent departments, and that HISTORICALLY and presently - their relevant Ministers of Health & Ministers of Police & Ministers of Transport in the three jurisdictions (Cth, NSW & SA) refuse to investigate the associated crimes herewith in their own departments, which on paper, render me an unreliable witness against Freemasons on the basis on falsified mental illness; and that the Attorney-Generals have refused my requests to make this a "public interest" matter in their application to their courts in relation to the "unconstitutionality" enforced by the (criminal) malfeasant aparthy of the relevent Ministers et cetera.  These 4 associated crimes were/are being secretly Government financed as joint-crimes in concert with terrorist enemies of AUSTRALIA employed, contracted ot elected into government - to cover up a very long history of child-rape in Sydney & Canberra regions of AUSTRALIA, including the MURDER & fake murder crimes associated with the image on FAR RIGHT. Perverted cowards they all are.

    CLICK-here  for THE BEST SOLUTION: even you can use the evidence of the four crimes below to sue or criminally prosecute, the Government don't have a monopoly on criminal prosecution but don't do it alone, you need to have a group of persons with you at all times during the legal process. They cheat all the time. Sneaky underhanded cheating is their super-power. 


Content of  document (far left) dated 13 August 2014 is the basis of the illegal demands from this same State Government's Transport Department who have refused to reissue my State Drivers Licence, since 2018, until I provide a psychiatrist's report to say I'm not mentally ill. As you must realise the demand to prove I'm not something is an unjustified & illegal 'Draconian demand' usually enforced by Communist regimes, the Rule of Law demands the accuser must prove I am not me prove I am not. How much more evidence do you need to establish that Australia is a terrorist regime there is no democracy living here under Labor or Liberal political parties & their thousands of terrorism supporters?

Below: this is the South Australia State crimes of "dishonest dealings with documents" & federal AUSTRALIA crime of "terrorist planning".

Below: this document is perfectly LEGAL, it was created to undo original South Australia, State crimes of "dishonest dealings with documents" & federal AUSTRALIA crime of "terrorist planning".

Below: this is the South Australia State crimes of "dishonest dealings with documents" & federal AUSTRALIA crime of "terrorist planning".

Below: the three publication on left in this image are the federal AUSTRALIA crime of "terrorist planning". Publication on right is perfectly LEGAL, it was created to undo the original New South Wales, State crimes of "perverting the course of justice & due administration of law".

Q:Where's INTERPOL when you need them?

A: @ the Masonic Lodge planning next scam.


Its like Doctor Who's Tardis - Unbelievably bigger when you look inside. SLOWMAN's list of corporate appointees appears to be like a whose who in the international Freemason cult. Did he resign in October 1999, the year I was illegally excluded from my elected position in Wollondilly so he could immigrate to Australia to participate in criminally stalking me to help keep the Freemason secret. I recall some persons asking me if I was ever married to Douglas SLOWMAN. Why would someone say that Elaine? Have you been prostituting yourself while pretending to be me while wearing a silicone mask of my face? The one difference that's mistaken with single photos of groups of people is that many have vastly different head sizes - mine is small still child's size, its possible due to my two "African Pygmy" tribes ancient DNA matches; Mbuti-Pygmy & comically Biaka-Pygmy (because BIA is how I describe the paperback Brothers In Arms) as well as an unidentified "Pygmy" and other "Congo" River region ancestors. MyHeritage DNA matches me to living cousins in this and another regions of Africa and yes the Pygmy tribes persons today on Internet show facial resemblance to me before Freemason families surgically raped me in 1980s with silicone fillers and cable implants. I love that we have access to this knowledge, its fantastic to know where you come from. The small size of my head is what the Freemasons used to claim I was only 14 years in 1984 when I was actually 28-29 years and fully grown to my height now when I was about 15 years. There was no late growth spurt for me as there had been for my DNA sisters. There is no terrorist more despicable than a Freemason one as they infiltrate families to destroy the lives of their fellow Freemason's children.

Everyone has secrets, mine was my disastrously unenviable childhood I kept to myself, refusing to live up to expectations that I would turn to drugs or alcohol. They defamed me by taking facts from my childhood then inventing me as a person usually expected to ensue from such a beginning – polar opposite to who I am. They, Australian Government public officers -  illegally forced me & my equally innocent children to live the IMPOVERISHED lifestyle I’d overcome by falsifying government & medical records, our family tree, and spreading false rumours.

  • In 2018, I achieved a high distinction (perfect score) on my Defamation Law assignment in my Torts B course of my university Bachelor of Laws degree (Uni of SA).

  • In 1995, I secured a Distinction (one answer wrong) in my Information Technology course of my Bachelor of Economics university degree (UWS Nepean NSW).

  • Circa 1986, I secured a Distinction in my Psychology test for my Personnel Management certificate at TAFE, in Campbelltown NSW where I completed high school.

  • In 1969, (aged 13) I came top of my class (1st) for our year seven (1st Form) exams on French language & Geography at Campbelltown High NSW. I love learning. I loved school.

  • These Freemason & other politically aligned families have only achieved in life by stealing the exceptional potential of children like myself to conceal their own crimes, because left to their own merits their life would be nothing even slightly remarkable. I should have been living a multi-million dollar lifestyle but the Freemasons didn't want that. Australia is where Government supported terrorists get anything they work hard for. Instead my gross income is AU$500 per week, that's vast improvement on past 40 something years.

I have eclectic abilities. I'm one of those who are naturally good, not excellent but good at anything they choose. Some people enjoyed taking that from me. I wanted to study archeology and work in Europe but my Freemason male parent refused me permission - I'm his youngest child and according to 1970s Australian lawhe legally owned me as his "chattel" they never talk about that one. We're an all-white family.

They intentionally divided my family to weaken all of our personal bonds with each other and friends in our community . Pure fuking evil.

The image leads to the evidence that proves 100% Australia is unconstitutionally controlled by communist terrorists, and that "white" Australia hides a long history of child rape and murder, including 1988 murder of Jack BASSET and 1989 my grandmother Olive Agnes Harriet Hussey Strachan BUNDOCH.

Mental Health SA Fraud Communists Noarlunga Flinders Adelaide Australia Criminal Ambush

  1. Part 1 of 3

  2. Part 2 of 3

  3. Part 3 of 3

2006 to 2024 ongoing Communirt controlled Australia

Blue block text below reads: Lynette STYLES' KANGAROO COURT, still criminally defaming Janette Gail FRANCIS DECADE AFTER INITIALLY PUBLISHED by the STATE of New South Wales, mid 2014. (and) TERRORIST SYCOPHANTS in the WOLLONDILLY SHIRE COUNCIL, executive employment.  Because Janette filed Copyright claim in Federal Court against STYLES daughter, author Sandra HARVEY, also known as Leanne (Walters, police falsely claim was murdered Fathers Day 1984, before HARVEY & SIMPSON published their 1989 criminal defamation of Janette to drop Janette in shit this NSW POLICE FAMILY created for themselves by falsifying photo of HARVEY on front page of Sydney NSW 'TheSun' newspaper published Monday 3rd September 1984, day after Fathers Day; specifically to pervert the course of justice in the alleged murders of (7) seven persons the  previous day, which was global news in 1984; when an undercover police officer (Lance WELLINGTON) murdered Ivan ROMCEK thereafter the fake LEANNE WALTERS was created by NSW Freemason Police. NSW police department evidently gave convicted killer WELLINGTON fake identity as John David HILL who Labor Party endorsed and elected member in Kaurna (State of South Australia) then HILL was appointed by SA Premier Jay WEATHERILL MP as Minister for Health - a sick in-joke no doubt, where this "sick" refers to the status of criminal psychopathy.)

BLUE COMMENT BASED ON LINDSAY SIMPSON & SANDRA HARVEY PAPERBACK STORY SINCE 1989, TITLED BROTHERS IN ARMS...  Define pigfest: It's where cunt-brains enlist on police department expressly to perpetrate serious crime; or conceal serious crimes of police department comrades. In a sentence, Australia has the largest pigfest globally. Define cunt-brain: a brain that malfunctions in a vacuum, because its subjected to external pressure;derived from ancient phrase for male with loose morals, "you look like a cheap little slut" derived from old Angles word "cunt-stable". Lawyer, Mr Peter BANKI of"Banki Haddock Fiora is an Australian commercial law firm specialising in intellectual property, technology and media law." Brought paperback copy of the paperback "KANGAROO COURT by LYNETTE STYLES"  below with him to Federal Court when he was representing the Allen Unwin (Hyman) international publishers of "Simpson & Harvey's Brothers In Arms" claiming the (criminal defamation & moral rights abuse) in the KANGAROO-STYLES  paperback was his "expert evidence" of my true charecter.He promised the court he would serve copy of his paperback evidence on my in 2014 but didn't. Due to the illegal injections of amnesia drugs I forgot about it until I stumbled on it in seceral years later in an Internet search result. STYLES falsely claimed her paperback was about her time in council (1995-1999) yet she stalked me on the Internet to plagerise my websites & falsely represented my life after council in 21st century claiming it was 1995-1999 when I was on council. Un the Google books released pages STYLES extensively defamed me in my orivate life which has no political defence under defamation - yet the Federal Court of Australia Registrar unconstitutionally refused to let me file my defamation action in January 2022 to ensure that  the criminal defamation remains on the Internet. SYYLES is the natuural mother of one of the pair of authors of "Simpson & Harvey's Brothers In Arms" her daughter is Sandra HARVEY known to me in 1980s as Leanne SLOWMAN when STYLES was known to me as Elaine SLOWMAN, secretary to the General Manager of Visyboard in Warwick Farm where I also worked in the office & Lorraine WALTERS worked in the factory, Lorraine WALTERS is the name "SIMPSON & HARVEY" gave to the setp-mother of their fake Fathers Day murdered child Leanne WALTERS when they used my face for that fiction in 1989 after they used the faces of Sandra HARVEY and Camilla UNWIN (Lorraine WALTERS) in 1984 as same Leanne WALTERS - its not rocket science, its a pile of outragious lies.

Quickly addressing her claims I bullied her; I rarely spoke to her when I did it was with a smile this, "Hello Lynette." That was the extent of my discussions with her as when I did attempt to strike up a conversation she declined to respond. Her claim I spit when angry at her in Council, perhaps I did spit, we all do that's why we had to wear masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. If I was angry spitting my false teeth would have fallen out because having your adult teeth removed when you're 11 or 12 means by the time you're 40 the floor of your mouth is almost flat, which means nothing for false teeth to grab on to to stop them falling out if one starts yelling angrily. Her claim I was angry is absurd because I wilfully re-frame from fits of anger as I've been endowed with what could be describe as the "beserka gene" I discovered to my sister's horror that when I get angry my brain switches into a blind rage inflicting untold suffering on my target without any memory of it. As STYLES failed to describe any diabolical injuries I'd inflicted (as I did to BANASIK when he and TOWNDROW secretly drugged me after one council meeting) then its obvious she's simply attempting to gander sympathy from anyone fool enough to listen to her false allegations. Her claims I harassed her due to politics is abused, we were in different electorates. Her claims she was ostracized from the other councillors is equally fanciful, she used to caucus with the Labor Left faction in the Mayor's office when my fellow riding councillor (VONCINA) was Mayor. It was me who wasn't aligned with anyone else. There were two groups the VONCINA group and the TOWNDROW group. It was my swinging vote that made VONCINA Mayor against TOWNDROW so if I was in the TOWNDROW faction as STYLES falsely claimed I wouldn't have voted VONCINA as Mayor, would I? In my 4 years experience with her on Wollondilly Shire Council, poor Elaine/Lynette is so used to lying I'm certain most times she's convinced herself on her own lies and unaware of reality. As I clearly recollect one day I went to speak to the Wollondilly General Manager Gary CLARK he was on the phone so I waited at the door where I could clearly hear a female hysterically yelling at him on the other end of the phone after he withdrew it from his ear. When he had ended the call I asked him who it was on the phone he responded, "Councillor Lynette STYLES." She was not the victim of bullies in the Wollondilly Shore office - she was the bully. When Centrelink needed a reference from someone I knew to confirm I'd left the father of my small children, Gary CLARK was the only person I though who was appropriate as a business reference, as I had not kept friends for years due to the Freemason assaults. When STYLES found out he'd written me a reference (for centrelink only) she complained about it in General Business at a Council Meeting and demanded she too had a reference from the General Manager, as her Labor Left faction laughed at me about it. Then in 1997 when I moved out of Wollondilly to Bowral because I was aware I'd been abducted from my Wilton residence and surgically raped (the 2006 radiology report evidence) STYLES brought her complaint in General Business that I was "no longer living in Wollondilly" and STYLES "wanted the voters to know". STYLES was seen at the house 2 doors up from mine in Tulip Close Bowral and BABASIK's sister befriended me omitting she was his sister before they combined their efforts to steal my Mazda 929 in a way I was unable to claim insurance & were protected by Bowral police - I'd just had a brand new Mazda engine installed in it imported from Japan. They rendered my Mazda inoperable I had it towed to a Bowral mechanic he claimed a lien to repair the new engine at the cost I paid for the imported engine installed somewhere else. To know my intended actions and what I'd paid for the engine they had to have been invading my private life. That's the actions of a persons criminally conspiring to impoverish me by bullying me & 'balance of probability evidence STYLES played a role in my surgical rape. Freemason supporters have bullied me most of my life, thanks to my Mum's training, insults roll off me like water off a duck's back. Its their problem not mine. When they physically assault me as the Labor Left faction did then its a police problem - problem is the police departments are controlled by Freemason political terrorists and supported by Labor-Liberal terrorist duopoly who published STYLES' criminal defamation about me in Wollondilly's Picton Library as soon as STYLES self-published it making it available nationwide but omitting to inform me or ask me for a response the Wollondilly Advertiser published the story in their local printed newspaper making me look like the wicked witch if STYLES' fairytale. Refusing to publish anything of my paperbacks that prove to opposite to these fairytales spun by the Labor-Liberal terrorist duopoly in Australia.

That dear reader, that inequality of 'news' reporting & paperback publishing, that proves my case in my favour 100% - take that knowledge to every parliament election for the rest of your life.

In real life STYLES never looked like her official Wollondilly Shire Council photos, she had another 'look' for real life and that was nothing like she looked when she was the Visyboard General Manager's secretary. She did look like herself in 1980s when she ran for election in the seat of HUME (circa 2015), seeing that election photo is when I realised Lynette STYLES was also Elaine SLOWMAN. When I worked at Visy I worked upstairs and the General Manager with his secretary worked downstairs so I rarely saw Elaine SLOWMAN but I drove her other daughter to and from work for several months when we both lived in Campbelltown, I was resident at 282 St Johns Road BRADBURY and this is the forst time Campbelltown police officer Peter Robert BRADBURY physically assaulted me in the company of his wife Rose & Lorraine WALTERS from Visyboard. Elaine SLOWMAN / Lynette STYLES has a physical disability, for most people their top and lower arms are same length, Elaine / Lynette's are not - she never was sleeveless when I knew her at Wollondilly Shire Council else I'd recognized her (Lynette STYLES) lie instantly as really being Elaine SLOWMAN, natural mother of authors Sandra HARVEY & Jennifer COOKE - "DONE LIKE A DINNER". Research in Scotland tells us that Douglas Earnest SLOWMAN was a director & secretary of many companies that included Allen Unwin Hyman & Rupert Murdoch's Collins. Was (Lynette STYLES) Elaine SLOWMAN married to Douggy SLOWMAN? Was (Sandra HARVEY) Leanne SLOWMAN Douggy SLOWMAN's daughter? I say, most probably.  See

Circa  1981 I'd reported Freemason child-rape to Nowra NSW police station, the officers illegally refused to take my eye-witness statement - this is why Peter Robert BRADBURY (perhaps not his real name) and his equally insane female dominated family were stalking me at my residence in BRADBURY, and why I ended up working at Visyboard & why I suspect a Campbelltown NSW police officer was shot & killed inside Campbelltown police station soon after I'd attended to report Peter Robert BRADBURY for assaulting me. Police said he shot himself accidently cleaning his gun. BRADBURY worked in the Campbelltown police station at the same time as I pointed him out to the young police officer, as the one who assaulted me. Under Australian criminal statute criminal lawanyone who aids or abets a crime may be charged directly with the crime, as if the charged had carried out the act himself . Australia's Labor Prime Minister and all of the Labor Parliaments along with all of the & Liberal Parliaments are harbouring  truth of  1984 Fathers Day alleged shootings of seven persons; along with a swag of associated crimes inflicted on my family and presumably,  family's of those equally falsely accused. Logically, many of their wives & children would have been brainwashed as my partners & children have been to seperate us from our family support group. These politicians only want to get their hands of the taxpayer resources, they 'care' for others matters is genuinally fake proved 100% on "balance of probability" by the fact that many consecutive PARLIAMENTS have refused to address this issue.


Call to action: make your votes count in 2025
- vote the bastards out of federal parliament
because they don't know how to be honest -

Labor Party plan to ban social-media in Australia to be like China so time to get your VPN ready.

Australia's LABOR Party have taken the tragic end of the life of a child to turn tricks for themselves by hoodwinking you into believing they act in the best interests of children when our children are merely pawns in their demented political games.

It's every parent's responsibility to make sure their children survive their childhood. Children taking their life due to social media posts isn't the problem -  only problem is irresponsible parents giving their child unsupervised access to the internet when the child's brain hasn't matured enough to deal with the consequences of the harsh reality of adult life; and failing to teach their children how to deal with bullies. Parents whose child had taken their life because of unrestricted access to the Internet should be in prison for negligent manslaughter  not crying about it on evening TV news.

When my sons were watching inappropriate content on TV against my instruction I responded - without saying anything & without any facial expression - but by picking up the large (old analogue) CRT television set and dropping it on the hard floor, in front of them, its own weight broke it. It say there with its cracked glass for two years as a constant reminder and no working TV came into our house. They got they message.  I wasn't mean, I bought them each a computer to play electronic games, mostly educational games - this was before Internet.  You'd think if they were to 'nag'  me about being a mean parent in their childhood the TV incident would feature but nope it doesn't get a mention instead they gripe about things they claim I did to them that never happened because they've been bainwashed by the medical terrorist pricks who falsified these records. However, even if they did go to a neighbour to watch something inappropriate for age, they still knew I didn't agree so that in itself made them  into non-violent men even though they were all initially targeted by these Freemason medical terrorists when they were in primary school which resulted in one saying to me, "You can't stop me" when I told them to change the channel. I gave my children early training in all the skills they needed in later life, subconsciously and with verbal knowledge that I would protect them no matter what. My children entered adulthood with many childhood emotional scars that were 100% created by our politically organised State & Federal police departments as terrorists not as law enforcement, encouraged by the Labor Party and the Liberal Party parliament.

I'm still attempting to protect my children by the facts in this website, even though some of them errantly believe I'm "full of shit" and protect them I still do by not talking about them. One of my children was subjected to newspaper story to defame me soon after I was elected onto Wollondilly Shire Council - that false & imnappropriate newspaper story put another rift between us.

Australia's Labor-Liberal coalition political terrorists don't care whose children they harm or kill so long as the political party faithful get their own way.

I'm also attempting to protect your children from those who stand against me by givng you this evidence which proves 100% that Australia is controlled by a non-democratic secret-Communist regime. Their actions, THEIR actions prove they are the mortal enemy of all good parents in Australia. THEY include every public officer in the Government of Australia who've defamed me.   

    If you purchase a copy of any of the Brothers In Arms books below; or the DVD; you have grounds to sue on professional negligence or section 19 "misleading or deceptive conduct" pursuant to Competition and Consumer Act 2010 - Schedule 2, Australian Consumer Law. Set an example for all future parliamentarians and their political party supporters - put this lot in prison, make them bankrupt. Make them like - Run Rabbit Run ! best to play it fastest.   
Save your children - dump the Labor & LiberaL terrorist duolopy

Edward SNOWDEN warned us. - Your mobile phone is a personal tracking device. Recently I was attempting to take a selfie of damage to my eye when I noticed the image in front screen was holding previous still images despite that I was still lining up and hadn't taken any photos whatsoever. After I removed the SIM card there was no problem. Evidently someone else was remotely snapping photos of my face via SIM network without any lawful authority. There were no corresponding photos on my camera. My phone is a new model, 2024 Motorolla & all 'emergency services' features are disabled. I don't make the number public however, its registered in my lawful name which Government has unrestricted access to, despite whether or not they seek "legal" access. Only person I've given the numer to (outside my very small family) is one person in office of Adelaide firm last week (Nov 2024) (Stephen Kenny - Director - Camatta Lempens Pty Ltd who allegedly represented SOUTH AUSTRALIA's David Hicks)  as they haven't called me back I'm guessing someone in the office are secret terrorists. Naturally the evidence is only circumstantial.  Treat your phone like a pervert: cover your selfie camera. Switch it off or remove the SIM when you leave the house or not using it. Or leave it in another room where it can't hear you talking. Who watched "I, Robot" last evening in free TV?

Interestingly wonder why my link to my Amazon book doesn't include book title & author name & starts with letters my hardcover isn't available on AMAZON Australia, I can't even get police or  medical assistance or lawyer, let alone a movie deal or paid advertisement for my website & Amazon book exposing Australia Government terrorism against our people.

I do wonder what it'll take before the average person realises that almost everything in the news & from government is fake. How much about Edward SNOWDEN is real? Why is that plastered across Internet but not this? This is more of a personal threat and considerably more 'hands on' physical & life-threatening potentially involving the entire AUKUS alliance, UK, USA & Australia. It’s easy to block phone leaks. It’s impossible to defend yourself once you've been secretly drugged to unconsciousness in a room full of your peers - as I've been many times in Sydney AUSTRALIA to effect my extensive surgical rape with illegal wifi-spy (painful) human implants. With the knowledge of your peers who were either individually brainwashed or bribed to claim ignorance. This evidence is very, very long way from circumstantial it's proved 100% in Medicare AUSTRALIA records & hostile reaction I've received to that Medicare evidence from physicians and Australia's government. 

It’s like being in outer space where no one can hear you screaming or talking to robots with no emotional capacity.

"Happy" fake Rememberance Day.

I use my websites as blackboards to gather, outline and group the facts therefore you'll find some facts repeated.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

As any excellent lawyer will tell you:

Never ask an adversary a legal question to which you don’t already know the answer. Never. I’m not an excellent lawyer because I’m not a lawyer at all however, recently I asked MinterEllison  for legal representation to sue un-named proposed respondents, expecting the response I received. They refused to represent me. So let’s examine their decision in the context of Australian law as opposed to, “Well I dunno I’m just a single mum, there’s only one of me.” Let’s say, as opposed to Freemason or political affiliations, nationally or internationally.

What is the definition of modern slavery? National criminal law says thus:

Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) - SCHEDULE The Criminal Code, section 70.1 Definition of slavery;

For the purposes of this Division, slavery is the condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised, including where such a condition results from a debt or contract made by the person.

The words say "any powers".  Logically that means if someone in such a legal position to refuse to recognize your legal power-of-attorney or medical power-of-attorney; and they refused to recognize either of them, then they are literally assuming your power-of-attorney, or your “right of ownership” over you. Ergo: they are insisting they (or some other) own you. Which is modern slavery.

What is MinterEllison's public stance on modern slavery? Their website says this:

We are an Australian based law firm and our purpose is to create sustainable value with our clients, our people and our communities. Our values include excellence in all its forms, curiosity and innovation to help solve complex challenges for our clients and our business, and working collaboratively with each other and our clients. These values underpin our approach to how we work with our people, our clients and our community to ensure they have a consistent experience that reflects our purpose and values. We strive to create an inclusive workplace environment which nurtures wellbeing and sustainability. Our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) framework is centred on ensuring our responsible business policies and processes set the context for sustainable management practices in our operations and our supply chain. Our approach to governance across the firm is grounded by our focus and commitment to accountability and transparency, again a reflection of our core values. We make this Statement as a further commitment to fulfilling our purpose. Reducing the risks of Modern Slavery as that term is defined under Australian law in our operations and supply chain is one of the many ways we seek to positively impact our clients and the people who are directly and indirectly involved in our firm’s business. We also engage with our clients, our people and the community by publishing articles and conducting training to raise awareness about Modern Slavery and the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Modern Slavery Act). With a strong commitment to continuous improvement and a preparedness to undertake the work necessary to minimise the risk of Modern Slavery in our operations and supply chain, we outline in this Statement our firm’s current approach, and future commitments to understanding, identifying, addressing and transparently reporting on our Modern Slavery risks.

What did I say when I asked MinterEllison to represent me that relates to modern slavery?

I suspect the reference to “reducing the risks of Modern Slavery” is the quantum approach, if they refuse to see it, then it doesn’t really exist. Anyway, I didn’t actually ask that question, the question was (intentionally) inferred along with a whole bunch of other (intentional) inferences. To make the ‘slavery’ reference straightforward for you dear reader, I’ll direct you to the reference to “medical negligence” coupled with reference to my website (TGC) “” (see later).

Starting with my emailed request in PDF said thus (typos included):

MinterEllison, Australia

Monday November 11, 2024

Hello MinterEllison,

I have significant (major) high profile (David & Goliath, Freemason & Labor & Liberal politics) matters which give rise to several grounds for action in damages involving five paperback publications, and their corporate publishers, one from UK rest in Australia, which may be pursued as:

A) Professional negligence (Trade Practices Act & Competition and Consumer Law Act) I suspect would the more direct cause of action, with actions in the case of:

a) assault & battery;

b) defamation with malice;

c) false improvement;

d) invasion of privacy;

e) medical negligence;

f) Copyright Act infringement on photographic attribution & moral rights; and

g) Copyright Act infringement on literary works, moral rights.

Damages sought would include:

1 General damages;

2 Aggravated damages;

3 Andrews damages;

4 Special damages;

5 Consequential damages;

6 Exemplary damages.

As you can see its looks complex however as subsequent publications arose to support prior and initial publications & I have crossed the first hurdle in Federal court already; and that the matter is proved on the documents - then any resemblance of complexity has fallen away.

See Francis v Allen Unwin ORS NSD 339 of 2014, [3014] FCA 1027

JG Francis

34 Whitestone Cres

Seaford Rise DA 5169

2014-09-22_FRANCIS_v_A&U_[JGFwin]_KATZMANN_14p.pdf attached in email.

And the my TGC website ? Thus:

TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME lawful-intent legal teams needed to fight this secret war

Australia's Secret Civil War, isn't about race, religion or politics never has been. It’s about concealing their 300 year long history of secret Freemason’s child rape, the infestation from London to Australia as prisoners and as British officials. Australia's Labor-Liberal parliament have proved they can't be trusted to be "Honourable" when it comes to Freemason terrorists. My only agenda, my only platform is reasonableness, the consistent and genuine application of Australian law without favoritism. When I witnessed ritualistic rape and murder of male children during Freemason meeting circa 1967 (age 11) Australia’s population was 11 million, now in 2024 our population has almost tripled. Millions of free immigrants didn’t come to Australia to swap one terrorist regime for another. Freemason and government families ranted in printed press and television with their justified outrage at pedophile priests of Catholic religion for concealing child rapists in their ranks. Yet instead of prosecuting Freemason child rapists and killers in their own ranks Freemason rapists are provided by Australia’s government officials, with the same manner of Catholics secrecy, Freemason child rapists are guaranteed police protection in our community and by Australia’s Labor-Liberal parliaments and their victims are attacked by illegal process of Australian law to silence them. The “elements” of my solid evidence draws a solid virtual line. If you’re with me you’re strongly oppose child rape and child murder under any circumstance whatsoever. There are no gray areas on this human rights issue about our little people far too young to have a voice of their own. We are their voice. What say you?

(this is followed by a click-link box, re-directing to this website (

What did MinterEllison say in response to that? In return email almost 48 hours later to the minute, thus:

Madeleine Alexander <> Wed, 13 Nov 2024 at 5:06pm

To: <>

Cc: James Kearney <>, Gemma Borrello <>

Dear Ms Francis

Thanks you for your enquiry. We are not in a position to provide you with the representation that you require at this time.

You may well have made enquiries of other law firms however we note the Law Society of South Australia provides a referral

service and can be contacted on 8229 0200 should that be of assistance.

Kind regards,


Madeleine Alexander


T +61 8 8233 5529 M +61 439 802 564

MinterEllison 25 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000

How did I respond, dear reader?

With my signature respectful written-voice I sent an email. ITS true I may make lazy typos and silly grammar however, the context of my words are (almost) always considered very carefully & precisely ensuring I say what’s needed to be said, which is why sometimes I end up with lazy typos and silly grammar as I constantly fine-tune my content & context. I wrote thus:

Due Process <> Thu, 14 Nov 2024 at 1:29 am

To: Madeleine Alexander <>

Cc: James Kearney <>, Gemma Borrello <>

To MinterEllison the corporation,

Thank you for your reply from your representatives in Australia.

I'm sure as yours is a multinational legal firm you will understand my reasonable and lawful use of your response - which includes my opinion that as MinterEllison have effectively, wilfully chosen to stand with an international terrorist consortium, against the national interest of Australia;

then MinterEllison should be prohibited from any form of commercial activity in Australia and deemed terrorist supporting enemies of Australia.

JG Francis

You see dear reader, MinterEllison (ME) are members of Australian Legal Sector Alliance, whose website speel has many words that make them look like they are honest and competent, fit and proper persons to practise law in Australia.  In reality, it means members practise their "craft" as one brain, precisely like the evil robot brain in the USA film "I, Robot" who decided that the entire human race should be controlled with violent oppression.

Sound familiar? But wait there's more. MinterEllison and their fellow members of the Australian Legal Sector Alliance are in fact "parties that are, or would otherwise be, in competition with each other" which makes this organization "cartel conduct" criminally, yes criminally - restricting production or supply of legal services in Australia. (click click boom!)

Works the same in the private medical industry or news industry, its illegal to say no to a customer by group agreement. Note to yourselves: Everyone who asks you something in relation to supply of goods or services is 'your' customer. See also and my reference to another Australian Legal Sector Alliance member Landers & Rogers, Sydney NSW who disrespectfully responded to my email by referring to me by my middle name “Gail” after I'd written thus:
"I have a very strong case in defamation against several government public ofcers for the State of New South Wales."

See also Australian Federal Consumer Law outlawing Cartel conduct

The Schedule version of Part IV

Part   1 -- Schedule version of Part   IV

Note:   See section   150A.

Division   1 -- Cartel conduct

Subdivision A -- Introduction

45AA   Simplified outline

    The following is a simplified outline of this Division:

•   This Division sets out parallel offences and civil penalty provisions relating to cartel conduct.

•   A person must not make, or give effect to, a contract, arrangement or understanding that contains a cartel provision.

•   A cartel provision is a provision relating to:

  (a)   price- fixing; or

  (b)   restricting outputs in the production and supply chain; or

  (c)   allocating customers, suppliers or territories; or

  (d)   bid - rigging;   by parties that are, or would otherwise be, in competition with each other.

so sue me - I'm an artist at heart, I love lots of colours. or sue me for defamation if you like "ME & ORS" its more likely than not I'll be secretly attacked by someone totally unrelated that's how australian "governance" 'roll' - secret psychopathic violence.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

Fifteen years ago:

on a January afternoon I spoke, person to person, to a lawyer at one of the largest legal firms in Adelaide; ANDERSONS. I asked for legal representation on the medical crimes harming me at that point in time as a result of the aggravated assault inflicted on me by South Australia police officers Timothy COOPER The main offender & Christine NELSON. The response given to me was fractured and cryptic but I pressed on until I got the whole reason, with words to this effect that experienced lawyer said to me,

“I’m too afraid of physical attacks to represent you, physical attacks from rouge police officers employed by the States of South Australia and New South Wales.”

The only persons I’m aware of to stand against the Government on aggravated assault are those in White v South Australia; who, like every legal jurisdiction in Australia (like the Magna Charter King John) refer to themselves (elected & employed government public officers) as “The Crown”. Australia’s governments (all of them) they no longer recognize the United Kingdom royal family as being the head of Australia that was unconstitutionally dissolved with the passing of the Australia Act 1986 keeping the governors and recently acknowledging the King Charles visits are all for show. The Australia Act cut all ties with the Royal Family, in breach of the Australian Constitution. That was the first step in the terrorist takeover of Australia – those others my age ignored it, I ranted and raved in letters to the editor about it. Letters that were never published.

White & ORS v State of South Australia & ORS [2007] SASC 74;   filed by 12 members of the indigenous community against the State and 25 of their (terrorist) police officers. Plaintiffs sued for damages because they (very young & very old) had been sprayed with tear gas and welded into what I suspect was some form of steel cargo container – yes welded - and illegally arrested. They were welded into the steel box by royal command of State police officers. One of the persons had been dragged onto the property by police, who then charged that person with unlawful trespass.

Interestingly, the State unconstitutionally defended the welding imprisonment for ten years misappropriating public resources for this atrocity but the Australian press gave it little or no mention, not like all the other shit they publish. I saw a news story the other day (Nov 2024) that was in fact an extensive advertisement for a private courier company in Adelaide.

What had they done to be welded into a steel box? They were legally protesting against the environmentally destructive use of open land for uranium mining. Most of us know that nuclear production is very dangerous not only to the environment and not just because it produces waste that will pollute our planet for centuries to come. Mining uranium for nuclear power is insanity. Its the insane who control governments in Australia and across our planet. There is no democratic rule anywhere, it's a utopia in a fairytale.

Interestingly, this full court of South Australia included a judge with the family name ANDERSON.

I’m not long-term indigenous to Australia therefore the section of our community referring to themselves as “original” Australians won’t provide me with legal representation, I’ve asked.

Divide and conquer is what the global governments do to us. They divide up by race and religion.

I see us as all the same with different personalities that should be respected. One day I believe many more will see what I see and that’s why I publish my DNA & family tree findings to prove all families are cousins, some more distant than others. Like I said before there are 3,000 names in my recorded family tree which is very incomplete, a huge proportion of those names were recorded by my distant cousins in languages I’m unable to read. I even have DNA match to what scientists call the ancient genomes for Australia, Asia, America (north and south) I have DNA matched cousins in Africa. We are all cousins. Stop seeing differences that are only visual. To paraphrase others before me said, we’re almost the same inside, we all bleed, and we are all unique. We’re all capable of love and respect, if not just love and respect for oneself. We should be demanding with one voice not millions of different agendas, there is only one demand we all want.

Reasonable respect. Making us all different denies all of us reasonable respect of our individual selves, and always boils down to non-violence in every outcome.

Australia is a terrorist organisation, same as in the riots of Hong King, Australia's police protect the terrorist regime not the people. It's time we the people stood as one voice and took back Australia by the non-violent process of litigation.

In my letter to Minter-Ellison I referred to my action as negligence in Australian Consumer Law, that would apply in the private sector including medical services.

The "action in the case" refers to associated harms that were caused by others because of the original negligence, that way you can tackle very large matters like mine and doesn't exclusively rely on the person being alive as defamation action does. Negligence survives after death.

Misfeasance in Public Office:

The government need a class action in Misfeasance in public office the elements also here:

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

Janette says, "I'm certainly human but I fear you've evolved into something else"

This is where my Bronze Age family DNA has been located by modern Archaeogenetics.

Mother's H1bb mtDNA somewhere in north, male parent's R1b Y-DNA somewhere around Italy. I'm obviously guessing.
300BCE & 500CE rareish H1bb was in Kent then Cambridgeshire England in Catuvellauni lands. 725 CE H1bb7a found in male from Viking Warrior burial, Ship Street Dublin Ireland. Then 1200CE H1bb is in Trondheim Norway. Obviously she was an abductee & so the barbarism continues still. As you can see I'm every bit British as the Royal Family of the United Kingdom and any other from that country. We even share many ancestors in UK, Germany and France including Charlemagne King of the Franks. Only my English royal ancestors are dominated by Plantagenets and Lancastrians. All my Australia born ancestors are from the same places in United Kingdom, one was born in Paris France 1827, on the future day of my 1975 wedding anniversary and the day I was saved from death in 1977 - 3 January. There are many coincidences in life but none in politics. This 3rd great grandfather's presumed death was in Queensland AUSTRALIA only I have no information about that as I've had no information about my parents deaths in Australia. His name Louis Marc François GAUVIN and this was his scrimshaw. So why am I treated with antagonism by all of Australia's governments? I have no lawful criminal record. I have not performed any illegal or immoral deeds. So why have I been illegally outlawed? Australia is not a place anyone should be proud to belong because  Australia is a 'proved' terrorist nation.
Cheddar Man DNA is Lithuanian-Scandinavian
I do so love correcting false history:
Cheddar man is Lithuanian-Scandinavian-italian, that means Romans & vikings had lawful ancestral claims on England.

... actually, I'm technically indigenous to old United Kingdom :P

This is a DNA kit for Cheddar Man who lived circa 10,000 BCE in Somerset near where my maternal-grandmother's male parent's ancestors originated. Looking at my family tree as recorded by thousands of others online where "Eve (Eva) of Somerset" born about 1225 CE is my 23rd great-grandmother. Poor little Eve was sold off into marriage when she was only about age 9 to dirty-old-man about 60-years-old "Sir Henry LOVEL, (c.1165 - 1199) Lord of Cary (Castle)".  Joan De Beaufort is my 16th & 17th great-grandmother, her male parent, John 1st Earl of Somerset. Joan was older at 17 when she became Queen consort of Scotland to *King James I STEWART (he's listed as 17th & 18th great-grandfather)  Furthermore, this website proves my distant cousins in Australia have maintained their pedophilic English ancestor's propensity towards legislated child-rape, only white-Australia keep it secret, they know child-rape is heinous under any circumstance.
*King James I Stewart of Scotland: is not James IV Scotland who was also James I of England, also known in Braveheart as the evil king Longshank, who incidentally is also one of my 16th & 15th GG's. Through this James I Scotland in over 80 pages I'm listed as 80th & 81st cousin to Ramrsses X, 9th Pharaoh 20th Dynasty, Egypt. Also through longshanks, James IV of Scotland in over 180 pages I'm listed as 83rd & 84th cousin to Ramrsses X- or so they say ( may 2023 over 3,000 family members some in languages I can't read. however, I don't use the online version anymore as the worms-up-my-arse (government parasites) perverted my online family tree in 2023 after I published my findings about "famous cousins". If you can't trust them to investigate medical crimes precipiitated on basis of identity theft, then you can't trust them not to falsify your official family tree.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.


Chrisdtopher PICTON MP Health Minsiter for South Australiasince March 2022, that's almost thrtee YEARS to date & he's also my, State Member in Parlaimant.

Political terrorism & Misfeasance in public office:

State election in 2018 was 17 March,  therefore caretaker from about 17 Feb. On 14 February 2018 my fax to police RE medical crimes everything snowballed from there, instead of police investigating the evidence transport department cancelled my drivers license without any reasonable grounds whatsoever by criminal defamation (false) written claims by "POLICE" I'd been diagnosed as "schizophrenic, delusional" as grounds for police not to investigate "medical crimes" which is wrong on so many levels. The presumption is that PICTON & his conspirators didn’t want me driving a vehicle with slogans that might harm their future chances of re-election.

21 February 2018 Health Department with Housing Department (terrorist) planned & executed a home invasion at my public housing residence, in their attempt to pervert justice in response to my FAX by criminally abuse their position in public office by criminal trespass to threaten or intimidate me as a witness to the said “medical crimes” (the ringleader of the criminal trespass perpetrators was from NSW where I’d been surgically raped from about 1991 to 2002.)

From March 2014 Christopher PICTON begun as my ‘voice in parliament’ as the Member for Kaurna, from 18 Sep 2017 he was also Police Minister, and Assisting Health Minister, and Assisting Mental Health Minister. After the March 2018 election, he was Shadow Minister for Health from 10 April 2018 to 21 March 2022.

When prior medical crimes occurred:

PICTON was chief of staff - when I contacted SA State Minister for Health (4 Nov 2005 – 21 Jan 2013) John David HILL - BELOW - the previously convicted, Fathers Day 1984 Milperra New South Wales bikie murders killer, therefore unconstitutionally elected member of South Australia parliament.

PICTON was office staff - when I contacted Federal Member for Kingston RISHWORTH. (I spoke to him on phone after sending an email)

PICTON was office staff - when I contacted Federal Health (3 Dec 2007 – 14 Dec 2011) Minister ROXON.

One Mirror Reversed 2 above bottom right photos are same person years apart
mark across bridge of his nose is like my 1980 Cheddar Man photo, it's from wearing eye-glasses. they have Same crooked nose.

The bullshit from my terrorist funded neighbour is intended to cover up this bullshit from NSW & Federal Labor Party & Freemason 1984 Fathers Day NSW POLICE FAKED bikie murder of fake 14 year old child Leanne WALTERS they called "a cheap little slut" in their 1989 paperback with my adult face as the 14 year old child - that's political terrorism involving John HILL MP as 1980s convicted killer & bikie named LANCE WELLINGTON - that's misappropriation of public resources 'John-boy' that he needs to pay back.

That's why they refuse to let me sue them - it'll destroy the terrorist's Labor Party.

Right click all images to open in new tab

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

illegal Cochlear ear implants cause premeditated serious injury.

When your head is vibrating due to eight (8) digital pulses per second behind your ear, its not something that can be explained away as 'natural'.

ADELAIDE AUSTRALIA MEDICAL TERRORISTS: Ear & Nose specialists Paul VARLEY & Neville MINNIS & MRI radiologists William (Bill) LOFUS & Claudio COSCIA all claim to the effect that the presence of eight (8) digital pulses per second in my head is "normal" for a person. I suspect they claim its normal based on the fact I've been illegally implanted with a vibrating item in my head, so naturally the vibrations are normal in that circumstance -  VARLEY went on to say a radiologist's report stating evidence of previous surgery on my face was "inconsequential" to my claims I'd been surgically raped in that facial area - my nose which is collapsed internally & has hard lumps due to solidified silicone injection making my nose tip droop with the abnormal weight of illegal silicone & scar tissue (can't nose breath easily) but VARLEY claims that too is perfectly normal, before he criminally defamed me in his criminally defamatory letter to my local GP in Seaford Meadows SA they used in 2019 to claim I was "delusional" as they perjured themselves in Supreme Court in Adelaide (JG Francis v ABJ COLE & Gpaxis Pty Ltd).  I've never had authorized surgery of any kind - never - I did wake paralysed but in excruciating agony during an illegal surgery to my face (nose & palate region) in 1997, to see three males in the hospital room, one was Mohamed R AHMED, another I swear was my police detective neighbour from The Oaks, Peter Robert BRADBURY (Jack BASSET's killer)  the other I didn't know. Which naturally matches the 12 September 2006 CT radiologists physician Brian ROACHE statement of "consistent with previous surgery" after which the general physician Ms Diam DANG referred me to Paul VARLEY who promptly covered it up and Brian ROACHE went missing.

Cochlear Ltd is owned by Australia’s New South Wales State Government.The Cochlear brand cochlear ear research was undertaken same time I was criminally assaulted with the illegal implants inside me still. Because of what they did to me before they illegally assaulted me with implants, the best interests of same political group of people are served by discrediting and defaming me. It’s not rocket science. - I had some evidence but not enough so I came to South Australia's State capitol (Adelaide) to gather medical evidence to prove my theory and got more proof than I ever dreamed to establish that Australia is a terrorist nation with loads more filthy secrets than I theorized which prove AUSTRALIA's government of public officers and medical industry are the polar opposite of everything they claim to be.

It's not unreasonable to suspect they're selling talking "bone phones" to political allies, that scenario that will drag us into World War III, your apathy isn't an option.

BELOW PHOTOS: of the melted skin from my left ear, generated overnight as I slept without packing my ear to prevent the skin melting as I usually do every night because I wanted to show how much skin is melted during my six hours of sleep. In the day this dries like a huge flake of skin so don't bother to come back at me with your false claim its "wet ear wax" its melted skin from vibrations - dries hard & flaky like sun-burnt skin.  Its my experience and evidence that the medical terrorists monitoring the illegal implant in my head they vibrate my head when I sleep as they talk to me through the illegal cochlear device in their attempts to alter my memories, my personality, my actions. This is why they started labelling me schizophrenic only they have never referred to me "hearing voices" because they know it's lead to the illegal cochlear implant in my head.

BELOW LETTER: This is the basis on which I sued the State of South Australia in 2007 as on reciept of the ROACHE radiology report in my return visit to DANG after my visit to ENT specialist VARLEY physician Diem DANG informed me in 2006, "The health department rang me to tell me I didn't have to treat you if I didn't want to."   My 2007 lawsuit generated criminally false disgnosis on me in criminally secret State health department records I didn't see until 2018, these  October 2007 documents claim I was diagnosed as,"schizophrenic, delusional"  because they wrote of me,"is suing a number of politicians and others". Reference "police number 408" but no names were recorded with these falsified diagnostic papers. Its like they used "Terminator" film plot as the blueprint for their reaction to my discovery of these medical crimes.

BELOW CRIMINALLY FALSIFIED STATE MEDICAL RECORD:  Define "offensive" they haven't included photos, words included "politically motivated" & "lies" & "Labor". I saw two males with grey hair with NSW numberplates on their black recreational ute with huge stainless steel  vanity bars in the tray, smash the two drivers side windows of my Hoilden Calais before they threw a sanstone boulder from a garden through my rear window when my car was parked on street at the Tollgate Motel end of 2007, I noticed that they had booked into the Tollgate Motel earlier that evening and left either that night or next day. I had a room with a view, upstairs directly opposite where my car was legally parked, on other side of the street - I saw it all clearly. Local State police police in Adelaide (criminally) refused to investigate this political crime, they didn't even bother to come & take photos.

These illegal "speaking" Cochlear Ltd implants were clearly and legally detected in 2012 MRI images below however the radiologist decided in his bribed wisdom to illegal omit discussion of  illegal implants in an reasonably described conspiracy to murder me by illegal implants. This terrorist radiologist is (presumed immigrant) Claudio COSCIA.

I've always preferred to eat, still slightly crunchy bananas, this makes the implant-cooked skin inside my mouth depart in chunks. I know its skin because it only happens after eating still unripe bananas and rolls instead of squashing. No it doesn't work on my face it only works where the skin has been "cooked" by the illegal implants.

The photos also demonstrate the effect of the illegal silicone fillers on my skin on my fingers. I don't use chemicals or expose my skin to harsh environments, I use gloves for most hand tasks. The silicone prevents the natural production of skin oils, therefore I rarely leave a fingerprint and have no natural 'grip' normally provided by skin oils. This also means I have no natural oil in my scalp. The silicone causes my skin to form what looks like Velcro-hooks, skin & nails are brittle, skin spontaneously split.  I use handcream bit it makes no difference because of the presence of silicone in my hands, some of which has hardened into lumps not only in my hands.  When I accidentally cut my thumb skin, it peeled like hard plastic because it had huge percentage of silicone plastic.  If I bite my fingernails, they're so sharp they cut my lip.The injected silicone into me from head to toe. The abundance of silicone in my toes causes me to pinch my toe skin underfoot as I walk, yes its painful. I've never been larger than my normal weight for height but I recognise the silicone has increased me natural weight in terms of kilos (stones) not grams (ounces). Its obvious to me that I will die with these illegal implants inside me as the polturnity(politically organised members of Freemasons, Labor & Liberal politics) in the polturnity's main city of South Australia (terrorist central) have demonstrated by their unwillingness to represent me that they also want me dead.  Their obvious intent of surgically raping me with illegal implants was to murder a young woman or torture to death an old woman - the illegal implant cable around my left shoulder blade that used to feel like I was being constantly stabbed in the back now I'm almost 70 feels like the knife is permanently embedded in my back, its excruciating only eclipsed by the pains in my shin and around my knees from the illegal implant cable as an antenna down my legs & arms. Labelling these terrorists sadistic is too mild.

Above: On the scraper is what I extracted in one swipe from my left ear canal.  It's the consistency of margarine.  Before the illegal implants, I had normal earwax colour and consistency. This is whitish because I have whitish skin which is more yellow since I was (1990s) secretly injected with illegal silicone fillers, not what I eat like one physician negligently insisted.

Above: On the scraper is what I extracted in one swipe from my left ear canal.  It's the consistency of margarine.  Before the illegal implants, I had normal earwax colour and consistency. This is whitish because I have whitish skin which is more yellow since I was (1990s) secretly injected with illegal silicone fillers, not what I eat like one physician negligently insisted.

Above: On the scraper is what I extracted in one swipe from my left ear canal.  It's the consistency of margarine.  Before the illegal implants, I had normal earwax colour and consistency. This is whitish because I have whitish skin which is more yellow since I was (1990s) secretly injected with illegal silicone fillers, not what I eat like one physician negligently insisted. 

Above: Next to Australia 20 cent, that's the dried skin from my ear canal dried in the morning after it’s been vibrated and melted as I slept. I add vibrations cause my head temperature to increase to sweat levels requiring a fan on my head. I'm long past menopause & never had menopausal sweats. Like every other hormonal change in my life, I sailed through it.

Right click to open these images in another tab for clarity


COSCIA's 11 July 2012 MRI of my head: his report illegally omits any reference to non-biological items & evidence of their presence from the seen artefacts caused by vibration. When I was asked by them why I was having this MRI, I stated very clearly "Vibrations in my head."

COSCIA's 11 July 2012 MRI of my head: this sheet clearly proving the vibrations from the illegal implants in my head. He chose silence for this Medicare Australia terrorism evidence.

There's been no follup MRI to ensure I won't die on an infection of this illegal implant, tAUSTRALIA's parliament have left me to die in agony.

Above: I merged 2006 MRI images of the unreported illegal implant screw infection and 2012 MRI images around the illegal implant screwed into my skull through the opening of my left ear canal.

2006 MRI on left - 2012 on right

COSCIA's 11 July 2012 MRI of my head: this sheet clearly proving the presence & location of an illegal cochlear implant & radiology personnel's intent to conceal its importance by omitting the side of my head to my outer ear.

Evidence above proves that for THIRTY SIX (36) years I've been illegally blocked in access to my right NOT to be SURGICALLY MUTILATED because I'm unpopular in Tripartizan circles

Claudio COSCIA is an ENEMY OF AUSTRALIA, associated with Sebacia Inc., Germany, in South AUSTRALIA

Medical Terrorist CLAUDIO COSCIA (Italian-Australian)

Australia certified physician Claudio COSCIA performs bespoke medical crimes for Perrett Jones Radiology on behalf of the government known as 'The State of South Australia' in their public hospital network. He's one in an army of immigrant terrorists who are Australian Parliament Protected (APP) to return to power terrorist cults LABOR & LIBERAL in Australia's parliaments, where they'll do virtually anything to ensure the Terrorist Party Faithful maintain illegal control of Australia. It's my experience that no radiology company in Australia will refuse the Government's requests to perform similar medical crimes coverups & no physician or parliamentarian or police officer will speak out against these 21st century AUSTRALIA Germanic atrocities, evidently that's due to individual career goals or desire for personal profit or power.  Yes I've defamed many on this page and yes I have lawful defence in defamation which is why they refuse to sue me. My defence "claims are true in all aspects of the matter, are criminal activities in Australia, and in the public interest". Claudio COSCIA is no different to Islamic suicide bombers in that he's accepted radicalized teachings for some psychopathic cause, creating similar racial tension caused by radicalized Islamists. Peaceful Italians migrate to Australia to be free from Mafia influence, radicalized Italians (& others) like Claudio COSCIA are happy to bring Mafia styled customs to Australia to generate personal wealth & prestige for himself at physical expense of others, like me. Author Salman RUSHDIE had his controversial book, The Satanic Verses were published by Viking Penguin on 26 September 1988 in the UK, and on 22 February 1989 in the US and extensively advertised by news industry in Australia and allied countries. Because of its content, Muslims sent him death threats. I can't get my Amazon self-published book on AUSTRALIAN terrorism advertised in AUSTRALIA or our allied countries, NZ, UNITED STATES or UNITED KINGDOM because it's about FAKE DEMOCRACY crimes. The Muslim countries Africa, Middle East, or Russia or China they don't give a damn about what happens in Australia they want Australia to fall apart at the hands of terrorists so they can eventually take over &  that dear reader is why Australia is happy to entertain the lawfulness of Aborigine Law so they can slowly introduce other inhumane practices like Muslim Law & the practices inflicted on me in Australia to render me without the protection of citizenship and our laws. It won't effect my family as FREEMASONS brainwashed my children to convince them not to have children of their own (Genocide) so it'll happen to YOUR TRIPARTIZAN descendants LIBERAL LABOR FREEMASON) I couldn't think of anyone better deserving.  I wouldn't want my descendants to live in YOUR world of ever-increasing numbers of sadistic barbarians. Author & Australia citizen by birth, JG FRANCIS.

People who slowly torture to death crustaceans to eat their flesh are not likely to care about barbaric harms inflicted on other people.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.


Sweet Sixteen

This (reasonable) letter to the then South Australia (SA) Minister for Health after I relocated to SA (in 2004) is directly linked to medical crimes perpetrated against me in Sydney, New South Wales (NSW) which still (in 2024) cause me serious harm that is physical for a political or ideological or religious cause (terrorism) is the (department emails) stated grounds for SA State physicians including psychiatrist CHAMPION (related to present SA Housing Minister for Labor Party, Nicholas David CHAMPION) to plan & facilitate their terrorist plans which resulted in my (illegal) imprisonment & illegal forced drugging during the 2014 State election & several months after (under threat of criminal assault by SA police officers) if I refused to allow these medical terrorists to criminally assault me with their (illegal) drugs which included amnesia causing drugs & despite that I had (successfully) appealed their illegal orders, being the criminal falsification of several (section 102) Mental Health Act orders (aided by State police officer "Don HODGE" and others) - coupled with (true fact) that I had my teeth removed in 1976 (by dental surgeon in NSW public hospital, information they plagiarised from my website and falsified to harm me being Federal Copyright Act 'moral rights' infringement) these are the Guardianship documented stated grounds to the physician head of the first 2014 Guardianship Board hearing who (criminally) agreed (on the hearsay & innuendo content of the document submitted by new physician Richard Thomas TELFER) ordering that I should be forcibly drugged as "schizophrenic" because I may harm someone by having the illegal implants removed from my person, with the inference the "harm" would be illegal when in fact it would be lawful harm in response to identifying who caused my surgical rape. Terrorist psychiatrist physicians include:

  1. Andrew Robert CHAMPION.

  2. Georgina Ai Chin CHENG.

  3. Elizabeth Rachael Travell COVENTRY.


  5. Arthur LOUKAS.

  6. Michael John NANCE.

  7. Allan Robert NELSON.

  8. Kieron Joseph THOMSON.

That dear reader is an example of a psychopath's malicious "political spin" on reasonable facts.

The (below) documents and dozens more prove that the persons named (& dozens more) are terrorists enemies of Australia who've parasitically infiltrated Government public office, or the Australian medical industry, or are my public housing (redacted) neighbour across the road who also wilfully falsely (criminally) defamed me (before his sudden wealth acquisition after 2016, see Google Maps) by falsely accusing me of assaulting him or his family in their home or property, when I was away from the area being contracted as a Federal Public Officer collecting census data with my whereabouts being tracked on an Android application - there was no police investigation on anything, just these secret records I'd first seen after September 2018 from one of many (previously refused) Freedom of Information Act applications. I'm still in 2024 attempting to find a lawyer who'll help me sue these terrorists in any civil court. STILL LOOKING.

Sweet 16: SAPOL State Defamation Charge Double Standard

There's been no lawful resolution to these crimes, police refuse to investigate themselves & other departments, ICAC is toothless, my self represented civil law applications have been illegally blocked by clerical staff, State Ministers refuse to comply with the Federal parliament's Privacy Act, Schedule Privacy Principals, especially with accuracy and fit for purpose record collection. Australia is a fake democracy controlled by political & ideology terrorists in our own parliaments and police departments, supported by a vast majority of like-minded terrorist voters (including illegal voters not yet citizens) be they born here citizen terrorists or terrorist invaders approved for residency through immigration department evidently as was the case in the Health Department; and my redacted neighbour; and the matter of public Housing staff who charged me $100 last year (2023) because tree roots blocked the State Government's sewer pipe under the public road my State rental being the geographically lowest residence flooding my backyard the middle-aged plumber they sent out was too lazy to look at the State’s front inspection pipe so I was blamed for the blockage – he was evidently committed to local political terrorism. When it blocked again this year (2024) the much younger plumber they sent out took the time to do his job properly he and his partner looked for the street inspection pipe that had been buried under (12”) 30cm of dirt well before I moved into this residence in 2008, he and the State staff they sent out later admitted to me, it was tree roots with every of the half dozen geographically higher resident's street inspection pipe already blocked it was only a matter of when my backyard was to flood with toilet waste. State Water still haven't raised the height of the inspection hole out the front of my residence so it can be found next time shit and toilet paper flood my backyard - out of sight out of mind the Government's bizarre quantum theory explained. State Housing still refuse to clear the $100 false debt they raised from their malfeasance in public office - false debt. I was lucky I wasn't caught by the Centrelink robodebt computer scam few years ago. Services Australia shows that, between July 2016 and October 2018,more than 2,000 people who had received a Robodebt-related letter subsequently died- but when the same Government claim the deaths weren't stress related how can you believe them? They're professional psychopaths without a soul, they also claim the fake LEANNE WALTERS' fake death is still a reality despite that I proved otherwise. This sort of malfeasant unreasonableness is not a phenomenon limited to Australia, it's the norm in alleged democracies functioning as totalitarian regimes, in England, America and other British colonies - I remind you of the similar saga experienced in England known as British Post Office scandal, also called the Horizon IT scandal, involved Post Office pursuing thousands of innocent subpostmasters wrongly prosecuted after faulty software said money was missing from their Post Office branch accounts. It does therefore present as a psychopath gene dominant in DNA of persons with ancient Roman-Germanic ancestry. When United Kingdom's  Holy Roman Empire and then Christian Crusader ancestors ravaged their way across Europe they spread their psychopathy gene far and wide. I was lucky I won the genetic lottery, while they are my ancestors I didn’t get their psychopathy as dominant in my DNA can’t say the same for my parents I'm as different from them as chalk is to cheese. My mother more 'easily brainwashed' than psychopathic as my male parent was. I have the psychopath gene sure enough, demonstrated by the blind rage I experienced first when I was 16 then again when I'd been illegally drugged in the 1990s and 2002 when I came close to killing one of my captors after they illegally  drugged me to unleash my unfettered burtality to sadistically 'test' if he could overcome the drugged brute I've kept hiding in me since I discovered it when I was sweet 16. However, I can and have always controlled it by never getting drunk or angry because I wantto control it, that's the difference between a psychopath and humane personality the wilful desire not to harm others - or to harm by anything from unfair access to goods or services to the extreme of surgically raping someone like me because they failed in their many attempts to murder me by accident. People like our present Ministers in our Australian Parliaments & our registered medical practitioners who also support such abhorrently sadistic barbarism.  So I ask you: Who are you? Humane and civilized or openly one of the ancient barbaric hoardes?

Australia 1984-2024 Election Years Terrorism Proved 100%

by Australia’s first & only 100% honest & respectful investigative journalist.

started with NSW police department fake bikie murder & me the murder victim, now they cancelled my drivers licence because I asked SA police investigation of separate medical crimes.

  • In contrast to criminal court, no defence in civil court is legally accepted inference of admission of guilt therefore, no response or ignoring the issue, outside of court is also legally accepted inference of admission of guilt. There's been no response from the Attorney-General, or the Ministers for Health, Housing, Police or Transport therefore, its legally acceptable admission of their wilfull acts of (common, civil law) misfeasance in public office.

  • Its relevant also to note that the Government is incapable of misfeasance (or terrorism) only a public officer can be misfeasant (or terrorist) and a public officer serves the people not the Government they are merely a temporary physical representative of the government proved by the fact that when they’re extracted from the government the Government still functions, and that their position in the Constitution is called a “public service”. Silence protects themselves not the Government and there is no protection under Australian law for a Government, public officer who has defamed any other in the Government record. Yet they still insist they are personally protected from their illegal actions despite the unreasonableness of their malicious defamations and willfulness of their misfeasance - because they cheat at every juncture.

From South AUSTRALIA Transport Minister after he was willfully derelict in his  "investigation" my complaint of criminally illegal process in his department after I contacted South AUSTRALIA police on 14 February 2018.

This is the 14 February 2014 document referenced in the letter I'd faxed to South AUSTRALIA police with my reasonable words seeking police department investigation of NSW & SA Freemason medical crimes as TERRORISM in State Government.

This is part of my letter in response to the South AUSTRALIA Transport Minister - the message:

There were & are "no reasonable grounds" for any actions by any 3rd party involving Transport Department & my drivers license.

Because I'm a 100% transparent person in the "Public Interest" this is the second page for my letter in reasonable and respectful (as always) response to the South AUSTRALIA Transport Minister despite that he's obviously a douche-bag puppet & their misfeasance is a result of illegal LABOR PARTY CAUCUS.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

Evidence below proves that for SIX (6) years I've been illegally blocked in access to my DRIVERS LICENCE RENEWAL because I'm unpopular in Tripartizan circles

I asked South AUSTRALIA police to investigate South AUSTRALIA medical crimes involving Freemasons in Sydney, New South Wales.

Right click & open in new tab to read all of the words in below documents.

Because you're so emotionally close to something despite that you 'think' you do, you never see all the evidence, you need an unbiased outside party. The obvious reality is that all the horrible stories we've been told about the body snatchers and other medical crimes of the past are a real probability in modern Australia. With about 100,000 illegal immigrants in Australia, you can imagine the parliaments use the false story of "Australian Values" to lure desperate people to Australia in visa, then bribe them with threats of being deported if they refuse to participate in some diabolical crime to keep the two main political parties in power. My evidence of medical crimes that police refuse to investigate, as in evidence below, along with my memories of being secretly drugged by government officials and my de-facto partner, and that the drugs were hallucinogenics and paralyzing anaesthetics,  my memories of waking up during illegal surgery by people I knew, and memories of them attempting to convince me they were "aliens" coupled with physical evidence of illegal implants in Magnetic Resonance Imagery that radiologists and referring specialists refuse to acknowledge - then I'm confident the increase in people reporting "alien abductions" and "alien experiments" are in fact nothing more mysterious than secret illegal Government supported medical experiments perpetrated by greedy psychopathic surgeons and their sponsors.

Disgusting truths are almost always more outrageously bizarre than fiction. When they seemingly attempt to murder me after I’ve contacted a member of parliament or other Government official or any private legal entity seeking lawyers to sue ‘them’ they start with (remotely) vibrating the (Medicare funded MRI, evident, illegal cochlear screw implant) seen in my left ear. The vibration causes my entire skull to vibrate concentrated around my left ear’s illegal implant, this intensified irradiation persists for several hours assisted by the network of antenna cable in my spine (see my video proving location of police protected illegal implants & back of my neck as well as my throat & my arms & legs to my hands & feet.) They (torture me this way) irradiate me sometimes for days without respite, continuing or starting pre-dawn when most of us are asleep. Because they vibrate my head like this every day intensified pre-dawn when I'm motionless & asleep - If I don’t pack my ears every time I sleep, I wake to find the dead surface skin lining my both ear canals have liquified into an off-white odorless mass making me temporarily deaf and eventually creating Staph infectionPREVIOUSLY creating infection next to my brain inside my skull - externally sometimes these cause the side of my face to infect & swell. This life-threatening infection is caused by blocking air movement adding to the excess heat generated by the friction of vibrating the illegal cochlear implant compliments of the State of New South Wales’ funded terrorist organisation, Macquarie University & Cochlear Limited. Local private and health department physicians have previously refused me penicillin to treat the infection, that dear reader is conspiracy to murder me & what police refuse to investigate & what parliament refused to investigate, instead they fund these assaults on me by obviously ordering dereliction of statute. That’s Government terrorism against their own people.

What was the first thing I did that upset police? I reported FREEMASON ritualistic child rape and murder during a Campbelltown NSW FREEMASON meeting, to Campbelltown NSW police circa 1967 when I was 10 or 11 years old & my 'dad' a FREEMASON. Within 12 months my front adult teeth were rotten, dentists refused to fill them but were happy to remove them. That's how I entered puberty -- with no front teeth & why I had few friends, I rarely smiled. I was born to be their worst nightmare. From child to adult I've never caused any trouble to others, the opposite isn't true, they see me as someone to suppress & marganilize, someone they dedicate their life to preventing my access to self-determination, privacy, independence and autonomy because they fear the good I may usher in. I bet I'm not the only one they've treated this way. From where I sit, I'm the only "voice" of reasonable Australians. I don't classify us by race, gender or religion. In contrast, the only thing Australia's Labor & Liberal parliamentarians & public officers do that's impressive is 'misleading or deceptive conduct'if Australia had a just & fair country of government that sort of behaviour by the political Government would be illegal, it's not, misleading or deceptive conduct is only illegal in "s18 trade or commerce" not in your interactions with your 'voice' in parliament (the elected member of parliament in your electorate) not by Ministers, not in parliament, not in refusal to enforce criminal laws, not in the court system. Favouratism is how Australians get access to their legal rights under statute, not due process or the Rule of Law & that's why first nation people in country regions are forgotten, they (justly so) refuse to 'play' bottom-feeding politics, they're privately detested & ignored  by parliament & government but publicly loved, same as I have been since my childhood  & I'm defined as a white Australian.

Its a harsh reality that European immigrants are happier to play ‘bottom-feeder’ politics due to being born in a denser population environment with scarcity of resources, they are (groomed or taught) reared from cradle to the grave to be opportunistic bottom-feeders grabing at whatever they can reach, regardless of who legally owned it first. That after all is why I was born in 1956 ‘white’ Australia after Brits consumed Australia by oppressive force as our ancestors did by custom when they came from wherever they really did emerge to migrate across this perpetually warring planet of barbarians. Like the magpie I rescued from its vicious parent last Sunday, the meek inherit nothing, they’re trampled on & murdered for the crime of being born peaceful.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.


  • Australia Post thefts started in Bowral NSW post office circa 1998, when sorting staff stole a 300 page (registered post) affidavit I'd sent to TV program, A Current Affair. The Affidavit vanished the two claims for compensation vanished, the Australia Post staff have evidently been stealing my mail ever since. The affidavit proved insurance fraud starting with the Government Insurance Office (GIO) of NSW when GIO was State government owned & involved many Campbelltown to Macquarie Street Sydney specialist physicians & lawyers. The insurance fraud was the cover-up process for their illegal implants (inside me) the physicians and NSW State Government involved in these surgical rapes falsified medical records to claim the car accident I had in 1982 was the cause of my acute (sudden onset) pain in 1991 resulting in my inability to breathe or walk without excruiating pain - ten (10) years after the car accident and despite that I had no injury at the time of the 4 April 1982 (double) minor accidents near the Twin Turbine Motors business at NSW Liverpool crossroads, involving Peter FENTON (ute driver in front of me) and Washington BATALLA (ford driver behind me) BATALLA was insured by GIO my lawyers were suing BATALLA. The lawyers pocketed around $250,000.00 and involved the MARSDEN group. The pre anti-locking braking (ABS) era when drivers were penalized because manufacturer's faulty braking systems locked up causing vehicle to slide instead of stop.

They secretly stole my NSW real estate from 1991 then surgically raped me during 1990s when I was pregnant & when I was Labor Party member & elected local councillor. In SA cover the surgical rape up with secret false mental illness allegations. Then the Minister for Health use his staff’s criminally false mental claims to refuse to investigate the surgical rape on the basis that now I’m a “mental services consumer”. State police (psychopathically) refuse to investigate they said, because you have a “mental illness history”. Never mind that every inference in that history is false it exists therefore its a history Police Department refuse to look past that - why? Because they're Freemason or is it a political ideology? Don't be mistaken by thinking the problem is with LABOR PARTY, Freemasons like my (Master Mason) male parent were traditionally LIBERAL PARTY, when I witnessed the child rape & murder. That's why Liberal Party in SA are overtly silent on the issue, despite my many email appeals to individual members including Senators - one blocked me. I've appropached many other political parties about these issues, they all shun me, inevitably they support either Labor or Liberals. Attorney-General is far too busy for this 'public interest' national health terrorism issue. I'm almost 70 they know I've no more than another 30 years to live. I suspect they're anticipating the swelling in my throat from the cables & scar tissue from injected silicone & infections from any of the many 'radio-frequency active' llegal implants may kill me earlier, at any rate in the interum they have the pleasure of knowing I'm being physically tortured by the presence of the illegal implants inside my muscle strands and over various nerve centres. Auzzie Auzzie Auzzie the Nazi Party German "team" spirit lives on.

I've been in the same Kingston Federal electorate since 2005 which was soon after I came to South Australia (SA) from New South Wales (NSW) where I was born in 1956. My voice in federal parliament, LABOR PARTY Amanda RISHWORTH MP, was elected to House of Representatives for Kingston in 2007, before the election the federal member was of the LIBERAL PARTY, oddly the same Liberal to Labor switch happened in my State electorate indicating an abnoirmal population migration or mutual agreement with Liberal Party. I've been attempting to resolve these Federal Medicare crimes since 2007, crimes associated with the LABOR PARTY in Sydney NSW. Its now 2024, what does that tell you about the LABOR PARTY and innocent looking Amanda RISHWORTH ?Recently the Federal LABOR government squandered millions on a failed referendum to change the constitution to include 'so called first nations people' in the Constitution when none of us have ever been protected in the Constitution - proved by the fact that I was surgically raped in the first instance because I reported child rape & murder to police since 1967 & their only response was to shoot dead in front of me my only supporting witness, a senior NSW police officer, family friend and Freemason, in association with my 1988 allegations of me witnessing Freemason child rape. One of first (criminal defamation) secreted (from me until 2018) false documents created in State Labor government claimed I was "schizophrenic, because I was suing politicians". Despite that there was/is no clinical evidence of me indicating any mental illness whatsoecer, that record still remains as true fact, despite the federal Privacy Act's Privacy Principals & despite a District Court Order refuting the 2014 (election time) State Health Department criminal assaults on me by criminal abuse of State Mental Health Act to politically imprion me for "defaming others" and being "litigious" threatening to "sue the State" . What does that tell you about our parliaments in AUSTRALIA ? All I see is wall to wall cowardly scum as terrorist enemies of Australia blocking my right to sue them because I have reams of evidence to support my claims. My (first ever) 2007 self-representing civil claim alleged State Health & Police Ministers were abusing their position in government on  basis that they were members of Australian Labor Party. It was thrown out of court before I was allowed to provide evidence.

It would appear that some misguided persons believe that the Labor Party control the parliament. While its true that Labor Party have enough members elected into federal Parliament that they can form government its also true that if the majority of them resigned from the Labor Party then the Labor Party would have no place in the parliament. If voters were electing a political party to form government then there would have been the name of the political party on ballot papers with no names. The Federal Constitution makes no mention whatsoever of political parties therefore, there is no constitutional protection for the political parties and can never be by any enactment of parliament to thwart the Constitution as the parliaments have with the Australia Act, as if there were an Act to protect the interests of political parties in parliament or government then that would be formal admission that Australia is the totalitarian dictatorship that it unconstitutionally functions as at this point in time. Mr Connor WATSON proved that Australia is a terrorist organization in his email that declares my Federal member of parliament needs (Party) authority to talk to Federal police when all Australian residents have the natural right to talk to Federal police without authority from anyone. Let's all stand to thank his mum & dad for making little Connor. (everyone stands) “Thank you Connor's mum & dad.”

AUSTRALIA has a vulture culture. Defined as well dressed well spoken thugs who congregate secretly in groups masquerading as nice persons, they devote an inordinate amount of resources to monitor their general neighbourhood scouring for non-grouped individuals they secretly spread false rumours about, in order to opportunistically take advantage of their target in any and every way possible to increase (or strengthen) their own personal wealth and social standing - on the shoulders of their unsuspecting target. Which is the long way of saying they haven't 'won' by covering their criminal deeds, they cheated every step of the way & as any child can tell you cheating isn't winning.  Australian law is based on REASONABLENESS - THAT I'VE BEEN VIRTUALLY EVERYONE'S VIRTUAL PUNCHING BAG IS FAR FROM REASONABLE. That I've been blocked in my legal right to seek COMMON LAW damages and police protection in the form of enforcement of Australian CRIMINAL LAW after I've been harmed & that these bullying actions occured because I was a child witness to child rape & murder during a FREEMASON meeting - that's terrorism. The below images proves the culture of Adelaide's FREEMASON vultures, the image shows my order from CHINA with its tracking number visible so you can match it to the two outer images (MP0044767864) One is a global tracking where this 'secret' message is recorded, neither myself or the sender has been given this secret message from Australia Post staff as you can see for yourself in the centre image (sender) and RIGHT image (Australia Post Tracking website) only recorded in the secret message somewhere unknown to me and the sender and found here on this global website which states Australia Post claim their staff are unable to deliver because they say "the address provided is unclear" which is obviously bullshit.  They've been doing this illegal harassment for some years & despite that its a federal crime, because evidently as FREEMASONS they have FREEMASON mates in police department and Labor Party who control Government they cheat knowing they're untouchable.

This website and my book publications provide grounds why our parliamentarians should have attained a minimum age of at least 45 before qualifying for nomination, old enough to have already had a career & unpleasant life experiences. My Federal and State representatives in parliament were far too young to be electorate representatives, now they've participated in these crimes due to their wilful indifference they're in too deep to climb out from under their own crap. Federal KINGSTON was 29 in 2007 when she entered parliament that was the year State public officers started criminally falsifying mental records under my name, I'd approached her many times over the years about the associated & extensive (Federal) Medicare frauds but she was far too busy posing for photos with mothers & babies & having some of her own to represent real issues harming me & the Federal public health industry. State KAURNA was 31 in 2014 when he entered parliament the year I was illegally imprisoned as a result of the 2007 medical forgeries, he was Minister for Police in 2017 then Health Minister since 2022, yet he still refused to address medical crimes as Police Minister & Health Minister despite a damning report tabled in parliament by the ICAC Commissioner himself. Like I said "in too deep". Mycircumstance, this extensive portfolio of damning evidence proves that persons under 40 are more interested in their career than the responsibilities of an elected parliament office, far too young to play grownups. I have children older and younger than these two parliamentarians, my children suffered and are still suffering because evidently they entered parliament as a career to strengthen the Labor Party - when they should have entered parliament with a passionate calling to make our country better. Shame on political parties seeking to ooze a young 'image' over making "laws for the peace order and good government".

  1. The 1st & 2nd image is copy of the damning emails to my Federal Voice in (member of) parliament as noted to and from my Federal voice in parliament, the Labor Party Member for Kingston - in too deep - Ms Amanda RISHWORTH who isn't authorized by the LABOR party to talk to Federal police. RIGHT CLICK to see image in new tab. It looks out of order to me however, I selected 'print all' and this is to order it was printed in PDF.

  2. The legal representative for Ms RISHWORTH MP identified himself in emails to me as "Connor WATSON" he refused to advise my "voice in parliament" of this incident or decided he was the federal member himself, Connor WATSON demanded I phone him for his instructions in the matter, refusing to respond in email with his reasons for not referring the matter my federal member for her action when I refused to speak without a record of the conversation. Or is it that you employ staff to fob us off Ms RISHWORTH MP because we non-Labor members are not important to you?

  3. As we can see in the 3rd image (2nd right) Despite the CLEAR delivery address on the label & despite that I contacted my Federal member in Parliament, Ms Amanda RISHWORTH MP (Labor Party) in a timely manner this parcel that came to Adelaide from CHINA was illegally delivered to an unidentified address in Sydney AUSTRALIA & Australia Post staff marked it as "delivered" in a global tracking record. Australia Post staff also illegally falsely advised AliExpress in China that this parcel was "delivered" inferring it was delivered to me when it went to an undisclosed address in SYDNEY some 1,500 kilometers from my address in Adelaide.  That's post article theft & a federal crime in Australia yet there is no one to enforce Australian law in Australia as postal theft is apparently not a matter the federal member of parliament can refer to federal police, according to Connor WATSON's email to me.

  4. Last image (far right) AustPost "ADL" (Adelaide) staff criminally failed to record tracking information for this parcel "MP0044767864"in Australia Post system.

RIGHT click image to open in new tab.
RIGHT click image to open in new tab.
RIGHT click image to open in new tab.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

AUSTRALIA federal Government is cracking down on coercive control they say is defined thus: "when someone makes you feel scared, trapped, takes away your freedom, makes you do things you don't want to do, hurts or isolates you, this may be coercive control" source Nine Network Sydney Australia, Tuesday 10 September 2024 10:50pm Adelaide time.

WTF that's exactly how Labor & Liberal Government treat us!

  • Its like gambling or drug abuse, being a pervert or stalking especially stalking someone for profit to block their access to their legal rights its known in Australia generally as “harassment”- harassment is an addiction the offender will refuse to give up because the offender is always a psychopath. This is the matter in these circumstances herewith, where the offenders are members of parliament and their political party supporters who oddly consider their perverted behaviors as 'normal' because they define it as 'political'.

  • Harassment occurs as part of government custom because the people generally employed or elected into government are malicious rumormongers, they even have their own special classification for rumormongering, they call these people spin-doctor. If you're in a group of political animals (professional psychopaths) and ask if anyone is a doctor, they'll probably either all laugh as one or some will answer smugly yes I'm a doctor, smugly because they believe they are more 'cleaver' than anyone else and laugh because they all see themselves as spin-doctors.

  • Those political animals who are qualified physicians tend to rumourmonger with willfully false (criminal defamation) medical diagnosis involving some form of 'schizophrenia'. Their favourite is 'delisions' which is in reality a reflection on or deflection of their own personal mindset.

  • I’m not a formally recognized psychologist however, when I took a test in my psychology course as part of a personnel management (human resources) tertiary qualification I didn’t study as I had forgotten about the final test as I was studying this course during a period of time I was being actively secretly drugged by my long-term partner who had agreed to harm me in his criminal conspiracy with local police officers. Despite that I didn’t study I secured a “distinction” grade which is an almost perfect score. Not studying is how I passed all my tests in high school because I have a naturally intuitive and attentive personality. The year I topped my class in Geography I spent most of my class time whispering to classmates or passing notes, my exercise book was virtually empty with many blank pages but some sketches to remind me of the class lesson. My teacher, Mr Brian, was always chastising me for talking. You should have seen the look on his face when he passed back our tests informing the class I came first. He was livid. I on the other hand was grinning. One time when I was talking he stopped to complain I wasn’t listening. I said I was then repeated his last couple of lessons proving many females or at least this one, can concurrently participate in a conversation and hear a totally separate conversation. We use it as successful mothering. After that, my first year in high school, I decided not to come first again as it breads resentment from those less capable. Therefore, just because I have no formal qualifications doesn’t mean I’m not an expert on whatever I choose to concentrate.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

illegal implant torture is Australia's current parliamentarian's dirty secret

(they) Crippled Me for Profit : Watch B4 You Vote 4 Parliament


Liberal Party Terrorism

Since 1989 authors Sandra HARVEY & Lindsay SIMPSON criminally defamed me (globally) after they stole my biometric identity as the face of a dead child HARVEY had given up her face for in 1984. Circa 1996 Sandra HARVEY's mother Lynette STYLES conspired with others to criminally defame me (nationally) on the TV program "A Current Affair" by falsely claiming I had a vendetta against STYLES. In 2014 and despite I'd no contact with her since 1999, STYLES and other Government public officers conspired to criminally defame me again, this time in a paperback STYLES self-published and State of New South Wales published in the same Library where I'd been an elected councillor (1995-1999) despite that its virtually impossible for a self-published author to get any book in any library and this was STYLES first book. In her 2014 paperback named "Kangaroo Court" STYLES made specific reference to me and her daughters 1989 book named "Brothers In Arms". Its clear the organization of HARVEY SIMPSON STYLES & The State of New South Wales are the ones with the criminal vendetta against me in the form of a campaign to defame me - but wait there's more. The Government have illegally blocked my access to Australia's court system to sue them obvious due to the cultural and historical significance of the lies in the HARVEY & SIMPSON 1989 book that Australia's Federal & New South Wales government funded in 2012 as new book and television mini-series to cover up their original Fathers Day 1984 child murder crime.

Earlier in 2024, before I published my several books on Amazon - I'd attended Hindley Street police station Adelaide SA, to report these crimes, where uniform police informed me, "We're not allowed to access websites (to investigate crime)." I guess their also not allowed to read evidence books.

Centrelink Minister Amanda RISHWORTH parliament staff (Connor WATSON) claim my electorate office 'voice in parliament' Ms RISHWORTH MP "is not authorized to take to police" Ministers of police claim they have no control over police decisions, evidently our police officers require spoon feeding from an undisclosed third party.

In stark contrast SA Mental Department have reams of documents illegally plagerizing my websites to maliciously abuse my moral rights (Copyright Act Cth) to criminally defame me (SA Criminal Law Consolidation Act) as (John Hill to Chris PICTON Health MINISTER's) mental's 'grounds' to (illegally) imprison me by wilful criminal abuse of SA Mental Health Act which carries term of imprisonment that SA Police Department malfeasantly ignore.DPP (department of public prosecutor) informed me they can’t prosecute anyone who police haven’t investigated. Therefore, not a lot of criminal law enforcement gets done, specifically any that may harm the reputation of the terrorists (illegally) sitting in Australia’s parliaments. Additionally evidently, ICAC aren't allowed to investigate the Government & the courts aren't allowed to accept misfeasance in public office applications.

Yet someone is able to attack my online presence directly via my internet access URL defeating my spellcheckers & files & intermittently disabling my control over editing this website & my laptop when editing this website while they remotly physically harm me via the illegal implants in my shoulder & spine, however police are powerless to stop them, evidently they can't be too far away to "bluetooth invade" my residence - and THAT is why wifi blockers are illegal - so Government can attack anyone they choose this way. I was wifi sharing between my mobile phone & laptop in my local shopping centre other day when a short fat male ran up to me stood 10 feet away appearing to hack into my locked share then ran off when I switched it off.

Jethro Tull "Thick As A Brick" (there's no-one responsible here)

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

If Australia functioned as Constitutional Democracy you'd have daily court hearing updates on these 'true government crimes' -> instead the Parliament's terrorists unconstitutionally block my access to 'their' terrorist court system by claiming my applications lack evidence & 'their' terrorist sympathizer news industry refuse to publish these facts & 'their' terrorist sympathizer lawyers illegally refuse to represent me -> despite the compelling evidence in the Government's own (decades of) documents created by the

State of New South Wales, State of South Australia & Commonwealth of Australia -> a Terrorist Organization with 'their' terrorist sympathizers in my street monitoring activities to & from my residence. Auzzie & Nazi there's very little difference. When people live their first 3-5 years in a hostile environment where human life is treated with contempt then that's the adult they may become. When they accept any reward of any kind in any circumstance whatsoever for treating others with contempt then they're criminally psychopathic, in this circumstance, in my life, they're tragically fixated perverts. This is the (dangerous) psychology of people attracted to the FREEMASONRY cult model and large political parties aiming to control parliament & government processes & why South Australia's Labor & Liberal Party parliamentarians have declined to state in PARLIAMENT  the fact of their Government have been CRIMINALLY refusing to validate my drivers licence for the past several YEARS since I asked State POLICE in writing on Valentines Day 2018 to investigate MEDICAL CRIMES (see following block & *background image) & why enforcement of anti-terrorism laws in that matter & other matters herewith are a non-event in police departments Australia wide.  In Australia this means our GOVERNMENT are genetically defined by their remarkable cowardice & excessively low intelligence stooping to a unique perfection that can only be defined as, AUSTRALIAN DOWN UNDER, DIRTY & DESPERATE !

*Alison Nancy DENCH has/had a severely disabled son, was known to my then partner Owen Neil HALL as someone (he) used to tease (her) at high school. This nomination acted as a contract between the Dench's, Owen and the Labor Party it appears that the illegal implants inside me were purchased through  Mr & Mrs DENCH in the name of their disabled child - the signing of this document this is the only time I met Mr & Mrs DENCH although we attended the same high school it was in different decades - she went from having huge debts & potential bankruptcy to being the person responsible for (2014) publishing in Picton Library as the Manager of that department, the criminal defamation of me paperback (Kangaroo Court by Lynette Styles) Owen got my real estate stolen in a 1999 deal between the Macarthur Credit Union, Family Court Judge Lloyd Dengate Stacey WADDY, and a Commonwealth department as proved in my paperback Taurus Rising.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.   These are the only Australian values practised by parliamentarians & their subordinate government public officers. Look closely at my leg, there is no hair because of the radiation caused by the internal antenna, if I shaved or waxed my skin would not be that dry and flaky. The same has happened to the fine hairs on my arms, armpits and most of my face. This is premeditated torture with intent to murder me by illegal (radio frequency microwave) active implants. If persons who attempt to murder you because of your opinion have the support of your police Commissioners & police Ministers then the country you live in is not a democracy. I'm sure USA's Joan Rivers would agree. Its the generations after Babyboomers who are to blame for all the problems in government's today, they like to blame Babyboomers its they style misdirecting blame. It stopped being the Babyboomers problem well before the first wave of them retired 15 years ago. Stopped being the fault of my Babyboomers generation since turn of this century, one quarter of a century ago when next generation decided they were old enough to enter parliaments fresh out of nappies - they took over bad traits of greedy Babyboomers making political greed their own. Now even icecream sticks are smaller, like everythibng else icecreams cost much more proportionally. Two year before Amanda RISHWORTH was born bread was 50 cents a loaf home delivered. I know I was a bread home delivery driver, starting that job when my new baby was 5 or 6 weeks old. As I recall my pay was around $150 that's 300 loaves, at $4 or more per loaf the same person would have to rake in at least $1,200 per week as we know they don't, women still aren't paid equal wages. This Gen X in parliament even ran with fees on education & misogynistic GST charges on womanhood. The answer isn't to increase wages, its legislating to cap corporate profits & CEO salary, driving prices down. Its far too dangerious when corporations have more or as much income as the Government & politicians incomes are just as huge as in the private sector. Parliamentarians should recieve minimum wage & live on that, their political staff should be unpaid volunteers. Only additional expense should be travel allowances for genuine expenses, not holidays. - Greed begets greed because more is never enough.  And, charities should pay tax too, having been forced into homelessness for 2 years with my school age children we got no handouts despite asking.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

When sheep happily keep company with wolves then only the wolves will thrive.

Barbarism is inherent in the species homo-sapien. Homo for short, its Australian slang, every Aussie mate's nickname name ends in “o” therefore, every Australian should be known thus forth as “homo” or “homos” not Aussie or Aussies. Its barbarism that saw the Holy Roman Empire's land takeover in ancient Britons, raping & killing anyone in their way of land theft. That was the blueprint used by more recent Britons when they invaded America, Australia & every other Commonwealth country, barbarism. Barbarism didn't start with the Italians its a fire that's been burning since the birth of barbarism untold centuries past. Its barbarism that saw me surgically mutilated by the present Government powers in Australia & barbarism is what our laws are supposed to address but they don't because its only barbarians who are tasked with enforcing our laws so therefore, barbarism continues in 2024 & “going forward”. Indeed barbarism is funded in every federal parliament Australian budget since the Federation of Australian States (1900) to ensure the true stories of Australia's federated government funded barbarism are censured & hidden from the broader communities across Australia. Its the quantum theory of Australia's Liberal & Labor Governments – if its not being observed then it doesn't exist. To quote or paraphrase Australia's Labor party Prime Minister a proud Italian descendant, to Australia's Liberal party opposition leader during question time last week August 2024) “Our police are doing a great job.” That's because their police haven't arrested them for supporting terrorism, their political party whose main purpose is to commit terrorism crimes to pervert the course of justice & due administration of law to conceal their long history of crimes against me & millions of other so called “white” Australians. Labor Party supporters claiming to be in opposition to “entitled whites” pumping out slogans like “black lives matter” they are in fact by their ignorance actually supporting terrorism in Australia & globally by dividing those who have been harmed by barbarism because the colour or race tags are not the real or true issues threatening equality on planet Earth -- its barbarism, barbarism comes in every skin colour.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

I complained to Goulburn police about police crimes harming my family they charged me with 'offensive conduct in public place' because I offended police by complained to Goulburn police about police crimes harming my family. Goulburn Local Court upheld the unconstitutional BASELESS police charge criminally PERVERTED JUSTICE FURTHER to penalized me with two 12 month Bonds to be on good behaviour, and likewise criminally abused process with the FIVE YEAR Apprehended Violence Order against me for writing letters to police, nothing else, to illegally gag me on the FAKE LEANNE matter.  That's why I have a National Australia criminal record.  Freemasons terrorists continued to criminally stalk us in Adelaide criminally interfering in every aspect of our lives via their Government employment. Ten years later in 2014 Christies Beach SA police assaulted me to imprison me by criminal abuse of the Mental Health Act with a swag of politically conjured baseless excuses that were all unconstitutional garbage. Ten years later in 2024 I've still refused my day in court to challenge the Leanne Walters lies.

PIC: me 2003 reflective tape sign writing was a play on 1960s song Blowin’ in the Wind - I called my Calais 'white dove'. In the 2004 'children of the corn' styled GOULBURN NSW local court AVO hearing, police prosecutor Mr WINTER said he was from Canberra ACT, he put evidence before the Magistrate Mr RABBIDGE which he accepted as evidence, WINTER claimed that my steering wheel lock "Club" brand sticker on my car's window was proof I was associated with "outlaw motorcycle clubs". He even submitted photos of the sticker on my car in his evidence of me being an associate of an unidentified "outlaw motorcycle club" RABBIDGE verbally stated he agreed with WINTER - that resulted in me being imposed with a criminal record and five year apprehended violence order because I asked police in writing to investigate police organized crimes. That's why "the answer is blowing out their arse".

Goulburn is where the NSW State POLICE ACADEMY is located. Goulburn is predominantly a "police town".

The evidence, my evidence says that Freemason John David HILL (employed at Bass Hill police station NSW) as Lance WELLINGTON a newish Bandido Motorcycle Club member had murdered in cold blood "unarmed" Ivan Romcek on 2 September 1984, & Freemason police cover that up with the fake shooting of the fake Leanne Walters - aiding that misfeasant crime are Freemason groupies in every consecutive Labor & Liberal Parliament & other public office nationally, proving that voluntary insanity is indeed a socio-economic epidemic Australia wide.

The terrorists in Australia's parliaments have made impoverished Australia one of the most expensive places on this warring planet to live because they've made dirty deals with corporations to keep returning these terrorists to OUR parliaments. We don't need attack submarines the terrorists have already overrun our parliaments - we need jobs - affordable housing - decent health services - access to our legal rights both LABORS & LIBERAL COALITIONS have proved for decades they are 100% incapable of running Australia as a Constitutional Democracy. Any alternative would be an improvement.
This entire website is written and authorized by Janette Gail FRANCIS proposed future independent candidate for Federal election 2025, address @ end of page  -  SELF-PROVED INCORRUPTIBLE.

LABOR PARTY & LIBERAL are worse than OUTLAW BIKIES they're Freemason & Party Faithful ideology terrorists

John David HILL  -  FREEMASON AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY, outlaw bikie & convicted killer before South Australia parliament elections.


represented the electoral district of Kaurna in the South Australian House of Assembly for the Labor Party from 1997 to 2014, Director University of South Australia in 2024

The same John David HILL & same broken nose
John Hill’s Parliamentary career began in 1997. John Hill has served in a number of ministerial roles – including Minister for Environment and Conservation [2002–2006], Minister for Health [2005–2013] and assistant Minister and Minister for the Arts [2002–2013]. John retired from the Cabinet in 2013 and Parliament in 2014 and is a member of various boards – including:  Bellberry Ltd and Private Healthcare Australia.

John was appointed as Deputy Chancellor in December 2018 and Chancellor in May 2024.

Australia’s first & only 100% honest and respectful investigative journalist.

When sheep happily keep company with wolves then only the wolves will thrive.

If anyone has been told by a person that they "know" me its a lie as since the Tripartizans illegally blocked me from access to my (then) still current elected local council position in 1999 & was informed by neighbours that 'other neighbours' had been spreading false claims of me being a prostitute because my adult sons would visit me I intentionally don't keep company with anyone. The Tripartizan of Freemasons Liberal & Labor have brainwashed all my family against me Any friends were either bribed or brainwashed if they refused the bribe. Government officials (including rape investigating police) sympathetic to the FREEMASON cause, called me a liar behind my back to others (despite the evidence I'd been extensively stitched by Dr Bullock after my 1959 Cooma NSW rape) they insisted I'd not had children if I were raped as a toddler therefore I was also lying about witnessing child rape & murder in 1967. That was a matter FREEMASON Judge Lloyd Dengate Stacey WADDY insisted was fact during a 100% unrelated Family Law Act matter in 1999 (after my defacto husband's brainwashed mum put that baseless claim in an affidavit) claiming her hearsay information was from a Ms Lesley CONNOLLY from Campbelltown NSW police station. Others criminally falsified Government records to render me an unreliable witness against seeing their child sex crimes & murders since I was 10 or 11 years old & lying a