Every person in Australia can give more than one example of Government negligence derived from the personal arrogance of one public officer. One outstanding fairly recent one for me was when effluent bubbled into my back yard, then when it was being cleared bubbled into my kitchen sink. I'm in a State housing rental. Staff charged me AU$100 for the plumbers fee to unclog the drain claiming that because, "You're the only person it happened to" as their lawful grounds to invoice me. It backed up again few months later. Unlike the first older one, this younger plumber probably wasn't Freemason. He called out State Water to look at the blockage he said was under the road. State Water employee also an older person but not an arsehole, told me there were tree roots clogging the drain under the road which they had to clear. The plumber's clue it was street clogging & not my effluent came from presence of cigarette buts in the overflowing sewerage in my back yard, both times - I don't smoke. The reason I was the only one in the street effected was because my property is at the lowest point. State Housing refuse to credit me the illegal AU$100 plumbing charge. That's an example of negligence however because it was willful and negligence isn't its an element of Misfeasance in public office, but can't stand alone because Misfeasance must also include personal injury, apparently from my research. If this State Government functioned in reference to the laws made by virtue of out Federal Constitution as it should, the first plumber should have faced professional negligence charges and faced a financial penalty & permanently banned from access to Government contracts. GOVERNMENT IS NOT MANDATED TO ACT ILLEGALLY or against the best interests of the general public.What about my AU$100? State parliament won't let us appeal to Civil Court for tenancy matters because Parliament set up illegally functioning Tribunals that always deem illegally in favour of Government against me, proved below see SACAT.
Because no Government has any constitutional authority to act illegally, when they defend their actions in Court or Tribunal, they commit an infringement against the Federal Constitution. They act illegally by defending an unlawful action of any public officer. Like the lengthy defence of SAPOL officers welding persons inside a steel container near Beverly SA, because they were peacefully demonstrating against a uranium mine on the land. The defence along with thousands of others was misappropriation of funds. See White v State of South Australia, 10 citizens, assaulted by 25 public officers from SAPOL, South Australia's police department tasked under section 5 of the Police Act 1998 (SA) with "preventing crime" not perpetrating it. Government claimed the protesters were acting "feral" the facts indicate the police officers were the "ferel ones in this equation." Everything they did was illegal, see If private persons had done what these SAPOL (police) persons did they all would be facing prison, but for undeclared reasons Parliament not only allow their Gestapoesq police to act criminally, they encourage illegal activity if the general day-to-day performance of their police. There is much debate for Uranium as source of energy. Logic tells us that if Government have so little care for safety of persons in this matter, they have the same manner of disregard for all of us regardless of any distinguishing differences, particularly in use of Uranium as power source that provides Government with income stream which always PRIMARILY benefits the Party Faithful, NEVER the greater public. This incident, all of my evidence herewith, these matters prove 100% the Australia's State, Territory & Federal police are employed by their Parliaments or CEO specifically to impose their Political Party's unconstitutional political causes on Australian citizens or residents, despite Australian law to the contrary. That fact had to be evident to you surely? When the Labor Party Prime Minister used public money for his "Voice in Parliament" campaign drive, instead of Labor Party funds. The constitution allows elected representative to be everyone's "voice in parliament" if they can't its because of the Political Party holding Government is holding them back. That fact was crystal clear when various persons have been expelled or chastised for voting in parliament against "caucus decision" of their political party. Caucus decisions are no different to bribing a parliamentarian for their vote - caucus is the political (Party) Organization's undue illegal influence on the vote of an elected person, elected because they are a free thinking person not a science fiction representation of a nodding robot-android. If that were not the case then we'd only need one person in parliament to represent the numbers of persons elected to parliament for that political party - one (1) person per Party in Parliament when sitting is not in the Constitution - therefore caucus is constitutionally barred - its damn well illegal you pack of drongos.
Its Labor or Liberals or nothing - you're dead or tortured for life! Just like Catholic Borgia family of Italy 500 years ago. When we look back on history we see that the majority of people have
supported pure goodness over evil. Sure evil controlled much of this
time, but they only did so under the banner of good. They only failed
when some group more evil took control by force. Still the symbol of
good prevailed. None used a demon as their idol, their God, even Hitler's Germany used an ancient symbol of peace in the 'swastika' - all the evil dynasties and fake democracy dictatorships like England, Australia & USA, use some symbol of goodness, usually Jesus. This means, once again, the vast
majority of people want to be ruled by goodness – not evil
terrorists like we have with Australia’s Labor Party; and
Australia’s Liberal Party; and Australia’s secret political
party, Freemasons; or any other secret terrorist overlord. Only
mandate any Australian political party has is to comply with Australian law and the spirit of goodness. The
only mandate is good government. Lets see how many votes they get if they campaign under the face of an evil dictator - lets say, "friends of Adolph Hitler & other surgical rapists." Or perhaps, "a vote for us (Labor or Liberal) is your legal conscent for our associates to openly abduct your little children to keep as sex slaves, or secretly drug and rape them. " Or even, "Vote for us, Liberal or Labor, doesn't matter, we'll both increase the numbers of serious crime supporters in State & Federal police, court systems & health departments." - At present these two aspersions are quite accurate in reflection of how these two groups run their police departments, on the court's documented evidence & from my person EXPERIENCE.
Yet almost 80 YEARS after end of World War Two (WWII) and dismantling of the Gernam NazI Party Australia decides its wise to misappropriate public resources to ban Nazi Swastika & the Hail-Hitler Saluteeighty years!!! Whist simultaneously refusing to recognise my legal rights in Australia NOT to be illegally surgically mutilated, or illegally suppressed by government officials by being blocked in my right to seek legal redress for illegally government funded crimes against myself. Is this double standard supporting the Nazi cause? Yes it damn well is.
Once Upon A Time
Like I’ve been writing on my various websites since 2006, it’s a
classic “Once upon a time” evil stepmother story only its real
life and the step-mother are the Freemasons. I didn’t betray them I
witnessed their crimes so they decided to ruin all my “happily ever
afters” – Sound familiar? I’ve been writing about this on the
Internet since 2006 sending the links to official email addresses of
Labor Party, Liberal Party, and Allen & Unwin publishers in
Sydney as my antagonists. My websites have been recorded in 2007 in
South Australia State health department records as “propaganda” –
the “Once Upon A Time” USA TV series (2011-2018) their back-story
is same like the producers say in their interviews, all stories come
from real life. The internet is the best place for that. Also
recorded in South Australia State health department records is the
statement to other health department medical personnel that one
senior psychiatrist had contacted “named” person about me but
that name is not on any physician registry, its the name of a USA
film director. My access to the State court system has been blocked
since I moved to South Australia in 2006, and I’ve created no
friendships, so I’ve not done anything in South Australia to
justify anyone’s need to take revenge on me in South Australia. It
appears its all been to make a “great film” story for someone
else associated with 1960s Freemasons I witnessed perpetrate heinous
crimes against children – they’d all be over 85 in 2024 so its
not them personally, it’s their associates who’ve created all
this tragedy in my family brainwashing my children so they believe an
alternate reality about me - after I moved to South Australia – the “Once Upon A Time” curse on
the people of Storybrooke.
What these Government terrorist do to their witness-victims is take them back emotionally to childhood, make the feel unloved & worthless so they become powerless and no longer a threat as a witness. If that fails, as it did with me, they resort to falsifying records to criminally defame them as they did to me claiming I made false allegations to police of "sexual assault" aginst a member of parliament in 1999 NSW. If that were true it'd have been plastered across the newspapers, as you know it wasn't because I didn't but it remains as part of the fake mental record they compiled against me in secret in 21st century Adelaide, in the State of South Australia, protecting 20th century pedophiles in the State of New South Wales. Its not rocket science dear reader, its terrorism & parliamentary child-rape cover ups. I'll say it often - I'm an INTJ personality, its nice to be loved but I can live quite fulfilled without it. I don't need physical stimulation. I don't crave human interaction. If I were the last person on Earth with no technology I'd survive happily because I have my own inventive thoughts to keep me company. Perhaps one of the great benefits of being INTJ is compliments & skillful flattery roll off me like water off a duck's back. Part the reason I've often been heard quoting Daffy Duck with, "Not this little black duck."
Evidence says whomever is behind the “Once Upon A Time” USA TV
series are Freemasons associated with Freemasons in Australia
1989 New South Wales: Sydney & Wollondilly Shire, without lawful authority NSW officials stole my biometric identity (head & shoulders image) as the police identity of alleged murder victim Leanne WALTERS aged 14 on death on Fathers Day 1984 in Australia's federal Treasurer Paul KEATING's electorate.
1991 New South Wales: Wollondilly Shire during May & June I was pregnant with my 5th child & repeatedly secretly & criminally drugged, secretly surgically raped & secretly impregnated by Picton NSW physicians with illegal implants that they & others activated at later dates.
1991 New South Wales: August Camden MacArthur Credit Union officials criminally conspired with local police and others as they secretly & criminally transferred ownership of my Torrens Title (in my Cooma NSW registered birth name, Janette Gail FRANCIS) in Wollondilly Shire, to my de-facto partner Owen HALL.
1994 New South Wales: without lawful authority & at gunpoint, two uniformed police & one police detective Paul SHIELS (brother of Martin SHIELS) threaten to arrest me in a public place on baseless claims of me being "Leanne WALTRS who faked her death in 1984".
2003 New South
Wales: in criminal defamation State police commissioner’s office
letter declared by effect that they had (illegally) outlawed me
removing all protections of Australian law enforced by Australia’s
police departments.
2004 New South
Wales: in criminal defamation State police illegally arrested &
charged me then State court illegally imposed sentence with no lawful
grounds – evidence of 1%er terrorists controlling State Government.
2004 I relocated to
South Australia’s Adelaide, capitol city region.
2006 South
Australia: in criminal defamation South Australia health &
housing personnel falsified documents to start a fake mental illness
record about me using the back-story, that I “witnessed murder in
NSW” therefore I’m paranoid.
2006 November 17, I
was remotely criminally assaulted via the illegal “ACTIVE IMPLANTED
MEDICAL DEVICES” Illegally implanted in my person during 1990s when
I was mid-term pregnant & living in the Wollondilly Shire.
2007 South
Australia: March & May in criminal defamation & again with no
lawful grounds, South Australia health department records state my
websites & car contain propaganda, they included the words “Allen
& Unwin P/L” nothing about any Government at that stage.
2007 South
Australia: in criminal defamation & again with no lawful grounds,
South Australia health & police department records claim I
criminally assaulted various persons – nothing was ever proved in
any court but the false allegation records remain as true fact in
Later in 2007 I
started writing about the illegal actions of government public
officers in South Australia.
2010 South
Australia: in criminal defamation & again with no lawful grounds,
South Australia judiciary refused to recognise my legal grounds to
sue State police for false imprisonment, assault & battery –
evidence of outlawry in South Australia.
2011 Freemason
associates of Sydney’s Allen & Unwin P/L secured grants from
two governments & Network 10 Television to make TV Series on the
book they used in 1989 to criminally defame me with 100% lies and
theft of my private photograph Government still advertises as “Leanne
Walters shot dead”.
2011 in USA “Once
Upon A Time” TV series begins. Having read my Internet website telling of my childhood nightmares of being the only one strong enough to lift a rock roof off my family, despite that I am the youngest. I suspect I'm written in to Storybrooke as Emma the one with the power to uncover the truth & break the curse when 28. I was 28 in my (1984 photo) stolen photo for "Brothers In Arms..." - Emma backwards is "Am Me". Which is what I used to respond with when I was falsely accused of being the fake-dead fakeLeanne WALTERS. There are no coincidence in political crimes. Parramatta NSW Family Court record number involving my husband Mr PETERS is 302. Family Court record involving my de-facto Mr HALL is 3302 almost two decades apart. I was 2 years old on 3 March 1959 when brutally raped (requiring many stitches to stop me bleeding to death, by Dr Bullock in his private doctor's room in Cooma) by my Freemason male parent who was illegally included in my 3302 Parramatta NSW Family Court record to make criminally false orders by Freemason Judge Lloyd Dengate Stacey WADDY assisted by Court appointed Freemason child lawyer David DUNKLEY from Springwood NSW, whom WADDY (illegally) publicly had lunch with during the hearing where they referred to each other as Brother WADDY or Brother DUNKLEY, the Freemason greeting custom. Despite that my male parent was sentenced in Cooma Local Court (1959 or 1960) & spent time in prison, WADDY claimed I lied in my 1998 police statement about the 1959 rape to justify his directly-biased 1st September 2000 orders against me. I wrote in my website I was too "shattered" to appeal. I suspect this was SLOWMAN/STYLES reference to "Humpty Dumpty" and why they started to brainwash my children against me. Possibly anticipating I'd emotionally crumble and take my own life or be unable to sue them. I relayed in my websites that I had been so emotionally damaged by my (unconstitutional) treatment at the hands of WADDY & DUNKLEY that I thought I heard voices at back of the otherwise empty room & rapidly turned to look to see if (townspeople) they had left thatches at the door, as my mind told me that meant they intended to burn me as a witch, probably prompted by his dialogue & fact Judge was wearing a dirty grey unkempt wig with his vicious facial expressions & his outrageously unreasonable & baseless accusation of what he decided was my "thoughts". The state of mind was accompanied by smells and momentary hallucinations of people dressed for the era. Possibly a past life memory, I've had a quite a few as a child. Or simply the trauma of the illegal psychological assault from the judicial bench - IIED (tort law) intentional infliction of emotional distress for his Freemason cause. Lasted seconds, broken when I saw DUNKLEY turn to see what I was looking at. The transcript indicates I refused to answer any more of WADDY's interrogations. That's precisely why I purchased the transcript of the hearing, but I was still too emotionally shattered to pursue the appeal self-represented as I was - 25 years later I'm still emotionally prevented from being able to read through the entire transcript. Thing most don't understand, because I've probably not stated it clear enough, is that I was "shattered" due to the betrayal, not because of my male parent - I was over tat when I was little, the betrayal came from WADDY as the last element of Government who had betrayed me after parliament & the police all that was left as hope is the judiciary. Like usually I can push that behind me and keep looking for someone in judiciary who isn't a pedophile supporter. I suspect I'll never get to. Dr Google tells us to practice avoidance of stress triggers when one is suffering Post Traumatic Stress. Guess that's why I've avoided making friendships as this family were some of my 1984 friends at Visyboard Warwick Farm, the group who betrayed me most & pursued my family with heartless aggression, infuriating personal lives of my siblings & my minor children behind my back, specifically to turn them against me with a bunch of baseless false stories; including in this dragnet some of my residential neighbours - in every of the many towns I relocated to across Australia since they stole my Torrens Title - & any person in Government or private industry I spoke to for any reason over the years, murdering anyone who stood by me (Jack BASSET claimed as self-inflicted ( -24Apr1988) as he gave evidence supporting me, to Camden NSW police; my grandmother known as "Bunny" Mrs Lindsay Milton BUNDOCK (1907-27Nov1989) because she recognized me as Leanne WALTERS in advertisements for the BIA book to medical personnel at her Ashfield senior's residential facility; my husband William PETERS (1953-19Jul2008) because he wrote a statement declaring it was me in the BIA photo labelled "Leanne Walters, shot dead", a number of police officers I asked to investigate the matter in Campbelltown NSW & Raymond Terrace NSW also claimed as self-inflicted, & others, one specifically in retrospect I suspect is the person of BIA photo labelled as "Morts later" (James MORTON allegedly of 1984 Comanchero Motorcycle Club) - this person had been at prior meetings evidently observing me, he was shot during a struggle at top of the stairs that I was standing at base of, second after he told me to leave the building I'd just entered from Queen Street side of the old Milgate Lane, Campbelltown NSW for scheduled South-West Sydney Regional Development Organization, meeting ASSOCIATED WITH WOLLONDILLY SHIRE COUNCIL, I was Council's endorsed. I said I'd go to police station. He said, "Don't they are (Campbelltown NSW) police." Before I left the stairway I looked back to see the struggle was over a handgun. After I heard the muffled gunshot, against my 1st instinct, I ran as he asked remembering what Jack BASSET told me. 2001 after I wrote to NSW police commissioner, that I attended the Pinegrove cemetery - because BIA book said it was Comanchero Motorcycle Club burial grounds, to look for Mr MORTON's headstone, if it existed. I found it, the date is from my memory, in the general time of the SWSRDO meeting events described above. I left a couple of hundred Blue Iris & Yellow Rose flowers at both Pinegrove Cemetery & Rookwood Cemetery burial place for Bandido Motorcycle Club persons evidently also killed as part of Australia's national FREEMASON CHILD WITNESS purge, on Fathers Day 1984. Trauma always makes remembering a barrier for me as my usual reaction (all my life) has been to bury the memory with voluntary amnesia so I can retain it without extreme psychological harm to me. Was only 2001, when I saw the "Morts later" (ponytail) photo that my memory of this murder returned - Seconds before his murder Jack BASSET protected me from his Freemason police killers with a FREEMASON PLEA they all honour as part of their crime oath - so I'm thinking in retrospect, softly spoken Mr Morton was hired by Freemason police officers to kill me. He decided I was too 'genuinely nice' (which he said to me quite a few times) hey murdered him because he refused. These murders have been fully supported by Australia's police departments and parliaments who unconstitutionally refuse to investigate an matter of any item of significant evidence of any kind I've provided to the Governments. Like Stephen King's Children Of The Corn they become the one family of psychotic motherfukers. Family of pure evil, if the devil is real he's personified in each of them. I remind you a Sydney young woman around my own ageSally-Anne HUCHSTEP was murdered by still unidentified person/s in 1986 after she went public about being witness to police murder her boyfriend. This Fathers Day 1984 matter, it includes dozens of police, dozens of physicians, dozens of court staff and exposes more than 2 crooked cops in Sydney, Canberra and Adelaide AUSTRALIA, & several Prime Ministers & their political parties. If I were Catholic I'd be Saint Janette by now. As a point of interest there are said to be more than 10,000 Catholic Saints - in my Family Tree (of about 60,000 persons listed, not all blood related as includes married-into family persons) there are about 450 Grandparents listed as "Saint" up to my 63 generation. Search criteria limited to 63 in RootsMagic. It includesthis person in my 55th Grandparent generationwhich is intriguing to me a fact-tition - how do they know thus as fact? I also point out that I have no religion & no Saintly desires. See, I do have other interests! however, I only believe what I've experienced, fake or fact, its an "experienced fact" none-the-less & only believe what I can prove on documents, fake or fact they're still official Government documents passed off as fact still largely unproved unless they have some other significant supporting evidence, which also has convincing supported evidence et cretera. Recorded history to me is interesting but remains largely unproven. Which is why I tend to always search for records to prove what I've personally witnessed. Sometimes it means walking around a very large cemetery looking for names or dates. Evidence directs me that, that need is now in my distant past. Ergo, if I'm found dead in a cemetery when I'm expected to still be alive, its murder. Likewise if they claim I took my own life, its murder. If I'm under extreme stress I experience stress amnesia, problem solved. Here, I feel the need to add that upon realizing my three adult sons had been progressively brainwashed since 1998, I decided to move away from them so they wouldn't be brainwashed to murder me, believing I was also protecting them, suspecting their brainwashing would stop - it didn't evidently.One had told me a man told him he (tmy son) was his (the stranger's) apprentice. My son said to me he saw me there (when the stranger said that to him) & asked me who the strange man was. I had no memory of that event. My sons were only adults I allowed into my life, then & since. It was Peter Robert BRADBURY of Mary Street The Oaks NSW who shot Jack BASSET inside back room of Camden NSW John Street police station. I suspect he was the same Freemason Peter mentioned in Goulburn NSW local newspaper, who moved into 80 Gibson Street Goulburn NSW public housing opposite me after I relocated from BRANXTON NSW & I'd seen him in back of the tiny Branxton Post Office as the mailman. These facts are repeated many times in this website, for good reason. When I was Wollindilly Shire elected councillor Hall, fellow councillor Christine TOWNDROW asked me a question about my parents, I heard myself answer a lie, I heard myself say in response to my own lie, "That's a lie" but was unable to say the truth. You can only imaging how violated that feels to an introverted person like me who never spoke of my family or any part of my private life to anyone I hadn't shared it with, not even my husband who I shared the most with & remained 100% faithful. That's when I knew I'd been brainwashed. When I knew TOWNDROW & other fellow elected councillors & office staff were brainwashing me after secretly drugging me in my coffee at Council meetings & started my stealthy evidence gathering.
2014 New South Wales: Sydney Federal Court, Peter BANKI tables a paperback written by DNA mother of one of the 2 authors of Allen & Unwin's "Brothers In Arms ..." in her self-published book she extensively criminally defames me by false attribution of my Copyright literary works and malicious infringements on those moral rights by derogatory treatment of my literary works in my website. In her Wollondilly Shire newspaper advertisement for her book the mother refers to herself as nursery rhyme character, "Humpty Dumpty". BANKI also filed an affidavit with exhibits containing 300 pages from my websites. These 2 separate actions of BANKI as the Allen & Unwin legal representative legally links in crime, Allen & Unwin's directors & the criminal defamation's of the mother in her 2014 published paperback she titled "Kangaroo Court" which was the effect on me by of her criminally false-story about me.
I've been unable to secure any consent by newspaper publishers to story any facts of this True-Government-Crime story since 1999 as they have for Allen & Unwin's "Brothers In Arms ..." or the mother's "Kangaroo Court". Even after I published in paperback mid 2024. I say that's because this FREEMASON family have been criminally stalking me since we worked at the same Liverpool NSW area office in 1984, me as Janette Gail FRANCIS, them as Elaine SLOWMAN (author Lynette STYLES & probably Pamela WALTERS fake DNA mother of fake-Leanne WALTERS) & her three daughters, Jennifer (author Jennifer COOKE) Leanne (BIA author Sandra HARVEY & 1984 newspaper's dead fake-Leanne WALTERS) and Lorraine (Lorraine WALTERS, step-mother of the fake Leanne WALTERS & 1984 newspaper's other dead fake-Leanne WALTERS) linked to Douglas SLOWMAN, director/secretary of Allen & Unwin, & Unwin Hyman, & Rupert Murdock's Harper-Collins, in Scotland United Kingdom. Click-click-boom.
If I was actually that Leanne WALTERS then I was fertile when 3 years old & statutory raped, my 1st child was born when I was 4 years old, I was married by Victoria's Government when I was 5 years old, statutory raped when 5 years old & my 2nd child was born when I was 6 years old, statutory raped when 7 years old & my 3rd child was born when I was 8 years old. Obviously this scenario is impossible - else it opens up a Pandora's Box of Australian Freemason Government facilitated statutory raped & child trafficking which is what they are attempting to cover up with the fake Leanne WALTERS false-story. This absurdity established as fact 2 things: (1) I wasn't the first Leanne WALTERS in 1984 as the reality of my age and life before 1984 couldn't possibly fit the 143 year old tag. (2) I was slotted into this fake-story by the publication of the paperback "Brothers In Arms ..." in 1989 - where instead of using the official death age of 14 for their fake-Leanne they upped the age to 15 editing my stolen phote to remove all definition from mt face before pasting to their SEX LICENSE card with new death age of 15 & still stated on back cover as 15 . That happened after I witnessed the murder of Freemason & senior citizen, retired Cooma NSW police officer, Jack BASSET, one of many persons who gave his life to preserve mine so I could live to uncover the insidious plot of this true-Government-crime story.
Once upon a time there was a culture of sex crimes against children, openly funded by the white-Australia Freemason Government ...
Email Hacking
When one receives email response from many legal firms ... lets take Perth (Western Australia) advertising Copyright Act legal expertise; when the email is sent in response to my request for legal representation in Federal Copyright Act (law) matter with evidence & grounds to sue the State of South Australia; when the responding email states thus: "Unfortunately we are unable to assist you with your matter"; then there can be no legal reason why that legal firm would respond thus as there would be no "client" relationship between lawyers in Western Australia and the Government of South Australia. Therefore one of three criminal probabilities caused the sending of that email. Considering South Australia State police department unconstitutionally refuse my face-to-face requests to investigate any of the associated crimes in this website, you may have an opinion. This is a multi-million dollars in LEGAL FEES matter - involving many corporations, over 100 professionals & three Government jurisdictions over 40 years - its not something a legal firm would pass up because they don't have enough staff, THEY'D HIRE STAFF SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS MATTER. These are the only relevant criminal probabilities as I see the matter, which I add, has occurred 90% of the time I've phoned or emailed or personally visited any Australian legal firm - regardless of size or international standing.
1) That my email service has been criminally hacked into by third
party to send me false emails.
2) That the lawyer/firm have been
criminally threatened with harm against representing me.
3) That the
lawyer/firm have been criminally bribed not to represent me.
Federal crime in above 3 instances would be CRIMES ACT 1914 - SECT 42 Conspiracy to defeat justice plus many associated State crimes in both South & Western Australia & the terrorist act definition at 100.1 Criminal Code Act, Schedule "...seriously interferes with, seriously disrupts, or destroys, an electronic system including...".
There are no lawful grounds whatsoever for police departments to refuse in the 3 jurisdictions - South Australia or Federal or New South Wales - to refuse to investigate these matters herewith as ideology or political terrorism for the illegal causes of these three Government's Labor Party & Liberal Party. Ergo, refusing to investigate these matters herewith as being one related matter, is in itself an act of terrorism against the Australian Federal Government.
Likewise Federal Parliament continued support of the unconstitutional Australia Act 1986is also a terrorist avt because the intent, the purpose or the effect of the Australia Act is to indirectlyalter the Australian Constitution without the need for any referendum to alter our Constitution as the Constitution demands for all alterations. It would appear on the documents that the Australia Act 1986 is linked to the 1984 alleged murders of seven persons in the federal electorate of 1986 Treasurer, Paul Keating MP and all these matters herewith in this website, Paul. But what would I know? I have no tertiary qualifications. I'm just a single mum. Thick as a brick.